Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Ten, Question 2, Page 162.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
The church is now the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), which we all are members of. As we manifest Christ, we function as parts of His body:
Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.
Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow. As apprentices of Jesus, we are to learn how to speak the words of Jesus - not with shallow clichés and unhelpful generalities, but with a "well-instructed tongue"that speaks"the word that sustains the weary" (Isaiah 50:4).
Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing. He was always ready to act radically (in a thorough or fundamental way; completely) and compassionately - and to touch the untouchable.
Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26).
When we respond to God in faithful obedience and consecrate ourselves to Him, Christ will use our hands, our feet, our mouths, our eyes, and our ears as His own. We will see as He sees, hear as He hears, speak as He speaks, and do as He does. He is thus incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.
How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this?
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). This is one of His key ministries. Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.
Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
I did not attend church and is a retiree. My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. We would greet each other and for next 5 to 10 minutes talking about the weather, our sleeping and waking up hours. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.
We would continue our morning walk, meeting other uncles and stop for a short chatting session. We would then continue on our way back, talking with another uncle as we walked along. We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. We would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.
We met other uncles at the start of the PCN on our return journey, and do the usual morning chatting. At times we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices"in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.
My sister and I would then walk the remaining 2 km back home. We would have accomplish our daily 10,000 steps as recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for a healthy lifestyle. Although we are retirees, we still need to be responsible and do our part to stay healthy. Everyday, early in the morning we would "struggle"to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
During our other available time we would try to create biblical reflections and share the good news on social media like this one. Slowly by using our hands, the Internet, and computer applications, we create blogs to share what we have read from books and newspapers, information gathered from listening to others, and experience from events happening while walking with the uncles along the PCN.
We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday's life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
Artwork by Ron DiCianni - The Sower
Picture posted by
What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives? How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this? Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Having Christ's Character and Ministry [1]
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
![What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?]()
PHOTO: What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
Picture posted by Joyceph on 18 August 2017,h_780,al_c,lg_1,q_85/0feccd_95d8e1ce1dfc4187931ad4ce92e6b3d1~mv2.jpg
This idea was expressed by a 16th-century Spanish nun and mystic, St Teresa of Ávila, as such:
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which He looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the hands,
With which He blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes, you are His body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes with which He looks
Compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours. [41]
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
The church is now the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), which we all are members of. As we manifest Christ, we function as parts of His body:
Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.
Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow. As apprentices of Jesus, we are to learn how to speak the words of Jesus - not with shallow clichés and unhelpful generalities, but with a "well-instructed tongue"that speaks"the word that sustains the weary" (Isaiah 50:4).
Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing. He was always ready to act radically (in a thorough or fundamental way; completely) and compassionately - and to touch the untouchable.
Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26).
When we respond to God in faithful obedience and consecrate ourselves to Him, Christ will use our hands, our feet, our mouths, our eyes, and our ears as His own. We will see as He sees, hear as He hears, speak as He speaks, and do as He does. He is thus incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.
How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this?
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). This is one of His key ministries. Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.
Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
I did not attend church and is a retiree. My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. We would greet each other and for next 5 to 10 minutes talking about the weather, our sleeping and waking up hours. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.
We would continue our morning walk, meeting other uncles and stop for a short chatting session. We would then continue on our way back, talking with another uncle as we walked along. We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. We would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.
We met other uncles at the start of the PCN on our return journey, and do the usual morning chatting. At times we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices"in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.
My sister and I would then walk the remaining 2 km back home. We would have accomplish our daily 10,000 steps as recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for a healthy lifestyle. Although we are retirees, we still need to be responsible and do our part to stay healthy. Everyday, early in the morning we would "struggle"to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
During our other available time we would try to create biblical reflections and share the good news on social media like this one. Slowly by using our hands, the Internet, and computer applications, we create blogs to share what we have read from books and newspapers, information gathered from listening to others, and experience from events happening while walking with the uncles along the PCN.
We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday's life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
Artwork by Ron DiCianni - The Sower
Picture posted by
What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives? How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this? Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Having Christ's Character and Ministry [1]
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.

PHOTO: What does it mean to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives?
Jesus told His disciples, "very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing" (John 14:12). When Jesus is incarnated in us, we become His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
Picture posted by Joyceph on 18 August 2017,h_780,al_c,lg_1,q_85/0feccd_95d8e1ce1dfc4187931ad4ce92e6b3d1~mv2.jpg
This idea was expressed by a 16th-century Spanish nun and mystic, St Teresa of Ávila, as such:
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which He looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the hands,
With which He blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet.
Yours are the eyes, you are His body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours
Yours are the eyes with which He looks
Compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours. [41]
PHOTO: 16th-century Spanish nun and mystic, St Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582), a Spanish nun, theologian, mystic, writer of such spiritual classics as Interior Castle and Way of Perfection, one of only two female Doctors of the Church, and founder of the order of Discalced Carmelites. The term ‘discalced’ means without shoes and was chosen by Teresa to signify their poverty. She first joined a Carmelite convent at the Monastery of the Incarnation in Avila but was disappointed with their spiritual lassitude and worldly ways, so she established the reformed Discalced order. She went on to found seventeen houses of the order for women throughout Spain, often facing severe opposition. - posted in Art, Faith and tagged art, art history, Bernini, Catholic, contemplation, Teresa of Avila on 28 March 2015 (birthday of Teresa of Avila) - Bernini, "Ecstasy of St. Teresa",
Artwork by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, "Ecstasy of Saint Teresa", 1647-52 Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome
Picture posted by
The church is now the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), which we all are members of. As we manifest Christ, we function as parts of His body:
Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.
![Being His Ears]()
PHOTO: Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.
No matter what decisions we’re making day to day, we can’t go wrong when we exhibit love, joy, peace, etc., to the glory of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.
Picture posted by SlidePlayer
Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow. As apprentices of Jesus, we are to learn how to speak the words of Jesus - not with shallow clichés and unhelpful generalities, but with a "well-instructed tongue" that speaks "the word that sustains the weary"(Isaiah 50:4).
Artwork by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, "Ecstasy of Saint Teresa", 1647-52 Cornaro Chapel, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome
Picture posted by
The church is now the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27), which we all are members of. As we manifest Christ, we function as parts of His body:
Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.

PHOTO: Being His Ears
Some of us can act as Christ's ears, listening as people pour out their griefs and woes. Whether it is a lonely child, a dying woman, or an imprisoned criminal, we can help being the healing process in them. In a world that revolves around self-centredness, we can demonstrate how Jesus still ministers to those who are suffering.
No matter what decisions we’re making day to day, we can’t go wrong when we exhibit love, joy, peace, etc., to the glory of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in us.
Picture posted by SlidePlayer
Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow. As apprentices of Jesus, we are to learn how to speak the words of Jesus - not with shallow clichés and unhelpful generalities, but with a "well-instructed tongue" that speaks "the word that sustains the weary"(Isaiah 50:4).
PHOTO: Being His Mouth
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow.
Picture posted by The Black Reel Awards, Saluting African-Americans in Films on 25 January 2013
Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing. He was always ready to act radically (in a thorough or fundamental way; completely) and compassionately - and to touch the untouchable.
![Being His Hands]()
PHOTO: Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing.
Picture posted by - Art of Mandy Jurgens - Light study
And one of Christ's followers who did just that was Mary Reed, an American missionary to India. After visiting a leper colony and witnessing their suffering, she decided to minister to them, which involved touching them and nursing their wounds. Soon, she caught the disease herself, and moved into the leper colony, where she became its chief. That position allow her to preach Christ, which resulted in many converts and the establishment of a church within the colony. Reed served Christ in the colony until she died in 1943 at the age of 84. Through her hands, lepers saw the hands of Jesus and felt His loving touch, and turned to Christ in response.
Others can function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. It could be a colleague in the office, a neighbour, a distant relative, a stranger in the airport, a postman or cleaner, a construction worker, a refugee, or a widow.
Picture posted by The Black Reel Awards, Saluting African-Americans in Films on 25 January 2013
Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing. He was always ready to act radically (in a thorough or fundamental way; completely) and compassionately - and to touch the untouchable.

PHOTO: Being His Hands
Through our hands, Christ can reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. While He was on earth, Jesus touched lepers (Matthew 8:3) - something that others would never do for fear of becoming infected, and also because it would make them ritually impure - and gave them dignity and healing.
Picture posted by - Art of Mandy Jurgens - Light study
And one of Christ's followers who did just that was Mary Reed, an American missionary to India. After visiting a leper colony and witnessing their suffering, she decided to minister to them, which involved touching them and nursing their wounds. Soon, she caught the disease herself, and moved into the leper colony, where she became its chief. That position allow her to preach Christ, which resulted in many converts and the establishment of a church within the colony. Reed served Christ in the colony until she died in 1943 at the age of 84. Through her hands, lepers saw the hands of Jesus and felt His loving touch, and turned to Christ in response.
PHOTO: Mary Reed, an American missionary to India
Missionary to the Lepers in India for 46 years. She served as Resident Superintendent of the Leper Asylum at Chandag, Pithoragarh, India for 46 years from 1892 –1938. She simultaneously served as a Missionary of the American Methodist Episcopal Mission in India in Pithoragarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Mary Reed served Christ in the colony until she died in 1943 at the age of 84. Through her hands, lepers saw the hands of Jesus and felt His loving touch, and turned to Christ in response.
Picture posted by PAUL THANASINGH (Author), JOHN WILLIAM (Author)
Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26). Perhaps there is a desperate alcoholic whom Jesus wants to visit. Or a forgotten orphanage that He wants to drop in on. Or an unknown tribe in a remote jungle that has not heard the good news about Him. Who will go to these people? Will you go?
Missionary to the Lepers in India for 46 years. She served as Resident Superintendent of the Leper Asylum at Chandag, Pithoragarh, India for 46 years from 1892 –1938. She simultaneously served as a Missionary of the American Methodist Episcopal Mission in India in Pithoragarh, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Mary Reed served Christ in the colony until she died in 1943 at the age of 84. Through her hands, lepers saw the hands of Jesus and felt His loving touch, and turned to Christ in response.
Picture posted by PAUL THANASINGH (Author), JOHN WILLIAM (Author)
Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26). Perhaps there is a desperate alcoholic whom Jesus wants to visit. Or a forgotten orphanage that He wants to drop in on. Or an unknown tribe in a remote jungle that has not heard the good news about Him. Who will go to these people? Will you go?
PHOTO: Being His Feet
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26).
Paul become a Spirit-filled witness greatly used by the Lord for His glory. He brought the gospel far and wide, and in depth across generations through his epistles.
Picture posted by Catholic Online, St. Paul Fun Facts
The words of God to the prophet Isaiah are still being heard today. "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" (Isaiah 6:8). When we respond to God in faithful obedience and consecrate ourselves to Him, Christ will use our hands, our feet, our mouths, our eyes, and our ears as His own. We will see as He sees, hear as He hears, speak as He speaks, and do as He does. He is thus incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world. As Scottish pastor Robert Murray McCheyne once observed, "It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus" [42}
How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this (to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives)?
Having Christ's Character and Ministry [1]
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). This is one of His key ministries. Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
![How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this (to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives)?]()
PHOTO: How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this (to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives)?
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Picture posted by
Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.
![Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.]()
PHOTO: Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.
The spiritual gifts are unique blessings that God gives to individual Christians through their own personalities, talents, and abilities.
Picture posted by - Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
I did not attend church and is a retiree. My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
Christ walks today with our feet. In Romans 15:20, Paul spoke of his desire to "preach the gospel where Christ was not known". The apostle was ready to go where Jesus wanted to be. He was ever-willing to be an instrument of his Lord, who had said, "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be" (John 12:26).
Paul become a Spirit-filled witness greatly used by the Lord for His glory. He brought the gospel far and wide, and in depth across generations through his epistles.
Picture posted by Catholic Online, St. Paul Fun Facts
The words of God to the prophet Isaiah are still being heard today. "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" (Isaiah 6:8). When we respond to God in faithful obedience and consecrate ourselves to Him, Christ will use our hands, our feet, our mouths, our eyes, and our ears as His own. We will see as He sees, hear as He hears, speak as He speaks, and do as He does. He is thus incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world. As Scottish pastor Robert Murray McCheyne once observed, "It is not great talents God blesses so much as great likeness to Jesus" [42}
How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this (to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives)?
Having Christ's Character and Ministry [1]
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). This is one of His key ministries. Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.

PHOTO: How does the Holy Spirit enable us to do this (to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives)?
Christ's character is the fruit of the Spirit. When we abide in Christ, the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (John 15:4-5, Galatians 5:22-23). Each of the virtues of the Spirit's fruit was demonstrated by Christ in His relationships. When we exhibit these virtues, we reveal Christ's character, which become our character. The world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Picture posted by
Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.

PHOTO: Another ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give us spiritual gifts, enabling us to do the work of Christ.
The spiritual gifts are unique blessings that God gives to individual Christians through their own personalities, talents, and abilities.
Picture posted by - Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
I did not attend church and is a retiree. My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
PHOTO: Reflect on your own experience and assess how much of your life is a vehicle for the incarnation of Christ.
My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. We would greet each other and for next 5 to 10 minutes talking about the weather, our sleeping and waking up hours. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.
My experience and assessment is base on the uncles whom we met during our morning walk along the different parts of a Park Connector Network (PCN), and our communication throughout the journey.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. We would greet each other and for next 5 to 10 minutes talking about the weather, our sleeping and waking up hours. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.
PHOTO: My sister and I started out early before dawn to the PCN for our morning walk and exercises. We would meet the first elderly uncle who is used to waking up at around 3:50 am, and reaching the exercise point along the PCN to do his sets of vigorous work-out for about 30 minutes. When we reached him, he would have completed his morning exercises and ready for his morning walk. Sometimes he would explained that he is unable to perform all the exercises as swiftly and comfortably because of his aching body muscles and joints. We would listen and offer some encouragements to lessen his fear for not feeling as fit as when he was younger.
Picture posted by A Little Perspective’s Scripture Pictures - Isaiah 50:4
We would continue our morning walk for the next 600m where we would meet another uncle coming out of the exercise stations. Four of us would chat for the another 5 to 10 minutes before we make our way back together with the second uncle. We parted way with the first uncle who will make his way to the coffee shop for a cup before going home to fetch his grandchildren to school. Meanwhile my sister and I would be talking with the second uncle as we walked along, back for the next 2 km. We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. For 30 minutes we would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.
Picture posted by A Little Perspective’s Scripture Pictures - Isaiah 50:4
We would continue our morning walk for the next 600m where we would meet another uncle coming out of the exercise stations. Four of us would chat for the another 5 to 10 minutes before we make our way back together with the second uncle. We parted way with the first uncle who will make his way to the coffee shop for a cup before going home to fetch his grandchildren to school. Meanwhile my sister and I would be talking with the second uncle as we walked along, back for the next 2 km. We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. For 30 minutes we would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.
PHOTO: My sister and I would be talking with the uncles as we walked along the Park Connector Network (PCN). We are used to look out and warn each other of snakes, fast on-coming e-scooters, bicycles, and other dangers. For 30 minutes we would update one another on the current affairs which comprises of government policies, stock market performance, relationships, and sometime, our creator - on the need to adhere to the will and instructions of God.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
Along the way we would remove some of the obstacles for safer movement of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), bicycles, and other users. Time past very fast and soon we would reached the starting point of the PCN where we would meet another 2 uncles who would accompany the second uncle during his journey back along the PCN. Again we would chat among the five of us for about 5 to 10 minutes before we parted way. Sometimes we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices" in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
Along the way we would remove some of the obstacles for safer movement of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), bicycles, and other users. Time past very fast and soon we would reached the starting point of the PCN where we would meet another 2 uncles who would accompany the second uncle during his journey back along the PCN. Again we would chat among the five of us for about 5 to 10 minutes before we parted way. Sometimes we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices" in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.
PHOTO: Along the way we would remove some of the obstacles for safer movement of Personal Mobility Devices (PMDs), bicycles, and other users. Time past very fast and soon we would reached the starting point of the PCN where we would meet another 2 uncles to chat with. Sometimes we may be too engrossed with the topics of discussion and needed to calm each other down. We could be discussing about the "injustices" in our everyday life, and needed to remind ourselves not to succumb to our uncontrollable unhappiness.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
My sister and I would then walk the remaining 2 km back home. We would have accomplish our daily 10,000 steps as recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for a healthy lifestyle. Although we are retirees, we still need to be responsible and do our part to stay healthy. Everyday, early in the morning we would"struggle"to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - Rejuvenate Kallang River
My sister and I would then walk the remaining 2 km back home. We would have accomplish our daily 10,000 steps as recommended by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) for a healthy lifestyle. Although we are retirees, we still need to be responsible and do our part to stay healthy. Everyday, early in the morning we would"struggle"to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
PHOTO: Everyday, early in the morning we would "struggle" to get on our feet to meet the elderly uncles who would be waiting expectantly for us to arrive. God provides the PCN and the elderly uncles for us to be His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - 1,300 m “Heritage Trail” that provides a green link from Punggol Waterway Park to the Punggol Promenade Park Connector.
During our other available time we would try to create biblical reflections and share the good news on social media like this one. Slowly by using our hands, the Internet, and computer applications, we create blogs to share what we have read from books and newspapers, information gathered from listening to others, and experience from events happening while walking with the uncles along the PCN.
We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
Picture posted by URA, Urban Redevelopment Authority - 1,300 m “Heritage Trail” that provides a green link from Punggol Waterway Park to the Punggol Promenade Park Connector.
During our other available time we would try to create biblical reflections and share the good news on social media like this one. Slowly by using our hands, the Internet, and computer applications, we create blogs to share what we have read from books and newspapers, information gathered from listening to others, and experience from events happening while walking with the uncles along the PCN.
We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
PHOTO: We believe we have put in efforts in our life to be the vehicle for the incarnation of Christ, although less than mediocre. After accepting Christ and being baptised, contributions to the work of God are considered good works, which bring great satisfactions, internal happiness, and the blessed feelings. We may still have our worries, pains, and sufferings in our everyday life, we also have quiet inner rest, joy, and peace, knowing that God is walking together with us.
Picture posted by Essential Answers
Picture posted by Essential Answers
PHOTO:"Dear Lord, we pray for your help to carry the character of Christ in us and to carry on His ministry through our lives by being His ears, His mouth, His hands, and His feet. Help us to listen as people pour out their griefs and woes and function as Jesus's mouth, bringing life-giving words to those desperately in need of them. We need help to be able to reach out to touch the grieving and hurting with healing and comfort. Please help us to allow Christ to walk today with our feet, ready to go where Jesus wanted to be, and incarnated in our lives as Saviour and Lord, reaching out to the lost world.
We ask for the Holy Spirit to enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We pray to be able to exhibit these virtues, reveal Christ's character, which become our character, so that the world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen! "
Picture posted by Dr. Ece Hattat
[41] Elizabeth Knowles, ed., Oxford Dictiionary of Quotations, 7th ed. (Oxford University Press, 2009), 684. The quotation is attributed to St. Teresa, though it is not found in any of her writings.
[42] Robert Murray McCheyne and Andrew A. Bonar, Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne (London: Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1894), 241.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
We ask for the Holy Spirit to enable us to bear love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We pray to be able to exhibit these virtues, reveal Christ's character, which become our character, so that the world will then see Jesus in us and through us.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen! "
Picture posted by Dr. Ece Hattat
Reflection - Letting Christ Live in Us - Carry the character of Christ
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Ten, Question 2, Page 162.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Chapter Ten, Question 2, Page 162.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[1] From "Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation inMatthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Part III: LEARN FROM ME, Chapter Ten "Learning from Jesus: Letting Christ Live in Us", Page 154-157.[41] Elizabeth Knowles, ed., Oxford Dictiionary of Quotations, 7th ed. (Oxford University Press, 2009), 684. The quotation is attributed to St. Teresa, though it is not found in any of her writings.
[42] Robert Murray McCheyne and Andrew A. Bonar, Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray McCheyne (London: Oliphant Anderson & Ferrier, 1894), 241.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 12:27 -
Galatians 5:22-23 -
Isaiah 6:8 -
Isaiah 50:4 -
John 12:26 -
John 14:12 -
John 15:4-5 -
Matthew 8:3 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Romans 15:20 -
Galatians 5:22-23 -
Isaiah 6:8 -
Isaiah 50:4 -
John 12:26 -
John 14:12 -
John 15:4-5 -
Matthew 8:3 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Romans 15:20 -
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