Source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Epilogue, Question 2, Page 169.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book.
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
I am unable to comment like those who are eloquent, master of theology and the Bible. I am nowhere near those with such level of expertise. I am shamefully lightyears away from such solid proficiency and competence. So I could just express like a layman, a person without professional or specialized knowledge in this subject.
To me this book is like tasting hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience. We expressed it as "shiok!" in everyday Singapore English. It is an exclamation expressing admiration or approval, just like 'cool!' and 'great!' (Explanation from Google)
"Spicy hot" giving wonderful surprises, like the describing the difference between imitation and mimicry. It is really an eye opener to discover something new in this manner. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly. We will then form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.
"Sour" is when the teaching is hard to accept and our protesting spirit is evoked. For example when we are being told that attending church alone is not enough, and is meaningless without community involvement. They are many other similar instances when Christian prefer to stay on the sideline instead of participating in discipleship work. Also our mind are so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.
"Sweet" when being informed that Christian can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with our Lord. We will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.
However, knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him can be expressed in my simple way as: "shiok!". We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.
How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
I am unable to comment like those who are eloquent, master of theology and the Bible. I am nowhere near those with such level of expertise. I am shamefully lightyears away from such solid proficiency and competence. So I could just express like a layman, a person without professional or specialized knowledge in this subject.
To me this book is like tasting hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience. We expressed it as "shiok!" in everyday Singapore English. It is an exclamation expressing admiration or approval, just like 'cool!' and 'great!' (Explanation from Google)
"Spicy hot" giving wonderful surprises, like the describing the difference between imitation and mimicry. It is really an eye opener to discover something new in this manner. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly. We will then form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.
"Sour" is when the teaching is hard to accept and our protesting spirit is evoked. For example when we are being told that attending church alone is not enough, and is meaningless without community involvement. They are many other similar instances when Christian prefer to stay on the sideline instead of participating in discipleship work. Also our mind are so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.
"Sweet" when being informed that Christian can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with our Lord. We will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.
However, knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him can be expressed in my simple way as: "shiok!". We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.
How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
James Joyce's novel, Ulysses, echoes the work of the Greek poet Homer, the classic poem Odyssey. Composed around the eighth century BC, it focuses on the legendary Greek king Odysseus as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Odysseus takes a long time - 10 years - to get home to his family in Ithaca. Along the way, he suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations, but also receives hospitality and aid. The poem, which is really about a man's wandering and homecoming, is something that many of us can relate to; in fact, it echoes the central theme of our lives.
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
So He speaks to us. He calls to us by name (John 10:3). And He gives us the most important invitation we will ever receive: come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me (Matthew 11:28-29).
This book is a discussion of what this invitation means and what is expected of us if we want to take it seriously and respond to it wholeheartedly. As we reflect on Jesus' invitation, may God give us the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him we will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment.
Picture posted by Jacqi Kambish, The Presumptuous Ladybug on 08 April 2018
Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book. How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book.[1]
"In a restless world with blaring promises of fulfilment through self-help, fame and fortune which quickly fade, Bishop Robert Solomon, with humility and confidence, points us to Jesus and the true way to be fully human." - Rev. Prof. David Wilkinson, Principal of St. John's College, Professor of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
So He speaks to us. He calls to us by name (John 10:3). And He gives us the most important invitation we will ever receive: come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me (Matthew 11:28-29).
This book is a discussion of what this invitation means and what is expected of us if we want to take it seriously and respond to it wholeheartedly. As we reflect on Jesus' invitation, may God give us the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him we will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment.
Picture posted by Jacqi Kambish, The Presumptuous Ladybug on 08 April 2018
Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book. How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
Review the lessons and insights you have gained from reading this book.[1]
"In a restless world with blaring promises of fulfilment through self-help, fame and fortune which quickly fade, Bishop Robert Solomon, with humility and confidence, points us to Jesus and the true way to be fully human." - Rev. Prof. David Wilkinson, Principal of St. John's College, Professor of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK
PHOTO: "In a restless world with blaring promises of fulfilment through self-help, fame and fortune which quickly fade, Bishop Robert Solomon, with humility and confidence, points us to Jesus and the true way to be fully human." - Rev. Prof. David Wilkinson, Principal of St. John's College, Professor of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK
Picture posted by Wallpaper Flare
"Bishop Solomon is an insightful physician of the soul and a faithful exegete of Scripture. From the combination comes a profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims in today's world. A familiar verse unpacked with depth and clarity. The focus on Jesus is outstanding! A helpful and liberating book . . . I warmly commend it!" - Rt. Rev. Rennis S. Ponniah, Bishop of Singapore (The Anglican Church)
Note: Rt. Hon. definition: abbreviation for Right Honourable: a title given to important British officials such as Privy Councillors and members of the government (Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary).
Picture posted by Wallpaper Flare
"Bishop Solomon is an insightful physician of the soul and a faithful exegete of Scripture. From the combination comes a profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims in today's world. A familiar verse unpacked with depth and clarity. The focus on Jesus is outstanding! A helpful and liberating book . . . I warmly commend it!" - Rt. Rev. Rennis S. Ponniah, Bishop of Singapore (The Anglican Church)
Note: Rt. Hon. definition: abbreviation for Right Honourable: a title given to important British officials such as Privy Councillors and members of the government (Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary).
PHOTO: A profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims like us in today's world, guiding us to rest in Jesus with its penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church. We, the weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. Ultimately, all of us need to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find joy and real rest for our souls.
Picture posted by Rogery on 09 May 2016 at 6:00 pm
"I experienced a sense of being guided to rest in Jesus as I read this book. Only one who knows this rest from experience could guide in this way. Bishop Solomon offers us a treasure trove of penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church, on what true soul rest is and entails (involves, requires). The weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. The hungry will find many spiritual gems that satisfy the soul." - Rev. Dr. Jimmy Tan Boon Chai, Lecturer in Pastoral and Practical Theology, Trinity Theological College, Singapore
"How often as a pastor have I held out this promise to people and frankly not really know what it means. Thankfully, Bishop Solomon now brings a pastor's heart and a medic's diagnostic skills to this wonderful invitation of Jesus, so that it can be properly administered." - Rev. Rico Tice, Senior Minister, All Souls Church, London, Co-author and presenter of Christianity Explored
Picture posted by Rogery on 09 May 2016 at 6:00 pm
"I experienced a sense of being guided to rest in Jesus as I read this book. Only one who knows this rest from experience could guide in this way. Bishop Solomon offers us a treasure trove of penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church, on what true soul rest is and entails (involves, requires). The weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. The hungry will find many spiritual gems that satisfy the soul." - Rev. Dr. Jimmy Tan Boon Chai, Lecturer in Pastoral and Practical Theology, Trinity Theological College, Singapore
"How often as a pastor have I held out this promise to people and frankly not really know what it means. Thankfully, Bishop Solomon now brings a pastor's heart and a medic's diagnostic skills to this wonderful invitation of Jesus, so that it can be properly administered." - Rev. Rico Tice, Senior Minister, All Souls Church, London, Co-author and presenter of Christianity Explored
PHOTO: The weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. The hungry will find many spiritual gems that satisfy the soul. A good book to give to seekers as well, for all of us need to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls. Bishop Solomon now brings a pastor's heart and a medic's diagnostic skills to this wonderful invitation of Jesus, so that it can be properly administered.
Posted by phillipkay on Saturday, 05 August 2017
"Dr. Solomon's rich meditations on Matthew 11:28-30 skilfully restate Jesus' teaching in contemporary settings. It is further enhanced with a wealth of insights from past and present-day writers. Straightforward yet searching, simple yet deep, chockful of scriptural teachings and characters, and unapologetically Jesus-centred. As we read, we are both refreshed and examined by the words of Jesus. This will be a good book to give to seekers as well, for all of us need to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls." - John Chong Ser Choon, Director, Community for Spiritual Formation, Singapore
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.!['Finding Rest For The Soul' by Robert M. Solomon]()
PHOTO: "Finding Rest For The Soul" by Robert M. Solomon
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
Picture posted by Discovery House Distributors Sdn Bhd
I am unable to comment like those who are eloquent, master of theology and the Bible. I am nowhere near those with such level of expertise. I am shamefully lightyears away from such solid proficiency and competence. So I could just express like a layman, a person without professional or specialized knowledge in this subject.
To me this book is like tasting hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience. We expressed it as "shiok!" in everyday Singapore English. It is an exclamation expressing admiration or approval, just like 'cool!' and 'great!' (Explanation from Google)
Posted by phillipkay on Saturday, 05 August 2017
"Dr. Solomon's rich meditations on Matthew 11:28-30 skilfully restate Jesus' teaching in contemporary settings. It is further enhanced with a wealth of insights from past and present-day writers. Straightforward yet searching, simple yet deep, chockful of scriptural teachings and characters, and unapologetically Jesus-centred. As we read, we are both refreshed and examined by the words of Jesus. This will be a good book to give to seekers as well, for all of us need to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls." - John Chong Ser Choon, Director, Community for Spiritual Formation, Singapore
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

PHOTO: "Finding Rest For The Soul" by Robert M. Solomon
I started reading this book and responded to the questions from 09 November 2017, about a year ago. Since then I continuously tried to finish the whole book, understand, and practice the lessons learnt. I believe the insights gained from Bishop Solomon to be accurate and with depth because his writing is with reference to the Bible, other Christianity writers, and his rich experience in presenting the teaching of Jesus.
Picture posted by Discovery House Distributors Sdn Bhd
I am unable to comment like those who are eloquent, master of theology and the Bible. I am nowhere near those with such level of expertise. I am shamefully lightyears away from such solid proficiency and competence. So I could just express like a layman, a person without professional or specialized knowledge in this subject.
To me this book is like tasting hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience. We expressed it as "shiok!" in everyday Singapore English. It is an exclamation expressing admiration or approval, just like 'cool!' and 'great!' (Explanation from Google)
PHOTO: Hot spicy Asam Pedas, which is usually seafood or fish cooked in tamarind juice gravy with chilli and spices. Vegetables such as brinjals (Indian eggplants), okra (ladies' fingers) and tomatoes are added. It tastes spicy hot, sour and sweet. This dish served just with rice or noodles will give the complete amazing savouring experience.
Picture by elloslai, Photography / Still Life / Food and Drink, ©2015-2018 elloslai - Plate of tom yam seafood
"Spicy hot" giving wonderful surprises, like the describing the difference between imitation and mimicry. It is really an eye opener to discover something new in this manner. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly. We will then form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.
"Sour" is when the teaching is hard to accept and our protesting spirit is evoked. For example when we are being told that attending church alone is not enough, and is meaningless without community involvement. They are many other similar instances when Christian prefer to stay on the sideline instead of participating in discipleship work. Also our mind are so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.
"Sweet" when being informed that Christian can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with our Lord. We will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.
However, knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him can be expressed in my simple way as: "shiok!". We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.
Picture by elloslai, Photography / Still Life / Food and Drink, ©2015-2018 elloslai - Plate of tom yam seafood
"Spicy hot" giving wonderful surprises, like the describing the difference between imitation and mimicry. It is really an eye opener to discover something new in this manner. We will see and hear what God is saying to us, discover His knowledge and ways, and recognise His coming. Like children we will learn to trust Jesus simply and respond wholeheartedly. We will then form a wonderful relationship with Him, and be transformed into 'Little Christ'.
"Sour" is when the teaching is hard to accept and our protesting spirit is evoked. For example when we are being told that attending church alone is not enough, and is meaningless without community involvement. They are many other similar instances when Christian prefer to stay on the sideline instead of participating in discipleship work. Also our mind are so crowded and our heart cluttered by distractions, so that we missed out on what really mattered - hearing from Jesus.
"Sweet" when being informed that Christian can have joy and real rest for eternity in heaven with our Lord. We will find strength, peace, and joy in whatever we do, whether in our own work or in Christian ministry. By God's grace, we will become the kind of people we were meant to be - reflecting the beauty and holiness of God, and the compassion and love of Christ.
However, knowing Jesus and having a relationship with Him can be expressed in my simple way as: "shiok!". We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.
PHOTO: We experienced the much needed joy and comfort to soften the hardships and sufferings in our ever difficult world. Because of Him we have a glimpse of hope from His shinning grace and blessing. While the world continuously push us to the edge of existence, He assure us that He will be preparing for us a place in His Father's house which will be our perfect home.
Picture saved by Mrose to JOY in my heart - Jesus Loves You!
How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
Preface by Robert M. Solomon [2]
Imagine a book written about one day in your life, focusing solely on what happens to you in the course of that ordinary day. That is what the famous 1922 novel Ulysses, by celebrated writer James Joyce, is about. The protagonist (leading character) of the novel is an Irishman, Leopold Bloom, and the novel records his experiences and encounters over a single day in early 20th-century Dublin, Ireland.
Picture saved by Mrose to JOY in my heart - Jesus Loves You!
How can you apply them to your life? What are some specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling you? Speak to Him about these matters and seek to obey Him. Share your testimony and insights with others so that they, too, can be blessed.
Preface by Robert M. Solomon [2]
Imagine a book written about one day in your life, focusing solely on what happens to you in the course of that ordinary day. That is what the famous 1922 novel Ulysses, by celebrated writer James Joyce, is about. The protagonist (leading character) of the novel is an Irishman, Leopold Bloom, and the novel records his experiences and encounters over a single day in early 20th-century Dublin, Ireland.
PHOTO: The famous 1922 novel Ulysses, by celebrated writer James Joyce.
The protagonist (leading character) of the novel is an Irishman, Leopold Bloom, and the novel records his experiences and encounters over a single day in early 20th-century Dublin, Ireland.
Picture posted by Trediakovski on 06 August 2018 at 15:14 - Eve Arnold: Marilyn Monroe reading’ (1954)
Joyce's novel echoes the work of the Greek poet Homer, the classic poem Odyssey. Composed around the eighth century BC, it focuses on the legendary Greek king Odysseus(he was known to Romans as Ulysses) as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Odysseus takes a long time - 10 years - to get home to his family in Ithaca. Along the way, he suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations, but also receives hospitality and aid. The poem, which is really about a man's wandering and homecoming, is something that many of us can relate to; in fact, it echoes the central theme of our lives.
The protagonist (leading character) of the novel is an Irishman, Leopold Bloom, and the novel records his experiences and encounters over a single day in early 20th-century Dublin, Ireland.
Picture posted by Trediakovski on 06 August 2018 at 15:14 - Eve Arnold: Marilyn Monroe reading’ (1954)
Joyce's novel echoes the work of the Greek poet Homer, the classic poem Odyssey. Composed around the eighth century BC, it focuses on the legendary Greek king Odysseus(he was known to Romans as Ulysses) as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Odysseus takes a long time - 10 years - to get home to his family in Ithaca. Along the way, he suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations, but also receives hospitality and aid. The poem, which is really about a man's wandering and homecoming, is something that many of us can relate to; in fact, it echoes the central theme of our lives.
PHOTO: Joyce's novel echoes the work of the Greek poet Homer, the classic poem Odyssey. Composed around the eighth century BC, it focuses on the legendary Greek king Odysseus (he was known to Romans as Ulysses) as he journeys home after the Trojan War. Odysseus takes a long time - 10 years - to get home to his family in Ithaca. Along the way, he suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations, but also receives hospitality and aid.
Painting by Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) - PD-art-100 - Odysseus and Nausicaa
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![In the epic poem Odyssey by Homer in which Ulysses is tormented by the voices of Sirens.]()
Painting by Salvator Rosa (1615-1673) - PD-art-100 - Odysseus and Nausicaa
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

PHOTO: In the epic poem Odyssey by Homer in which Ulysses is tormented by the voices of Sirens. Ulysses tied to the mast and forcibly attendant to the Sirens' seductions. The Sirens depicted as beautiful mermaids who invade Ulysses' ship are nude and their tails disappear as they board the ship. King Odysseus faces all sorts of dangers and temptations as he journeyed back to his wife, Penelope and child in Ithaca.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Ulysses and the Sirens
Painting by Herbert James Draper - A scene from Homer's Odyssey in which Ulysses is tormented by Sirens (1909)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Ulysses and the Sirens
Painting by Herbert James Draper - A scene from Homer's Odyssey in which Ulysses is tormented by Sirens (1909)
PHOTO: The legendary Greek king Odysseus suffers shipwreck and imprisonment, and faces all sorts of dangers and temptations to get home to his family in Ithaca. The poem by Greek poet Homer is really about a man's wandering and homecoming, is something that many of us can relate to; in fact, it echoes the central theme of our lives.
Painting by William Etty (1787–1849) - The Sirens and Ulysses - Around them are strewn the decaying remains of dead sailors. In the background to the right is Ulysses' ship, Ulysses bound struggling to the mast, surrounded by his men, struggling with the sails of the boat. Meanwhile the Sirens, three nude voluptuous females on a small island, their hands raised in gesture, one playing a lyre, and all of them were singing.
Photo credit: Manchester Art Gallery
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness.]()
PHOTO: Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Picture posted by Zeltmacher - Banishment after the Fall
Jesus, however, told His disciples about His "Father's house" and assured them that He was going to prepare a place for them there (John 14:2). We can find comfort in these words, because they promise us a return to the home we have lost. And the way is through Jesus, who invites us to follow Him (John 14:6; Luke 9:23).
Painting by William Etty (1787–1849) - The Sirens and Ulysses - Around them are strewn the decaying remains of dead sailors. In the background to the right is Ulysses' ship, Ulysses bound struggling to the mast, surrounded by his men, struggling with the sails of the boat. Meanwhile the Sirens, three nude voluptuous females on a small island, their hands raised in gesture, one playing a lyre, and all of them were singing.
Photo credit: Manchester Art Gallery
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.

PHOTO: Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We instinctively sense that we belong to a perfect home somewhere, but we know that we are not there, no matter how rich we are, or how many friends we have.
Picture posted by Zeltmacher - Banishment after the Fall
Jesus, however, told His disciples about His "Father's house" and assured them that He was going to prepare a place for them there (John 14:2). We can find comfort in these words, because they promise us a return to the home we have lost. And the way is through Jesus, who invites us to follow Him (John 14:6; Luke 9:23).
PHOTO: Jesus told His disciples about His 'Father's house' and assured them that He was going to prepare a place for them there (John 14:2). We can find comfort in these words, because they promise us a return to the home we have lost.
Picture saved by Zachary Vernon to Art Bomb
What would a novel about an ordinary day in your life be like? What would Jesus see as He watches you going about your daily routine? Would you be like the people He saw? "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). Those people were like Odysseus, wandering and lost on his way home - no rest, no power, and no purpose. Is that the story of your life as well?
Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
Picture saved by Zachary Vernon to Art Bomb
What would a novel about an ordinary day in your life be like? What would Jesus see as He watches you going about your daily routine? Would you be like the people He saw? "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd" (Matthew 9:36). Those people were like Odysseus, wandering and lost on his way home - no rest, no power, and no purpose. Is that the story of your life as well?
Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
PHOTO: Jesus observes us as we go about our daily business - and He watches us with compassion. He notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
Picture posted by - Poseidon Lord Of The Sea
So He speaks to us. He calls to us by name (John 10:3). And He gives us the most important invitation we will ever receive: come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me (Matthew 11:28-29).
This book is a discussion of what this invitation means and what is expected of us if we want to take it seriously and respond to it wholeheartedly. As you reflect on Jesus' invitation, may God give you the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him you will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. - Robert M. Solomon
Picture posted by - Poseidon Lord Of The Sea
So He speaks to us. He calls to us by name (John 10:3). And He gives us the most important invitation we will ever receive: come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me (Matthew 11:28-29).
This book is a discussion of what this invitation means and what is expected of us if we want to take it seriously and respond to it wholeheartedly. As you reflect on Jesus' invitation, may God give you the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him you will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. - Robert M. Solomon
PHOTO: May God give us the grace to respond to His Son (and all of us need to do so repeatedly, throughout our lives), for in Him we will find abundant life. Jesus is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. - Robert M. Solomon
Picture saved from Glynis Ruaux - "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need". (Hebrews 4:16).
Picture saved from Glynis Ruaux - "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need". (Hebrews 4:16).
The questions for our reflections as we read the book can be found in the following link. It is with three parts (I, II, and III) - a total of ten chapters and an Epilogue. Every chapter provides some questions to assist us to understand the discussion in an interactive way - a total of 33 reflection questions. Also found in the books are 50 meaningful quotations from various important sources, to further enhanced our understanding of the topics that are difficult to understand. We will constantly find quotations from the Bible, hundreds of them, as we journey through the book.
The questions for our reflections as we read the book can be found in the following link. It is with three parts (I, II, and III) - a total of ten chapters and an Epilogue. Every chapter provides some questions to assist us to understand the discussion in an interactive way - a total of 33 reflection questions. Also found in the books are 50 meaningful quotations from various important sources, to further enhanced our understanding of the topics that are difficult to understand. We will constantly find quotations from the Bible, hundreds of them, as we journey through the book.
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Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Please click on the following to discover the treasures for our healthy spiritual lives, and for our eternal joy and real rest. We will find specific things that the Lord Jesus may be telling us, and matters which we can speak to Him about, as we seek to obey Him.
Eagerly looking forward to share our testimony and insights with everybody so that we all, too, can be blessed.
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Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank you for the lessons and the insights gained from reading this book 'Finding rest for the soul' Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29 by Bishop Robert M. Solomon. Thank you for providing a profound and accessible book for weary pilgrims like us in today's world, guiding us to rest in Jesus with its penetrating insights, drawn from Scripture and a great cloud of witness from the history of the church. We, the weary will hear the voice of Jesus through these pages, bidding us to be yoked to Him and to follow in His steps. Thank you for a good book for all of us to respond to Jesus' invitation to come to Him and find rest for our souls.
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We are harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd. Jesus notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
May God give us the grace to respond to His Son, for in Him we will find abundant life. He is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. Help us to fully respond to His invitation to 'come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me'.
Please help us to discover what Jesus may be telling us, and matters which we can speak to Him about, as we seek to obey Him. We also want to share our testimony and insights with everybody so that we all, too, can be blessed. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by David Hendrawan - A Lonely Heart Prayer
[2] From "Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation inMatthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Preface, Page 11-13, Back Cover.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Ever since Adam and Eve were driven from the paradise of the Garden of Eden for sinning against God, human beings have suffered from a sense of homelessness and loneliness. We are harassed and helpless, like sheep without shepherd. Jesus notices our vain attempts to find satisfaction, significance, and security in life. He knows our frustration and disillusionment, and our sense of helplessness and anxiety as each day passes. He wants to bring us to our true home, so that we will no longer spend our days wandering around.
May God give us the grace to respond to His Son, for in Him we will find abundant life. He is the only one who can bring us home - to true rest and love, and true meaning and fulfilment. Help us to fully respond to His invitation to 'come to Me, take My yoke, learn from Me'.
Please help us to discover what Jesus may be telling us, and matters which we can speak to Him about, as we seek to obey Him. We also want to share our testimony and insights with everybody so that we all, too, can be blessed. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by David Hendrawan - A Lonely Heart Prayer
Reflection - Epilogue - Lessons and insights gained
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Epilogue, Question 2, Page 169.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Question from source (book): "Finding rest for the soul", Epilogue, Question 2, Page 169.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[1] From "Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation inMatthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Book Review Comments, Page 1-3.[2] From "Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation inMatthew 11:28-29, Copyright © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-709-5, Preface, Page 11-13, Back Cover.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Hebrews 4:16 -
John 10:3 -
John 14:2 -
John 14:6; Luke 9:23 -
Matthew 9:36 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
John 10:3 -
John 14:2 -
John 14:6; Luke 9:23 -
Matthew 9:36 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -