Source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 5, Question 3, Page 73.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Reflect on being a "signboard" for Jesus.By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
If we truly recognised the events of Jesus' death and resurrection as signs of His identity - the Son of God - then we should not only want to experience repentance and salvation through Him, but also to share this astounding discovery with others, that they too might respond the same way.
This is where we can be signboards. Signboards, like those we see by the roadside or on buildings, give directions or instructions, prohibit an action, or declare a truth. They tell us how to get to our destination on a highway or help us to find our departure gate at the airport. If Jesus is the sign for the world, then we are His signboards, so that He will be seen and recognised in our lives.
The problem with signboards is that they can become useless if they are blown over by strong winds, made to face the wrong direction, or obscured (concealed) by grime (dirt) and dust. Likewise, Christians can be poor or faulty signboards when they fail to point people in the right direction, pass on the good news about Jesus, or carry God's encouraging words to someone who needs them. A man who has worked in the same place for many years without any of his colleagues realising that he is a Christian, for instance, is like a signboard fallen over or covered with thick dust. And a woman who does not show God's love is like a faulty signboard that no longer points to the sign of Christ.
How are you fulfilling - or failing - this calling?
I recognise Jesus as the sign for the world, but I am not yet His reliable signboard.
At home, my nephew recently asked for help in his final year's research project. My sister and I managed to read the profile of one of his project supervisors. We thought by understanding his supervisors' interest and experience could help us discover a suitable project for him to research on. However the task was more difficult that what we thought.
One of his supervisors is a lady Associate Professor in the Centre for Nursing Studies, with a Ph.D. in Nursing. Her research interest are "Psychosocial interventions in people with mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases." This includes "Stress, stress‐related factors, and health among healthy individuals and people with mental/medical illness." She is involved in 12 related projects for the last 5 years. Some of them are current on-going with government grants from various Asian countries. She has 45 publications during the last 5 years in her record, that is, about 9 articles per year. She is Piyanee (Klainin) YOBAS, Associate Professor in Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in National University of Singapore.
Together with Ms Piyanee, my nephew have a meeting with Ms Sabrina Koh Bee Leng of Sengkang General Hospital Research Review Committee (RRC). She is the Deputy Director for Nursing Education & Development. Sabrina is a full-time simulation educator and researcher at Sengkang General Hospital, Nursing Education & Development. Her role at SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation and Sengkang General Hospital include nursing education, develop and implement nursing courses required to build a nursing workforce, plan and conduct clinical and simulation faculty development courses.
We realised that it is beyond our ability to suggest a problem area that is different from any of those already covered by his supervisors. Except, maybe, the stress and suffering of the students who are searching for a suitable research project. But even that is also done before; "stress and health among students". This is a case of mental struggling and suffering for all of us. In such a circumstances, we could only lead him to seek God for help, by prayer which is the first-order language. By God's grace and mercy, we pray too, that he may successfully graduate with a first-class honours degree.
My one other immediate family member is very pressurised by his heavy financial commitment. He concluded that his problems are due to inflation, excessive government charges, and unfavourable policies. We have yet to successfully introduce God into his problems. He is too overwhelmed to comprehend our advice. Hopefully, we could slowly become the reliable signboard, pointing him in the right direction to overcome his problems.
We are also continuously meeting the elderly uncles along the Park Connector Networks (PCN) during our predawn walk and exercises. Our conversations are mostly on physical health, and normal daily-life activities. We do not include spiritual health in our topics, partly because they have their own god to worship. We have yet to fulfill the function as the signboard of Jesus. Spiritual topics will ended with the uncles describing the tedious climb up the "Grape" mountain (葡萄山 Pú táo shān) in china to worship a goddess. There is a cave called "观音洞 Guānyīn dòng, Guanyin Cave" on the mountain. The road inside the cave are twists and turns. The stalactites have different images and there is a natural Guanyin image. The roots of the grape vine is still visible in the Guanyin Cave. Probably this is where they worship the goddess, 观音 Guān yīn.
We have ease of access to the internet. So I share biblical information through blog like this one. Information are mostly from books by Christian authors, and websites of Christian blogs. We learn that our url starts with "https" instead of "http". It is supposed to offer security against hackers, but the internet is always vulnerable to hacking. We would like our 24/7 Christian blog to be the signboard for Jesus.
We hope that we could successfully become the flashing signboard, capable of capturing people's attention and pointing them to Jesus Christ. We pray that after using the first-order language, everybody could progress to the next-order, accompanied by biblical statements, and actions. With more of Jesus' signboards, there may come a day when everybody accept the offer of Salvation.
It was God's plan, in giving Christ dominion over all flesh, that they should all enjoy eternal life (John 17:2). God has given all things to Christ. All that God has given him shall come to him; and none shall be cast out (John 6:37).
How well is the church fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus?
Many, including the apostles and other early Christians, were not only convinced of the astounding truth of Christ's resurrection, but were even willing to die for it. They did not die for a lie.
During the Apostolic Age, apostles, like Saint Paul, Peter and James founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe during the mid-30s to the mid-50s. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Catholic and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Orthodox traditions of the East. The church as a signboard for Jesus fulfilled its function, grew and flourished in the first few centuries.
Paul urge that "petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour," (1Timothy. 2:1-3).
We certainly see the pattern in the early church where "every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47). In too many of our churches today, the congregations are reaching no one for Christ in the course of an entire year. The churches in our nation are much less evangelistic today than they were in the recent past. Our churches in present days are not fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus.
It is THE WILL of God that all men shall be saved (1Timothy. 2:4). Jesus came to do the will of God (John 4:34). The will of God is, that all men be saved. This is His will, by way of distinction and pre-eminence. Jesus came to do this will. He came as the Saviour, as the Saviour of all men. He came as the good Shepherd, to seek and save that which was lost. He came to save all men, not only those who lived on the earth while He was here, but all who lived before, and all who have since lived, and all who shall live.
The will of God cannot be resisted (Job 23:13). God has the will to save all men (Daniel 4:35). If He wills the salvation of all men, He wills all the means by which it shall be accomplished; it must therefore take place. However, our churches are like in the twilight zone during sunset, in the process of falling into decay. Just like the story of Jonah, God may send us a severe crisis triggering us to use the first-order, follow by the second-order language, and action of repentance and obedience. Then maybe our churches will again fulfill its function as a signboard for Jesus, grow and flourish, just as in the first few centuries.
Picture posted by edeecs in News Updates on 09 August 2010
Reflect on being a "signboard" for Jesus. How are you fulfilling - or failing - this calling? How well is the church fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus?
Reflect on being a "signboard" for Jesus.
Responding to the Sign of Jesus [1]
What should we do when we recognise the sign of Jesus? How can we come to a saving knowledge of Christ? The story of Jonah sheds some lights on how God relates to us, and how we can respond to Him. In particular, in our experience of faith, we use different "orders"of language - first and second.

PHOTO: How we can respond to God
In our experience of faith, we use different "orders" of language - first and second.
Picture is saved from Kimberly Wolf
When Jonah was near death in the belly of the fish, he began praying to God as a last resort. That sailors, too, turned to desperate prayer as the wind and waves threatened to capsize their ship. This is first-order language. Prayer is the most basic order because it arises from circumstances in life - our hearts cry out to God when we are struggling and suffering.

PHOTO: First-order language: Desperate prayer - our hearts cry out to God when we are struggling and suffering.
Picture posted by
After crying out to God for help and receiving an answer, Jonah then made the theological statement that "Salvation comes from the Lord" (Jonah 2:9). And the sailors, having seen the way God worked in the natural world, also said, "You, Lord, have done as you pleased" (Jonah 1:14). These are examples of second-order language. When we pray and witness how God responds to us, and what He does in our lives, we begin to reflect on God, who He is, and what He wants from us, employing second-order language to make such statements about God.

PHOTO: Second-order language: Statements about God when we reflect on God, who He is, and what He wants from us.
Picture saved by Cornelius Muller to Meditate 101 Bible Promises...
But our experience of God does not stop there. After he declared God's salvation, Jonah realised that God saves for a purpose, and spoke about a sacrifice and a vow he had made to God to serve Him (Jonah 2:9). The prophet's prayer in Jonah 2:2-9 thus speaks of prayer (request of the heart), theological expressions of faith (reflection of the mind), and ministry (response of the hands).
Paul reminds us that we are saved by God's grace, not our works. But we must also recognise that God saves us to do good works (Ephesians 2:8-10) in honour of His name. We must respond to His grace and serve Him out of gratitude. After our first-order and second-order languages comes action. These elements are interconnected and essential for true Christian discipleship.

PHOTO: After prayer (request of the heart), follow by theological expressions of faith (reflection of the mind), comes the ministry (response of the hands).
Picture taken by Michael Rieger/FEMA on 25 September 2013 - Mercy Chief hands out meals to Disaster response groups
Furthermore, we need to point others to the sign of Jesus.
Believers as Signboards [1]
If we truly recognised the events of Jesus' death and resurrection as signs of His identity - the Son of God - then we should not only want to experience repentance and salvation through Him, but also to share this astounding discovery with others, that they too might respond the same way.

PHOTO: If we truly recognised the events of Jesus' death and resurrection as signs of His identity - the Son of God - then we should not only want to experience repentance and salvation through Him, but also to share this astounding discovery with others, that they too might respond the same way.
Picture posted by Slide Player
This is where we can be signboards. Signboards, like those we see by the roadside or on buildings, give directions or instructions, prohibit an action, or declare a truth. They tell us how to get to our destination on a highway or help us to find our departure gate at the airport. If Jesus is the sign for the world, then we are His signboards, so that He will be seen and recognised in our lives.

PHOTO: Signboards, like those we see by the roadside or on buildings, give directions or instructions, prohibit an action, or declare a truth. If Jesus is the sign for the world, then we are His signboards, so that He will be seen and recognised in our lives.
Picture posted by Gadmn on 21 May 2015
The problem with signboards is that they can become useless if they are blown over by strong winds, made to face the wrong direction,or obscured (concealed) by grime (dirt) and dust. Likewise, Christians can be poor or faulty signboards when they fail to point people in the right direction, pass on the good news about Jesus, or carry God's encouraging words to someone who needs them. A man who has worked in the same place for many years without any of his colleagues realising that he is a Christian, for instance, is like a signboard fallen over or covered with thick dust. And a woman who does not show God's love is like a faulty signboard that no longer points to the sign of Christ.

PHOTO: Christians can be poor or faulty signboards when they fail to point people in the right direction, pass on the good news about Jesus, or carry God's encouraging words to someone who needs them.
Picture posted by fotostock - Cockfosters, England: June 16, 1929 The Christ Church outside of London is so popular that they put a Church Full sign outside to turn people away.
If you recognise Jesus as the sign for the world, are you being His reliable signboard? Are you pointing to Him at home, in your office, at your church, around your neighbourhood, and among your friends and relatives?
How are you fulfilling - or failing - this calling?
I recognise Jesus as the sign for the world, but I am not yet His reliable signboard.
At home, my nephew recently asked for help in his final year's research project. My sister and I managed to read the profile of one of his project supervisors. We thought by understanding his supervisors' interest and experience could help us discover a suitable project for him to research on. However the task was more difficult that what we thought.

PHOTO: My nephew recently asked for help in his final year's research project. My sister and I managed to read the profile of one of his project supervisors. We thought by understanding his supervisors' interest and experience could help us discover a suitable project for him to research on. However the task was more difficult that what we thought.
Picture posted by The Simpsons, lisasimpsonbookclub, Tumblr
One of his supervisors is a lady Associate Professor in the Centre for Nursing Studies, with a Ph.D. in Nursing. Her research interest are "Psychosocial interventions in people with mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases." This includes "Stress, stress‐related factors, and health among healthy individuals and people with mental/medical illness." She is involved in 12 related projects for the last 5 years. Some of them are current on-going with government grants from various Asian countries. She has 45 publications during the last 5 years in her record, that is, about 9 articles per year. She is Piyanee (Klainin) YOBAS, Associate Professor in Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in National University of Singapore.

PHOTO: Piyanee (Klainin) YOBAS, Associate Professor in the Centre for Nursing Studies, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine in National University of Singapore.
Picture posted by National University of Singapore
Together with Ms Piyanee, my nephew have a meeting with Ms Sabrina Koh Bee Leng of Sengkang General Hospital Research Review Committee (RRC). She is the Deputy Director for Nursing Education & Development. Sabrina is a full-time simulation educator and researcher at Sengkang General Hospital, Nursing Education & Development. Her role at SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation and Sengkang General Hospital include nursing education, develop and implement nursing courses required to build a nursing workforce, plan and conduct clinical and simulation faculty development courses. [8]

PHOTO: Ms KOH Bee Leng Sabrina
Co-Director, SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Medical Simulation (SIMS), Singapore;
Deputy Chair, College of Clinical Nursing, SingHealth Academy, Singapore;
Deputy Director, Nursing Education & Development (NED), Sengkang Health, Singapore
Picture posted by SingHealth Group
We realised that it is beyond our ability to suggest a problem area that is different from any of those already covered by his supervisors. Except, maybe, the stress and suffering of the students who are searching for a suitable research project. But even that is also done before; "stress and health among students". This is a case of mental struggling and suffering for all of us. In such a circumstances, we could only lead him to seek God for help, by prayer which is the first-order language. By God's grace and mercy, we pray too, that he may successfully graduate with a first-class honours degree.

PHOTO: We realised that it is beyond our ability to suggest a problem area that is different from any of those already covered by his supervisors. Except, maybe, the stress and suffering of the students who are searching for a suitable research project. But even that is also done before; "stress and health among students".
Picture posted by Dr. Shawna Freshwater, a PhD licensed Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, and Holistic Healer
My one other immediate family member is very pressurised by his heavy financial commitment. He concluded that his problems are due to inflation, excessive government charges, and unfavourable policies. We have yet to successfully introduce God into his problems. He is too overwhelmed to comprehend our advice. Hopefully, we could slowly become the reliable signboard, pointing him in the right direction to overcome his problems.

PHOTO: My one other immediate family member is very pressurised by his heavy financial commitment. He concluded that his problems are due to inflation, excessive government charges, and unfavourable policies. We have yet to successfully introduce God into his problems.
Picture posted by Financial Mentor
We are also continuously meeting the elderly uncles along the Park Connector Networks (PCN) during our predawn walk and exercises. Our conversations are mostly on physical health, and normal daily-life activities. We do not include spiritual health in our topics, partly because they have their own god to worship. We have yet to fulfill the function as the signboard of Jesus. Spiritual topics will ended with the uncles describing the tedious climb up the "Grape" mountain (葡萄山 Pú táo shān) in china to worship a goddess. There is a cave called "观音洞 Guānyīn dòng, Guanyin Cave" on the mountain. The road inside the cave are twists and turns. The stalactites have different images and there is a natural Guanyin image. The roots of the grape vine is still visible in the Guanyin Cave.[7] Probably this is where they worship the goddess, 观音 Guān yīn.

PHOTO: We are also continuously meeting the elderly uncles along the Park Connector Networks (PCN) during our predawn walk and exercises. We have yet to fulfill the function as the signboard of Jesus. Spiritual topics will ended with the uncles describing the tedious climb up the "Grape" mountain (葡萄山 Pú táo shān) in china to worship a goddess. Probably this is where they worship the goddess, 观音 Guān yīn.
Picture posted by anyimao two years ago - 葡萄沟, Pú táo gōu
We have ease of access to the internet. So I share biblical information through blog like this one. Information are mostly from books by Christian authors, and websites of Christian blogs. We learn that our url starts with "https" instead of "http". It is supposed to offer security against hackers, but the internet is always vulnerable to hacking. We would like our 24/7 Christian blog to be the signboard for Jesus.
PHOTO: We have ease of access to the internet. So I share biblical information through blog like this one. We would like our 24/7 Christian blog to be the signboard for Jesus.
Picture posted by blackcatqq 3 years ago - 葡萄沟的葡萄香 Pú táo gōu de pú táo xiāng
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
We hope that we could successfully become the flashing signboard, capable of capturing people's attention and pointing them to Jesus Christ. We pray that after using the first-order language, everybody could progress to the next-order, accompanied by biblical statements, and actions. With more of Jesus' signboards, there may come a day when everybody accept the offer of Salvation.

PHOTO: We hope that we could successfully become the flashing signboard, capable of capturing people's attention and pointing them to Jesus Christ.
This stone appears scary, but it is actually very low.
庐山--锦绣谷、仙人洞 - Lushan--Jinxiu Valley, Xianren Cave
lú shān--jǐn xiù gǔ, xiān rén dòng
Picture posted by 杯子 Bēi zi on 22 August 2017
It was God's plan, in giving Christ dominion over all flesh, that they should all enjoy eternal life (John 17:2). God has given all things to Christ. All that God has given him shall come to him; and none shall be cast out (John 6:37). [2]
PHOTO: It was God's plan, in giving Christ dominion over all flesh, that they should all enjoy eternal life (John 17:2). God has given all things to Christ. All that God has given him shall come to him; and none shall be cast out (John 6:37).
Picture posted by, Wholesale Wallpapers Resources - with Taiwanese woman who survived 2015 water park blaze bravely shows off her scars
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at - (murals_11.jpg)
How well is the church fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus?
Many, including the apostles and other early Christians, were not only convinced of the astounding truth of Christ's resurrection, but were even willing to die for it. They did not die for a lie. [1]

PHOTO: How well is the church fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus?
Many, including the apostles and other early Christians, were not only convinced of the astounding truth of Christ's resurrection, but were even willing to die for it. They did not die for a lie.
Painting by Tintoretto (1519-1594) - The martyrdom of Saint Paul, c. 1556
Picture posted by
Others who encountered the risen Christ likewise believed (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). Jesus continues to be the sign for every generation. Jesus' powerful resurrection and His continuing presence in our world has been the sign for countless generations through the centuries. [1] Paul was responsible for bringing Christianity to Ephesus, Corinth, Philippi, and Thessalonica. By the end of the 1st century, Christianity had already spread to Rome and to various cities in Greece, Asia Minor and Syria. Major cities such as Rome, Ephesus, Antioch and Corinth served as foundations for the expansive spread of Christianity in the post-apostolic period. Several churches were founded and Christianity spread very quickly throughout Asia Minor. [4]

Painting by Abraham Hunter - Never Forsaken
During the Apostolic Age, apostles, like Saint Paul, Peter and James founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe during the mid-30s to the mid-50s. Today, Paul's epistles continue to be vital roots of the theology, worship and pastoral life in the Catholic and Protestant traditions of the West, as well as the Orthodox traditions of the East. [3], [4] The church as a signboard for Jesus fulfilled its function, grew and flourished in the first few centuries. [1]

PHOTO: During the Apostolic Age, apostles, like Saint Paul, Peter and James founded several churches in Asia Minor and Europe during the mid-30s to the mid-50s. The church as a signboard for Jesus fulfilled its function, grew and flourished in the first few centuries.
Painting by J. STYKA - St. Peter preaches the Gospel in the catacombs (1902)
Paul urge that "petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour," (1Timothy. 2:1-3).

PHOTO: Paul urge that "petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour," (1Timothy. 2:1-3).
Picture posted by Janis Cox on 15 November 2018*F7H7TtztnTwNbQgTQk5tsg.jpeg
We certainly see the pattern in the early church where "every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved" (Acts 2:47). In too many of our churches today, the congregations are reaching no one for Christ in the course of an entire year. The churches in our nation are much less evangelistic today than they were in the recent past. [5], [6] Our churches in present days are not fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus.

PHOTO: In too many of our churches today, the congregations are reaching no one for Christ in the course of an entire year. The churches in our nation are much less evangelistic today than they were in the recent past. Our churches in present days are not fulfilling its function as a signboard for Jesus.
Picture posted by Trac
It is THE WILL of God that all men shall be saved (1Timothy. 2:4). Jesus came to do the will of God (John 4:34). The will of God is, that all men be saved. This is His will, by way of distinction and pre-eminence. Jesus came to do this will. He came as the Saviour, as the Saviour of all men. He came as the good Shepherd, to seek and save that which was lost. He came to save all men, not only those who lived on the earth while He was here, but all who lived before, and all who have since lived, and all who shall live. [2]

PHOTO: It is THE WILL of God that all men shall be saved (1Timothy. 2:4). Jesus came to do the will of God (John 4:34). The will of God is, that all men be saved. Jesus came to do this will. He came as the Saviour, as the Saviour of all men. He came as the good Shepherd, to seek and save that which was lost. He came to save all men, not only those who lived on the earth while He was here, but all who lived before, and all who have since lived, and all who shall live.
Picture posted by groundZERO Youth @groundZEROMin on 01 March 2017 at 06:47 PM
The will of God cannot be resisted (Job 23:13). God has the will to save all men (Daniel 4:35). If He wills the salvation of all men, He wills all the means by which it shall be accomplished; it must therefore take place. However, our churches are like in the twilight zone during sunset, in the process of falling into decay. [2]Just like the story of Jonah, God may send us a severe crisis triggering us to use the first-order, follow by the second-order language, and action of repentance and obedience. Then maybe our churches will again fulfill its function as a signboard for Jesus, grow and flourish, just as in the first few centuries.

PHOTO: Our churches are like in the twilight zone during sunset, in the process of falling into decay. Just like the story of Jonah, God may send us a severe crisis triggering us to use the first-order, follow by the second-order language, and action of repentance and obedience. Then maybe our churches will again fulfill its function as a signboard for Jesus, grow and flourish, just as in the first few centuries.
Picture posted by on 29 February 2016
PHOTO: “Dear Lord, we truly recognised the events of Jesus' death and resurrection as signs of His identity - the Son of God. Please help us to be the His reliable signboard, so that He will be seen and recognised in our lives.
We do not want to be the poor or faulty signboard that fail to point people in the right direction, pass on the good news about Jesus, or carry God's encouraging words to someone who needs them.
We hope that we could successfully become the flashing signboard, capable of capturing people's attention and pointing them to Jesus Christ. We pray that after using the first-order language, everybody could progress to the next-order, accompanied by biblical statements, and actions. We pray that there are more and more of Jesus' signboards until everybody come to know and accept the offer of Salvation.
We learn that it is God's plan, in giving Christ dominion over all flesh, that they should all enjoy eternal life. God has given all things to Christ. All that God has given him shall come to him; and none shall be cast out.
The churches as a signboard for Jesus fulfilled its function, grew and flourished in the first few centuries. However the churches in our nation are much less evangelistic today than they were in the recent past. We pray that our churches, in present days will again fulfill its function as a signboard for Jesus. Because this is good, and pleases God our Saviour.
We pray like David, that you hear and answer our prayers, especially during our distress. Please keep us safe from evil and wickedness so that we can dwell in safety. Please send us help from your sanctuary, give us the desires of our hearts, and grant all our requests. One of our desire and request is to have a perfect relationship with you.
Forgive our hidden faults, and keep us from wilful sins. Then we will be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May the words of our mouth and mediation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight.
Let your blessings descended on all your people. Fill us with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Picture posted by constanza garcia on 07 October 2018
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
Reflection - Jesus and Jonah - Signboard for Jesus
Question from source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 5, Question 3, Page 73.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon
!['Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon]()
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
![Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)]()
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Question from source (book): "God in Pursuit", Chapter 5, Question 3, Page 73.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul" Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
[1] From"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, Copyright © 2017 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-801-6, Part II: Jonah 2:1-10, Chapter 5"Jesus and Jonah", Page 69-70, 70-72.[2] Thomas Whittemore, Tentmaker Ninistries, 100 Scriptural Proofs That Jesus Christ Will Save All Mankind,
[3] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Paul the Apostle,
[4] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Christianity in the 1st century,
[5] Thom S. Rainer, Fifteen Reasons Our Churches Are Less Evangelistic Today, posted on 23 Februay 2015,
[6] Ronald JJ Wong, local church community in Yio Chu Kang Chapel, Today's church tomorrow: Going the way of Kodak?, posted on February 20, 2019 at 11:06 am,
[7], Yangshuo Grape Mountain Scenic Area,,15700022,15700043,15700186,15700191,15700248,15700253&usg=ALkJrhgcFo11B_JiGYvEUEs-iv5CNyWPuQ
[8] SingHealth Group, Sengkang General Hospital, Research Review Committee,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 15:3 -
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 -
1Timothy. 2:1-3 -
1Timothy. 2:4 -
Acts 2:47 -
Daniel 4:35 -
Ephesians 2:8-10 -
Job 23:13 -
John 4:34 -
John 6:37 -
John 17:2 -
Jonah 1:14 -
Jonah 2:1-10 -
Jonah 2:2-9 -
Jonah 2:9 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
- - (murals_11.jpg)
- Never-Foresaken.jpg