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See ageing in a positive light, not as a problem: Tan Chuan-Jin

Source Website: https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/see-ageing-positive-light-not-problem-tan-chuan-jin
By Seow Bei Yi, The New Paper, 14 October 2019 at 06:00 am

 (Centre in blue) Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, chairman of the People's Action Party Seniors Group, and Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat (centre, in pink) with the PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook at an event to mark International Day of Older Persons.
PHOTO: (Centre in blue) Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, chairman of the People's Action Party Seniors Group, and Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat (centre, in pink) with the PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook at an event to mark International Day of Older Persons.
Picture posted by Seow Bei Yi, The New Paper on 14 October 2019 at 06:00 am


Ageing should not be talked about here as a problem, as such a perception can end up becoming self-fulfilling; instead, it should be reframed to a more "positive agenda".

Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, chairman of the People's Action Party (PAP) Seniors Group (PAP.SG), which champions elderly causes, said this yesterday at an event to mark the International Day of Older Persons.

"Should we not try to be able to say this - that our best years are ahead of us... Can we also aspire to become the best place on earth to retire and grow old in?"

Should we not try to be able to say this - that our best years are ahead of us.
PHOTO: "Should we not try to be able to say this - that our best years are ahead of us... Can we also aspire to become the best place on earth to retire and grow old in?"
Picture posted by Cindy Grundsten (photographer and creator of this picture) on 05 April 2013 - Springtime


Not just as a result of policies and initiatives at the government level, Mr Tan said, but also because of community activities and individual participation.

"Can we, at the individual level, embrace this and participate fully in a whole effort to make this vision a reality?" he asked at the event organised by PAP.SG.

Mr Tan, who is Speaker of Parliament, said while an ageing population brings deep and serious challenges to many societies, Singapore may be able to thrive, given its effectiveness in making long-term plans to tackle related issues.

Can we, at the individual level, embrace this and participate fully in a whole effort to make this vision a reality?
PHOTO:"Can we, at the individual level, embrace this and participate fully in a whole effort to make this vision a reality?"Mr Tan Chuan-Jin, chairman of the People's Action Party Seniors Group, asked at the event organised by Picture posted by CindysArt on 09 February 2015 - Young love

At the event in Hotel Miramar Singapore, Mr Tan announced that the PAP.SG had produced a handbook to help party activists explain government initiatives to seniors, as they had found it challenging to track recent policy changes.

The PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook covers healthcare initiatives and other areas, including Central Provident Fund contribution rates for older workers.

Dr Thang Leng Leng, a member of the PAP.SG executive committee, who helped produce the handbook, said: "The idea to have the handbook is pretty much ground-up... It is just a first step and is in a ring file, so that we can always update it when there are new policies."

The idea to have the handbook is pretty much ground-up.
PHOTO: "The idea to have the handbook is pretty much ground-up... It is just a first step and is in a ring file, so that we can always update it when there are new policies."
Picture posted by TwilitesMuse on 21 December 2011 - Rose 9

Mr Tan said it is the latest of a number of party members' initiatives for seniors, which range from a Senior Friendship Circle in Ayer Rajah to assistance programmes for vulnerable seniors in Bedok.

The handbook will also be available online.

Speaking to the media later, Mr Tan said that several years ago, terms such as "silver tsunami" were used to describe the ageing population.

"But what if we say, let's turn it around because it's inevitable... Why don't we make it a positive thing? A lot of it entails us embracing it," he said.

Mr Tan said that several years ago, terms such as 'silver tsunami' were used to describe the ageing population.
PHOTO: Mr Tan said that several years ago, terms such as "silver tsunami" were used to describe the ageing population. "But what if we say, let's turn it around because it's inevitable... Why don't we make it a positive thing? A lot of it entails us embracing it,"  he said.
Picture posted by TwilitesMuse on 21 December 2011 - Rose 6


The event was attended by others involved in PAP.SG, including former minister of state Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Tanjong Pagar GRC MP Joan Pereira and Nee Soon GRC MP Henry Kwek.

Mr Tan said it is the latest of a number of party members' initiatives for seniors, which range from a Senior Friendship Circle in Ayer Rajah to assistance programmes for vulnerable seniors in Bedok.
PHOTO: Mr Tan said it is the latest of a number of party members' initiatives for seniors, which range from a Senior Friendship Circle in Ayer Rajah to assistance programmes for vulnerable seniors in Bedok.
Picture posted by TwilitesMuse on 21 December 2011 - Rose 7



The PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook covers healthcare initiatives and other areas, including Central Provident Fund contribution rates for older workers.
The PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook covers healthcare initiatives and other areas, including Central Provident Fund contribution rates for older workers.
PHOTO: The PAP.SG Ambassador Handbook covers healthcare initiatives and other areas, including Central Provident Fund contribution rates for older workers.
Picture posted by TwilitesMuse on 21 December 2011 - Rose 5
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at


Old age is a blessing from the Lord.
PHOTO: Old age is a blessing from the Lord. We should never be afraid of aging. When living by the Word of God old age brings wisdom that is able to help and guide others in need. Old Christian men and women have a duty to help the younger generation. Old aged people have been through many different hardship experiences that will help your walk of faith. They have made mistakes and they will help guide you so you don’t make the same mistakes.
We have confidence that we will be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our body may appear older, but our insides are being renewed daily. An elderly Christian never truly gets old. Christ became perfection on your behalf and died for your iniquities. Life will never stop being all about Christ. Always remember that you’re still alive for a reason.
No matter what age Christians should never fear death. [2]

"He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (1 Corinthians 1:8-9).
Picture posted by kokecit on 21 October 2008 - The Lost Son

By Seow Bei Yi, The New Paper, 14 October 2019 at 06:00 am
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[1] Seow Bei Yi, The New Paper, See ageing in a positive light, not as a problem: Tan Chuan-Jin, posted on 14 October 2019 at 06:00 am, https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/see-ageing-positive-light-not-problem-tan-chuan-jin

[2] Fritz Chery,  Old Age, posted on 19 September 2018, https://biblereasons.com/old-age/


New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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