Source (book): "Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, Chapter 19,"While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks", Page 190.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: Reflect on how the manger scene was a sign to the shepherds as discussed.
In what way would the scene of a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger be a sign to the shepherds that they were seeing the Messiah? The word "swaddling bands" (Stanza 4) in the song quite accurately describes the bands of cloth that would have been used in those days to wrap a new-born baby. This by itself may not have been remarkable, except that, as some scholars claim, babies wrapped in this way usually belonged to important families who could afford such clothes. If so, Mary may have been given these clothes by some generous person. What is extraordinary is the sight of a baby lying in a manger (feeding trough). That may have been the greater focus of the way the sign is described by the angel. If the swaddling clothes were an indication of an important baby, then the combination of importance and poverty (manger) would have been an odd scene, unique enough to be a clear sign.
In what way are the cross and empty tomb unique in this respect?
The cross itself has no saving power. But it symbolizes what Jesus did for us. Jesus’ death on the cross was as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. And the cross is a symbol of that. When we see the cross, we are reminded of what Jesus did.
The empty tomb is a symbol of the resurrection. When we see or hear of the empty tomb, it should point us to Jesus’ resurrection. And to our own upcoming resurrection as well. It symbolizes victory over death.
While the resurrection and the empty tomb are bound together, they are distinct. In the resurrection, Jesus demonstrated his mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death. But, unlike the resurrection, the empty tomb does not do anything for us. Instead, it tells us something. It tells us that the grave could not hold Jesus. That he bodily rose from the grave. When the angel appeared to the women at the empty grave, he told them, "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay."The empty tomb told them that Jesus had indeed been raised. It was evidence of the resurrection.
The cross and empty tomb is unique enough to be a clear sign. The cross (death) and empty tomb (resurrection) clearly demonstrated Jesus’s mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death.
How would you share with others about your own convictions (a firmly held belief or opinion) and experiences?
The angel that brought the good news is called a "seraph" (Stanza 5) in the song. Seraphs were agents that personally ministered to God around His throne, as described in Isaiah 6:2-7. They angelic beings of the highest rank, whose special ministry seems to be connected with God's throne (the "four living creatures" mentioned in Ezekiel 1:5; see also Revelation 4:8). It is unlikely that a seraph was sent as a messenger to the shepherds. The angel who serving as messenger from God in the nativity accounts in Scripture was Gabriel (Luke 1:19, 26). It is likely that he was also the one who appeared to the terrified shepherds. Gabriel described himself thus: "I stand in the presence of God" (Luke 1:19). It was a profound experience to see and hear an angel who had just come from God's glorious presence.
The angel told the shepherds not to fear (Stanza 2). Do we hear the same words from heaven today, especially as we face many troubles and difficulties in life, both within us and without? The good news of Jesus brings us comfort and hope, and if we recognise His presence in our lives, we can experience true joy. This blessing is not only for us but for "all mankind" (Stanza 2). Beyond experiencing it for ourselves, we must also share the truth with others who so desperately need to hear it. Is there someone who is suffering serious problems, or going through a period of loneliness, sadness, or helplessness? You may have been sent by God in the same way He sent the angel to the shepherds.
How would you share with others about your own convictions (a firmly held belief or opinion) and experiences?
As Christians we may have established within ourselves certain convictions and experiences that help us become more Christ-like. These relate to pretty much everything in our lives. And when a Christian conviction and experience is set within a person, it’s pretty difficult to persuade them otherwise. But how to share them effectively with others?
1. Know our convictions and experiences
Do we actually know what we believe in? We have our basic beliefs, those standard shoulds and should-nots, but what about the fuzzy parts in the middle? For example, if we’re pro-life, does that include contraception? If we stand for purity, does that include kissing? It’s the stuff in the middle that causes the questions that leave the door open for debate. And when there’s debate, there’s room for testing and sharing.
2. Read the Bible
Personal convictions and experiences are not biblical truth, although they can certainly be founded upon it. The Word is the main reason why we have our Christian convictions in the first place. The Bible is a great reminder of why we hold certain convictions and experiences so close to our hearts. And if we’re not loyal to them, the Bible reminds us of why we should be. Without the Bible, we have no compass when sharing our faith.
3. Know why they’re important to us
If we don’t know why they’re important, then we won’t be inclined to remain loyal to them. Nor will we be able to argue for them when those who don’t share our convictions try to make us question them. We have to be devoted to our convictions and experiences before sharing them. After all, they’re deep-seated beliefs.
4. Pray to God for strength and help
God is your strength. With 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:18 and 1 Peter 5:8-11. God is our strength in everything. And in those moments of darkness and doubt, when we are vulnerable to Satan’s temptations, God is the only one who can strengthen and guide us to share our convictions and experiences with others. Without prayer, we share our faith in our own strength. Prayer is an opportunity to tap into God’s power. Prayer has the power to change situations as we share our convictions and experiences with others.
5. Share in Church
Jesus called ‘The Church’ His Bride. He loves ‘The Church’ and is returning for ‘The Church’. He also refers to ‘The Church’ as His Body. It is community and accountability. Where we learn to love others and show the world outside our circle just who Jesus is. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that the church is where discipleship happens. Without Church, we have no accountability and encouragement when sharing our faith, convictions and experiences.
6. Have Christ-like action and response
The reflection of our convictions and experiences, can be noticed by those around us. Action and response can display our caring attitude and sense of responsibility. Jesus taught us these in Matthew 5:16. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Jesus said his works are also words (John 10:37–38). His words and works were always saying the same thing. So we too should follow Him, by living our earthly life in perfect integrity. Jesus had perfect consistency between His words and works. Unfortunately none of the rest of us has this yet. We must “look carefully how [we] walk, not as unwise but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15). And the wise repent wherever they see unbelief and then “[forget] what lies behind and [strain] forward to what lies ahead [and] press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13–14). Our works reveal where our faith is. Jesus told us that a “tree is known by its fruit” (Matthew 12:33). The wise seek to make the tree good.
May our “actions speak louder than words”.
Picture posted by GoodSalt Inc. - Shepherds Watching Flock
Whilst shepherds watched their flocks by night,
All seated on the ground,
The angels of the Lord came down,
And glory shone around.
Fear not, said he, for mighty dread
Had seized their troubled mind.
Glad tidings of great joy I bring
To you and all mankind.
To you, in David's town, this day
Is born of David's line
A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord,
And this shall be the sign.
The heavenly Babe you there shall find
To human view displayed,
All meanly wrapped in swaddling bands.
And in a manger laid.
Thus spake the Seraph, and forthwith
Appearing a heavenly throng
Of Angels praising God and thus,
Addressed their joyful song.
All glory be to God on high,
And to the earth be peace;
Good will henceforth from heaven to earth
Being and never cease!
(Source: Service Book and Hymnal [Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1958], #24)

PHOTO: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
The lyrics for this popular hymn were written by Iris-born Nahum Tate (1652-1715).
Nahum Tate (1652 - July 30, 1715) was an Irish-born English poet, hymnist, and playwright, who served as British Poet Laureate.
Picture posted by George Dance, Penny's poetry pages Wiki, a FANDOM Books Community
History of the Carol [1]
The lyrics for this popular hymn were written by Iris-born Nahum Tate (1652-1715). It is a paraphrase of Luke 2:8-15, and is considered one of the better carols in the English language. The hymn was first published in Nahum Tate and Nicholas Brady's (1659-1726) Supplement (1700) to their collection of metrical psalms, New Version of the Psalms of David (1696). For 82 years, it was the first and only Christmas hymn permitted in Anglican churches, and it spread throughout England with its use in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer. Tate was named poet Iaureate of England in 1692, and is considered one of the founding fathers of English hymnody.
Numerous tunes have been used for the song. An early tune, an aria from George Frederick Handel's (1685-1759) opera Siroe, King of Persia (1728), is said to be popular in the United States. In Britain, the anonymously written tune "Winchester Old", first published in Thomas Este's The Whole Booke of Psalmes (1592), is popular. This tune and the lyrics first appeared together in the 1861 collection Hymns Ancient and Modern.
PHOTO: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
For 82 years, it was the first and only Christmas hymn permitted in Anglican churches, and it spread throughout England with its use in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
Picture posted by Abhilash Oscar Gregory on 20 February 2020
Biblical Insights from the Carol [1]
The carol sticks closely to Luke's account of the nativity (Luke 2:8-15). Most of us would be quite at home with this song. It has a narrative tone and a simple psalmodic tune. The words are also readily understandable, even though they were written in an earlier era - none are longer than two syllables. The word "meanly" in Stanza 4 refers to the humble and simple circumstances in which Jesus was born. He was simply and sparsely wrapped in swaddling clothes, a depiction of the poverty of Christ. It is in this same sense that the English poet John Milton (1608-1674) expressed the phrases, "All meanly wrapped in the rude manger lies" in his Song "On the Morning of Christ's Nativity".

PHOTO: Jesus was simply and sparsely wrapped in swaddling clothes, a depiction of the poverty of Christ. The humble and simple circumstances in which Jesus was born.
Picture posted by Javier Valero@celebriTOONS on 25 December 2018
Reflect on how the manger scene was a sign to the shepherds as discussed above. In what way are the cross and empty tomb unique in this respect? How would you share with others about your own convictions and experiences?
Reflect on how the manger scene was a sign to the shepherds as discussed above.
In what way would the scene of a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger be a sign to the shepherds that they were seeing the Messiah? The word "swaddling bands" (Stanza 4) in the song quite accurately describes the bands of cloth that would have been used in those days to wrap a new-born baby. This by itself may not have been remarkable, except that, as some scholars claim, babies wrapped in this way usually belonged to important families who could afford such clothes. If so, Mary may have been given these clothes by some generous person. What is extraordinary is the sight of a baby lying in a manger (feeding trough). That may have been the greater focus of the way the sign is described by the angel. If the swaddling clothes were an indication of an important baby, then the combination of importance and poverty (manger) would have been an odd scene, unique enough to be a clear sign.

PHOTO: Some scholars claim, babies wrapped in swaddling bands usually belonged to important families who could afford such clothes. If the swaddling clothes were an indication of an important baby, then the combination of importance and poverty (manger) would have been an odd scene, unique enough to be a clear sign.
Picture posted by mamnonchientho on Wednesday, 03 October 2018 at 21:12
In what way are the cross and empty tomb unique in this respect?
The cross itself has no saving power. But it symbolizes what Jesus did for us. Jesus’ death on the cross was as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. And the cross is a symbol of that. When we see the cross, we are reminded of what Jesus did.

PHOTO: The cross itself has no saving power. But it symbolizes what Jesus did for us. Jesus’ death on the cross was as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. And the cross is a symbol of that. When we see the cross, we are reminded of what Jesus did.
Picture saved by Jahaziel to JW
The empty tomb is a symbol of the resurrection. When we see or hear of the empty tomb, it should point us to Jesus’ resurrection. And to our own upcoming resurrection as well. It symbolizes victory over death.

PHOTO: The empty tomb is a symbol of the resurrection. When we see or hear of the empty tomb, it should point us to Jesus’ resurrection. And to our own upcoming resurrection as well. It symbolizes victory over death.
Picture posted by Shannon Associates, LLC
While the resurrection and the empty tomb are bound together, they are distinct. In the resurrection, Jesus demonstrated his mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death. But, unlike the resurrection, the empty tomb does not do anything for us. Instead, it tells us something. It tells us that the grave could not hold Jesus. That he bodily rose from the grave. When the angel appeared to the women at the empty grave, he told them, "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay."The empty tomb told them that Jesus had indeed been raised. It was evidence of the resurrection. [2]
The cross and empty tomb is unique enough to be a clear sign. The cross (death) and empty tomb (resurrection) clearly demonstrated Jesus’s mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death.

PHOTO: The cross and empty tomb is unique enough to be a clear sign. The cross (death) and empty tomb (resurrection) clearly demonstrated Jesus’s mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death.
Picture posted by Children's Ministries Faith Formation @ First Church of Simsbury
How would you share with others about your own convictions (a firmly held belief or opinion) and experiences?
The angel that brought the good news is called a "seraph" (Stanza 5) in the song. Seraphs were agents that personally ministered to God around His throne, as described in Isaiah 6:2-7. They angelic beings of the highest rank, whose special ministry seems to be connected with God's throne (the "four living creatures" mentioned in Ezekiel 1:5; see also Revelation 4:8). It is unlikely that a seraph was sent as a messenger to the shepherds. The angel who serving as messenger from God in the nativity accounts in Scripture was Gabriel (Luke 1:19, 26). It is likely that he was also the one who appeared to the terrified shepherds. Gabriel described himself thus: "I stand in the presence of God" (Luke 1:19). It was a profound experience to see and hear an angel who had just come from God's glorious presence.

PHOTO: The angel who serving as messenger from God in the nativity accounts in Scripture was Gabriel (Luke 1:19, 26). It is likely that he was also the one who appeared to the terrified shepherds. Gabriel described himself thus: "I stand in the presence of God" (Luke 1:19). It was a profound experience to see and hear an angel who had just come from God's glorious presence.
Picture posted by
The angel told the shepherds not to fear (Stanza 2). Do we hear the same words from heaven today, especially as we face many troubles and difficulties in life, both within us and without? The good news of Jesus brings us comfort and hope, and if we recognise His presence in our lives, we can experience true joy. This blessing is not only for us but for "all mankind" (Stanza 2). Beyond experiencing it for ourselves, we must also share the truth with others who so desperately need to hear it. Is there someone who is suffering serious problems, or going through a period of loneliness, sadness, or helplessness? You may have been sent by God in the same way He sent the angel to the shepherds.

PHOTO: The good news of Jesus brings us comfort and hope, and if we recognise His presence in our lives, we can experience true joy. This blessing is not only for us but for "all mankind" (Stanza 2). Beyond experiencing it for ourselves, we must also share the truth with others who so desperately need to hear it.
Picture posted by The Watchman's Post on Thursday, 02 March 2017
How would you share with others about your own convictions (a firmly held belief or opinion) and experiences?
As Christians we may have established within ourselves certain convictions and experiences that help us become more Christ-like. These relate to pretty much everything in our lives. And when a Christian conviction and experience is set within a person, it’s pretty difficult to persuade them otherwise. But how to share them effectively with others?
1. Know our convictions and experiences
Do we actually know what we believe in? We have our basic beliefs, those standard shoulds and should-nots, but what about the fuzzy parts in the middle? For example, if we’re pro-life, does that include contraception? If we stand for purity, does that include kissing? It’s the stuff in the middle that causes the questions that leave the door open for debate. And when there’s debate, there’s room for testing and sharing. [3]

PHOTO: Know our convictions and experiences
Do we actually know what we believe in? We have our basic beliefs, those standard shoulds and should-nots, but what about the fuzzy parts in the middle? It’s the stuff in the middle that causes the questions that leave the door open for debate. And when there’s debate, there’s room for testing and sharing.
Picture posted by attlid on 22 July 2013 - Daydream III
2. Read the Bible
Personal convictions and experiences are not biblical truth, although they can certainly be founded upon it. The Word is the main reason why we have our Christian convictions in the first place. The Bible is a great reminder of why we hold certain convictions and experiences so close to our hearts. And if we’re not loyal to them, the Bible reminds us of why we should be. Without the Bible, we have no compass when sharing our faith. [4]

PHOTO: Read the Bible
The Word is the main reason why we have our Christian convictions in the first place. The Bible is a great reminder of why we hold certain convictions and experiences so close to our hearts. And if we’re not loyal to them, the Bible reminds us of why we should be. Without the Bible, we have no compass when sharing our faith.
Picture posted by Mark Hart on 19 January 2015
3. Know why they’re important to us
If we don’t know why they’re important, then we won’t be inclined to remain loyal to them. Nor will we be able to argue for them when those who don’t share our convictions try to make us question them. We have to be devoted to our convictions and experiences before sharing them. After all, they’re deep-seated beliefs. [3]

PHOTO: Know why they’re important to us
If we don’t know why they’re important, then we won’t be inclined to remain loyal to them. Nor will we be able to argue for them when those who don’t share our convictions try to make us question them. We have to be devoted to our convictions and experiences before sharing them.
Picture posted by Bread for Beggars on 05 March 2020 - No one will snatch you
4. Pray to God for strength and help
God is your strength. With 1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:18 and 1 Peter 5:8-11. God is our strength in everything. And in those moments of darkness and doubt, when we are vulnerable to Satan’s temptations, God is the only one who can strengthen and guide us to share our convictions and experiences with others. Without prayer, we share our faith in our own strength. Prayer is an opportunity to tap into God’s power. Prayer has the power to change situations as we share our convictions and experiences with others. [4]

PHOTO: Pray to God for strength and help
God is our strength in everything. And in those moments of darkness and doubt, when we are vulnerable to Satan’s temptations, God is the only one who can strengthen and guide us to share our convictions and experiences with others. Without prayer, we share our faith in our own strength. Prayer is an opportunity to tap into God’s power. Prayer has the power to change situations as we share our convictions and experiences with others.
Picture posted by on 05 June 2013
gif file generated by Animated Images Effects Generator at
5. Share in Church
Jesus called ‘The Church’ His Bride. He loves ‘The Church’ and is returning for ‘The Church’. He also refers to ‘The Church’ as His Body. It is community and accountability. Where we learn to love others and show the world outside our circle just who Jesus is. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that the church is where discipleship happens. Without Church, we have no accountability and encouragement when sharing our faith, convictions and experiences. [4]

PHOTO: Share in Church
Jesus called ‘The Church’ His Bride. He loves ‘The Church’ and is returning for ‘The Church’. He also refers to ‘The Church’ as His Body. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that the church is where discipleship happens. Without Church, we have no accountability and encouragement when sharing our faith, convictions and experiences.
Artwork by Heinrich Hofmann - The Sermon on the Mount
Picture from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
6. Have Christ-like action and response
The reflection of our convictions and experiences, can be noticed by those around us. Action and response can display our caring attitude and sense of responsibility. Jesus taught us these in Matthew 5:16. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

PHOTO: Have Christ-like action and response
Action and response can display our caring attitude and sense of responsibility. Jesus taught us these inMatthew 5:16. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Picture posted by Yolanda Dodd - Shine for God!
Jesus said his works are also words (John 10:37–38). His words and works were always saying the same thing. So we too should follow Him, by living our earthly life in perfect integrity. Jesus had perfect consistency between His words and works. Unfortunately none of the rest of us has this yet. We must “look carefully how [we] walk, not as unwise but as wise” (Ephesians 5:15). And the wise repent wherever they see unbelief and then “[forget] what lies behind and [strain] forward to what lies ahead [and] press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13–14). Our works reveal where our faith is. Jesus told us that a “tree is known by its fruit” (Matthew 12:33). The wise seek to make the tree good. [5]
May our “actions speak louder than words”.

PHOTO: Jesus said his works are also words (John 10:37–38). Jesus had perfect consistency between His words and works. Unfortunately none of the rest of us has this yet. Jesus told us that a “tree is known by its fruit” (Matthew 12:33). The wise seek to make the tree good. May our “actions speak louder than words”.
Picture posted by Weebly on 10 August 2014

PHOTO: “Dear Lord, We learn that the scene of a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger was to be a sign to the shepherds that they were seeing the Messiah. If the swaddling clothes were an indication of an important baby, then the combination of importance and poverty (manger) would have been an odd scene, unique enough to be a clear sign.
The cross and empty tomb is also a unique sign. When we see the cross, we are reminded of Jesus’ death on the cross as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. When we see or hear of the empty tomb, it point us to Jesus’ resurrection. And to our own upcoming resurrection as well. It symbolizes victory over death.
The cross (death) and empty tomb (resurrection) clearly demonstrated Jesus’s mastery over death and it holds promise for believers as well; that we also will have victory over death.
We need Your help to know what are our convictions, and what our experiences means. There will be debate and we will be constantly tested as we share our convictions and experiences.
We are reminded that the Bible is the source of our convictions and explanations of our experiences. The Word is the main reason why we have our Christian convictions in the first place. And if we’re not loyal to them, the Bible reminds us of why we should be. Without the Bible, we have no compass when sharing our faith.
Please help us to know why our convictions and experiences are important to us. If we don’t know why they’re important, then we won’t be inclined to remain loyal to them. Nor will we be able to argue for them when those who don’t share our convictions try to make us question them. Help us to be devoted to our convictions and experiences before sharing them.
Jesus called ‘The Church’ His Bride. He loves ‘The Church’ and is returning for ‘The Church’. He also refers to ‘The Church’ as His Body. We learn to love others and show the world outside our circle just who Jesus is. Without Church, we have no accountability and encouragement when sharing our faith, convictions and experiences. Please help us to share our convictions and experiences at the place where discipleship happens.
Jesus taught us to display our caring attitude and sense of responsibility through our actions and responses, which also can glorify You in heaven. Help us to lead our earthly life in perfect integrity just like Jesus. Jesus had perfect consistency between His words and works. Unfortunately none of the rest of us has this yet. Our works reveal where our faith is. Please help our works to bear fruits, just like the wise would do. With Your help, May our actions speak louder than words.
Please strengthen and guide us to share our convictions and experiences with others. Without Your help, we share our faith in our own strength. We pray for Your power to change situations as we share our convictions and experiences with others.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!”
Photo: linux87/123RF
Picture posted by 藤島佑雪 (Fujishima Yū yuki), Vogue on 25 May 2019,c_limit/VJ-Horoscope-fuzishima-01.jpg
Reflection - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks
Question from source (book): "Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, Chapter 19, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks", Page 190.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Question from source (book): "Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, Chapter 19, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks", Page 190.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
[1] From "Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, Copyright © 2017 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-11-6752-2, Chapter 19, "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks", Page 185-190.[2] Ed Jarrett, Contributing Writer, What Is the Importance of the Empty Tomb?,
[3] T.M. Gaouette, How to Stay True to Your Convictions,
[4] Reuben Skewes, 6 Convictions of Effective Faith Sharing Christians, posted on 31 August 2017,
[5] Jon Bloom, Staff writer,, What Is Your Doing Saying?,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Corinthians 10:13, Hebrews 2:18, 1 Peter 5:8-11 -
Ephesians 5:15 -
Ezekiel 1:5 -
Isaiah 6:2-7 -
John 10:37–38 -
Luke 1:19 -
Luke 1:19, 26 -
Luke 2:8-15 -
Matthew 5:16 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 12:33 -
Philippians 3:13–14 -
Revelation 4:8 -
Ephesians 5:15 -
Ezekiel 1:5 -
Isaiah 6:2-7 -
John 10:37–38 -
Luke 1:19 -
Luke 1:19, 26 -
Luke 2:8-15 -
Matthew 5:16 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Matthew 12:33 -
Philippians 3:13–14 -
Revelation 4:8 -