Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 13, "Consecrating Life", Question 2, Page 85.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
![Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?]()
PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Simon the magician who professed to have believed and was baptised in Samaria, nevertheless heard Peter tell him, "your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21). He was urged to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. The senior years bring with them "a new school of surrender", and we may face new challenges in letting go of things we have been holding on all this time. Paul Tournier notes that "it is only through a series of definitive renunciations that a man becomes aware that he has grown old." What does Tournier mean? Simply this: We progress as we learn to surrender. In his book A Place for You, Tournier uses the metaphor of a trapeze artist who can make progress only if he lets go of his current pole to swing and take hold of the next one. We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
When we let go, we discover what faith truly is. Imagine life as a series of trapeze poles. When we are able to make good progress by learning how to let go and take hold in turn, when we come to the last pole (which is greased with the finitude [the state of having limits or bounds] of time and human mortality) and finally have to let go, we know we can entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness. Dallas Willard suggests applying this idea in a spiritual exercise:
I recommend that you then lie on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose.
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. These are to be used in obedience to God and for His glory. In this way, we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, and live in a focused and meaningful way.
These truth are well expressed in Frances Ridley Havergal's hymn "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. The concluding phrase "ever only, all for thee" is a fitting description of such consecration. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life."Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today" (1 Chronicles 29:5)?
Picture posted by iStockphoto by Getty Images
Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives? How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives? [1]
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Simon the magician who professed to have believed and was baptised in Samaria, nevertheless heard Peter tell him, "your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21). He was urged to repent and pray.
![Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?]()
PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. We are urged to repent and pray.
Picture posted by Depositphoto
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
![Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?]()
PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
Picture posted by alexdanemarca on 19 June 2011 - Zindy's pencil or charcoal drawings - Please my wings, take me away
How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. The senior years bring with them "a new school of surrender", [49] and we may face new challenges in letting go of things we have been holding on all this time. Paul Tournier notes that "it is only through a series of definitive renunciations that a man becomes aware that he has grown old."[50] What does Tournier mean? Simply this: We progress as we learn to surrender. In his book A Place for You, Tournier uses the metaphor of a trapeze artist who can make progress only if he lets go of his current pole to swing and take hold of the next one. [51] We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
![How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?]()
PHOTO: How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. We progress as we learn to surrender. We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
Picture posted by Jane, Born to Bloom - Surrender—beautiful, and sometimes painful, surrender
When we let go, we discover what faith truly is. Imagine life as a series of trapeze poles. When we are able to make good progress by learning how to let go and take hold in turn, when we come to the last pole (which is greased with the finitude [the state of having limits or bounds] of time and human mortality) and finally have to let go, we know we can entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
![Let go, entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27).]()
PHOTO: Let go, entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Picture posted by
Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness. [52] Dallas Willard suggests applying this idea in a spiritual exercise:
![Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up]()
PHOTO: Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness.
Picture posted by Agafya Lunnaya - From the tips of the nails on my arms to the tips of the nails on my feet
I recommend that you then lie on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose. [53]
![How do we consecrate ourselves to God?]()
PHOTO: How do we consecrate ourselves to God?
What we have been keeping for ourselves must be handed over to Jesus, to be brought under His rule and authority.
Dallas willard (Renovation of the Heart) suggests lying on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose.
Picture posted by Ksenia Mazko - photo,
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. These are to be used in obedience to God and for His glory. In this way, we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, and live in a focused and meaningful way.
![It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears.]()
PHOTO: It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers"to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God.
Picture posted by The Secret Real Truth on Sunday, 2 October 2016 - ARISTOTLE - THE HUMAN SOUL
These truth are well expressed in Frances Ridley Havergal's hymn "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. The concluding phrase "ever only, all for thee" is a fitting description of such consecration. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life."Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today" (1 Chronicles 29:5)?
PHOTO: "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts. To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life.
Lord, help us to be willing, and to start consecrating ourselves to the Lord from today onward (1 Chronicles 29:5).
Picture posted by karlenis28 - DailyCelestialChallenge: Friday-lovebeautyfreedom
![Dear Lord]()
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that it is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Help us to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. Help us to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
Help us to let go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging God as Lord of all. We learn that we need to give to God what is owned. As we age, help us not to hold on to the past but to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits, so that we can proceed into the future.
We need to discover what faith truly is. This is possible only when we can let go all that belongs to God. Help us to make good progress by learning how to let go and entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us. For this to happen, we need to learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Help us to surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ so that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. We want to do what Paul had mentioned, to have true and proper worship by offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. Help us to devote these in obedience to God and for His glory. Also in this way we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, but live in a focused and meaningful way.
Help us to fulfil all this which is only possible when we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
We want to live a consecrated life which is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life. Help us to be willing, and to start consecrating ourselves to the Lord from today onward.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by vector art illustration - Baptism of Jesus
[49] Adrian van Kaam and Susan Muto, Aging Gracefully (Boston: St. Paul's Books and Media, 1992), 13.
[50] Paul Tournier, Learn to Grow Old, trans. Edwin Hudson (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1972), 171.
[51] Paul Tournier, A Place For You: Psychology and Religion (New York: Harper and Row, 1968). 164.
[52] Margaret Magdalen, A Spiritual Check-up: Avoiding Mediocrity in the Christian Life (Guildford: Highland, 1990).
[53] Willard, Renovation of the Heart, 139.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012

PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Simon the magician who professed to have believed and was baptised in Samaria, nevertheless heard Peter tell him, "your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21). He was urged to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. The senior years bring with them "a new school of surrender", and we may face new challenges in letting go of things we have been holding on all this time. Paul Tournier notes that "it is only through a series of definitive renunciations that a man becomes aware that he has grown old." What does Tournier mean? Simply this: We progress as we learn to surrender. In his book A Place for You, Tournier uses the metaphor of a trapeze artist who can make progress only if he lets go of his current pole to swing and take hold of the next one. We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
When we let go, we discover what faith truly is. Imagine life as a series of trapeze poles. When we are able to make good progress by learning how to let go and take hold in turn, when we come to the last pole (which is greased with the finitude [the state of having limits or bounds] of time and human mortality) and finally have to let go, we know we can entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness. Dallas Willard suggests applying this idea in a spiritual exercise:
I recommend that you then lie on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose.
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. These are to be used in obedience to God and for His glory. In this way, we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, and live in a focused and meaningful way.
These truth are well expressed in Frances Ridley Havergal's hymn "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. The concluding phrase "ever only, all for thee" is a fitting description of such consecration. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life."Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today" (1 Chronicles 29:5)?
Picture posted by iStockphoto by Getty Images
Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives? How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives? [1]
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Simon the magician who professed to have believed and was baptised in Samaria, nevertheless heard Peter tell him, "your heart is not right before God" (Acts 8:21). He was urged to repent and pray.

PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. We are urged to repent and pray.
Picture posted by Depositphoto
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.

PHOTO: Why do some Christians live un-consecrated lives?
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. It may be time to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
Picture posted by alexdanemarca on 19 June 2011 - Zindy's pencil or charcoal drawings - Please my wings, take me away
How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. The senior years bring with them "a new school of surrender", [49] and we may face new challenges in letting go of things we have been holding on all this time. Paul Tournier notes that "it is only through a series of definitive renunciations that a man becomes aware that he has grown old."[50] What does Tournier mean? Simply this: We progress as we learn to surrender. In his book A Place for You, Tournier uses the metaphor of a trapeze artist who can make progress only if he lets go of his current pole to swing and take hold of the next one. [51] We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.

PHOTO: How can they find their way to consecrating their hearts and every part to Christ?
A key part of giving to God what is owned is letting go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging Him as Lord of all. We progress as we learn to surrender. We cannot proceed into the future if we hold on to the past. We have to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits.
Picture posted by Jane, Born to Bloom - Surrender—beautiful, and sometimes painful, surrender
When we let go, we discover what faith truly is. Imagine life as a series of trapeze poles. When we are able to make good progress by learning how to let go and take hold in turn, when we come to the last pole (which is greased with the finitude [the state of having limits or bounds] of time and human mortality) and finally have to let go, we know we can entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.

PHOTO: Let go, entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us (Deuteronomy 33:27). A lifetime of learning trust will help us at the end too. For that to happen, we must learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Picture posted by
Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness. [52] Dallas Willard suggests applying this idea in a spiritual exercise:

PHOTO: Margaret Magdalen, in her book A Spiritual Check-Up, encourages Christians to imagine entering the waters of baptism, and committing each body part, from the feet up to the head, to a life of godly righteousness.
Picture posted by Agafya Lunnaya - From the tips of the nails on my arms to the tips of the nails on my feet
I recommend that you then lie on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose. [53]

PHOTO: How do we consecrate ourselves to God?
What we have been keeping for ourselves must be handed over to Jesus, to be brought under His rule and authority.
Dallas willard (Renovation of the Heart) suggests lying on the floor, face down or face up, and explicitly and formally surrender our body to God. Take time to go over the main parts of our body and do the same for each one. What we want to do is to ask God to take charge of our body and each part, to fill it with his life and use it for his purpose.
Picture posted by Ksenia Mazko - photo,
It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers "to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. These are to be used in obedience to God and for His glory. In this way, we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, and live in a focused and meaningful way.

PHOTO: It is when we surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. This is the "true and proper worship" that Paul writes about as he urges his readers"to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God" (Romans 12:1). What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God.
Picture posted by The Secret Real Truth on Sunday, 2 October 2016 - ARISTOTLE - THE HUMAN SOUL
These truth are well expressed in Frances Ridley Havergal's hymn "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. The concluding phrase "ever only, all for thee" is a fitting description of such consecration. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life."Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today" (1 Chronicles 29:5)?
PHOTO: "Take My Life and Let it be", where aspects of one's life (time, hands, feet, voice, finances, intellect, will, heart) are all consecrated to God. All this is possible if we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts. To live a consecrated life is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life.
Lord, help us to be willing, and to start consecrating ourselves to the Lord from today onward (1 Chronicles 29:5).
Picture posted by karlenis28 - DailyCelestialChallenge: Friday-lovebeautyfreedom

PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn that it is possible for a person to go through the motions of piety, attend church and do churchly things, and yet have a heart that is not given to God. Help us to repent and pray.
It is also possible for a person to have once given his or her heart to Jesus, but over the years taken parts of it back. Help us to repent and return to Christ what belongs to Him.
Help us to let go of all the things that hold us back from fully trusting and acknowledging God as Lord of all. We learn that we need to give to God what is owned. As we age, help us not to hold on to the past but to bid farewell to our youthful health, our old careers, and our worldly pursuits, so that we can proceed into the future.
We need to discover what faith truly is. This is possible only when we can let go all that belongs to God. Help us to make good progress by learning how to let go and entrust ourselves to the everlasting and safe hands of God that will catch us. For this to happen, we need to learn how to let go and consecrate everything in our lives.
Help us to surrender every part of our body and every area of our lives to Christ so that we become His hands, feet, voice, and ears. We want to do what Paul had mentioned, to have true and proper worship by offering our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. What is true of consecrating and using our physical parts for God's glory is also true of using the other aspects of our lives, such as our time, affections, intellect, relationships, and finances, for the glory of God. Help us to devote these in obedience to God and for His glory. Also in this way we will avoid sinning and becoming distracted or addicted to other things, but live in a focused and meaningful way.
Help us to fulfil all this which is only possible when we trust and obey Christ with all our hearts.
We want to live a consecrated life which is to live a Christ-ruled and Christ-centred life. Help us to be willing, and to start consecrating ourselves to the Lord from today onward.
Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Picture posted by vector art illustration - Baptism of Jesus
Reflection - Spiritual Habits - Un-consecrated Lives
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 13, "Consecrating Life", Question 2, Page 85.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
Source (book): "Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 13, "Consecrating Life", Question 2, Page 85.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
Also from the same author, Robert M. Solomon
"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon
!['Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>]()
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
![Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)]()
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
!['Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019]()
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon
!['Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019]()
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon
![Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020]()
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020

Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)
"Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, © 2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, © 2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
[1] From"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, Copyright © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-981-14-1836-5, PART II: SPIRITUAL HABITS, Chapter 13,"Consecrating Life", Page 82-84.[49] Adrian van Kaam and Susan Muto, Aging Gracefully (Boston: St. Paul's Books and Media, 1992), 13.
[50] Paul Tournier, Learn to Grow Old, trans. Edwin Hudson (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1972), 171.
[51] Paul Tournier, A Place For You: Psychology and Religion (New York: Harper and Row, 1968). 164.
[52] Margaret Magdalen, A Spiritual Check-up: Avoiding Mediocrity in the Christian Life (Guildford: Highland, 1990).
[53] Willard, Renovation of the Heart, 139.
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
1 Chronicles 29:5 -
Acts 8:21 -
Deuteronomy 33:27 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -
Acts 8:21 -
Deuteronomy 33:27 -
Matthew 11:28-29 -