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Reflection - Number Our Days - Bird Song

Source (book):"Teach Us to Number Our Days", Chapter 9,"Bird Song", Page 51.
By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.

Field and forest, vale (valley) and mountain,
PHOTO: Field and forest, vale (valley) and mountain,
Flow'ry meadow, flashing sea,
Chanting bird and flowing fountain
Call us to rejoice in Thee.

- Genevan Psalter

Speaking of birds - Solomon describes old age as a time "when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint." (Ecclesiastes 12:4) He was right, of course, on both counts: I get up with the birds, but until I get my bearings and my hearing aid in place, I can't hear their songs. Thanks to the marvel of modern gadgetry, however, I can hear birds quite well these days, and their singing makes my heart swell with joy.

I read the other day that birds sing "because they can and because they must. Songs are used to attract mates and defend territories, but the form is much more than function. Nature is full of beauty, and of music." So writes David Rothenberg, a professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

The professor goes on to explain that birds sing because they have syrinx instead of a larynx. The syrinx is a unique musical instrument that looks like a hollow, inverted Y that lies deep in a bird's chest at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchia which rise from the lungs. Each leg of the Y rests on a separate bronchial tube, thus giving birds unusual control and creativity in the sounds they can make.

Birds can sing two different notes at the same time, or sing a duet with themselves. They are capable of singing a rising note with one side of the syrinx and a falling note with the other. They can use one side for low notes and the other for high ones, or switch from one side to the other in mid-note. No other creature is quite so versatile.

But what I ask is, why do birds sing - really? Why these tiny virtuosos (experts)? Why does "the air tremble with the din of songs and the whir of wings?"

Birds were brought into being before us to fill the earth with joyful music - to draw our hearts up to God in thanksgiving and adoration. Birds are "heaven's high and holy muses (inspiration)," John Donne said, daily reminders that God has given us a song so we may sing with them in praise and thanksgiving to our creator.

We can sing along with Israel's sweet singer:

I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your loves;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
(Psalm 59:16)

We can "sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great." (Psalm 138:5)We can "sing . . . for [the Lord] has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for [us]." (Psalm 98:1) Or we can make up our very own song!

So, when you hear God's little hymn-birds break into carefree song each morning, echo their melodies with your own. Lift up your voice - harmonious, hoarse, or harsh - and join them in praise to your Creator, Redeemer, and Lord. Sing from your soul-nest.

But, you say, "I don't feel like singing this morning." All is still - no flutter, no melody? Sing anyway. There is grace sufficient to sing, and joy may surprise you as you make melody in your heart to the Lord. Give it a try. What do you have to lose but your sorrow?

Israel's poet observed:

The birds of the air nest by the waters;
they sing among the branches . . .
[Therefore] I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
(Psalm 104:12, 33)
PHOTO: Field and forest, vale (valley) and mountain, Flow'ry meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee.
Picture posted by hosnalkhatema, Unknown on Monday, 31 July 2017 at 12:35 AM


Speaking of birds - Solomon describes old age as a time "when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint." (Ecclesiastes 12:4) [46] He was right, of course, on both counts: I get up with the birds, but until I get my bearings and my hearing aid in place, I can't hear their songs. Thanks to the marvel of modern gadgetry, however, I can hear birds quite well these days, and their singing makes my heart swell with joy.

Solomon describes old age as a time 'when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint.'
PHOTO: Solomon describes old age as a time "when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint." (Ecclesiastes 12:4)
Picture posted by  Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

I read the other day that birds sing "because they can and because they must. Songs are used to attract mates and defend territories, but the form is much more than function. Nature is full of beauty, and of music." So writes David Rothenberg, a professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology.

The professor goes on to explain that birds sing because they have syrinx instead of a larynx. The syrinx is a unique musical instrument that looks like a hollow, inverted Y that lies deep in a bird's chest at the point where the trachea divides into the two bronchia which rise from the lungs. Each leg of the Y rests on a separate bronchial tube, thus giving birds unusual control and creativity in the sounds they can make.

Birds sing 'because they can and because they must.'
PHOTO: Birds sing "because they can and because they must. Songs are used to attract mates and defend territories, but the form is much more than function. Nature is full of beauty, and of music."
Picture posted by Emily Rhode, Treehugger on 27 April 2021 - Why Do Birds Sing?

Birds can sing two different notes at the same time, or sing a duet with themselves. They are capable of singing a rising note with one side of the syrinx and a falling note with the other. They can use one side for low notes and the other for high ones, or switch from one side to the other in mid-note. No other creature is quite so versatile.

Birds can sing two different notes at the same time, or sing a duet with themselves.
PHOTO: Birds can sing two different notes at the same time, or sing a duet with themselves. They are capable of singing a rising note with one side of the syrinx and a falling note with the other. They can use one side for low notes and the other for high ones, or switch from one side to the other in mid-note. No other creature is quite so versatile.
Picture posted by tumblr, Currents in Biology - Illustration of a Bird’s Syrinx


But what I ask is, why do birds sing - really? Why these tiny virtuosos (experts)? Why does "the air tremble with the din of songs and the whir of wings?"

Birds were brought into being before us to fill the earth with joyful music - to draw our hearts up to God in thanksgiving and adoration. Birds are "heaven's high and holy muses (inspiration)," John Donne said, daily reminders that God has given us a song so we may sing with them in praise and thanksgiving to our creator.

Birds were brought into being before us to fill the earth with joyful music - to draw our hearts up to God in thanksgiving and adoration.
PHOTO: Birds were brought into being before us to fill the earth with joyful music - to draw our hearts up to God in thanksgiving and adoration. Birds are "heaven's high and holy muses (inspiration)," John Donne said, daily reminders that God has given us a song so we may sing with them in praise and thanksgiving to our creator.
Picture posted by Freeimages.com - Adam In The Garden Of Eden


We can sing along with Israel's sweet singer:

I will sing of your strength,
in the morning I will sing of your loves;
for you are my fortress,
my refuge in times of trouble.
(Psalm 59:16) [47]

We can sing along with Israel's sweet singer: . . . in the morning I will sing of your loves; . . .
PHOTO: We can sing along with Israel's sweet singer: . . . in the morning I will sing of your loves; . . .
Picture posted by Yakayakoux - I Will Sing Of Your Love
Psalm 59:16)

We can "sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great." (Psalm 138:5) [48] We can "sing . . . for [the Lord] has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for [us]." (Psalm 98:1) [49] Or we can make up our very own song!

So, when you hear God's little hymn-birds break into carefree song each morning, echo their melodies with your own. Lift up your voice - harmonious, hoarse, or harsh - and join them in praise to your Creator, Redeemer, and Lord. Sing from your soul-nest.

We can 'sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great.'
PHOTO: We can"sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great." (Psalm 138:5) We can"sing . . . for [the Lord] has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for [us]." (Psalm 98:1) Or we can make up our very own song!
Picture posted by Millie's Coffee Corner on Monday, 14 May 2018 at 07:16 pm

But, you say, "I don't feel like singing this morning." All is still - no flutter, no melody? Sing anyway. There is grace sufficient to sing, and joy may surprise you as you make melody in your heart to the Lord. Give it a try. What do you have to lose but your sorrow?

But, you say,
PHOTO: But, you say,"I don't feel like singing this morning."All is still - no flutter, no melody? Sing anyway. There is grace sufficient to sing, and joy may surprise you as you make melody in your heart to the Lord. Give it a try. What do you have to lose but your sorrow?
Picture posted by Fox2006 on 25 January 2014 - Goldberry


Israel's poet observed:

The birds of the air nest by the waters;
they sing among the branches . . .
[Therefore] I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
(Psalm 104:12, 33) [50]

The birds of the air nest by the waters;
The birds of the air nest by the waters;
PHOTO: The birds of the air nest by the waters;
they sing among the branches . . .
[Therefore] I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
Psalm 104:12, 33)
Picture posted by Fox2006 on 04 January 2015 - Nerdanel
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Dear Lord
Dear Lord
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, we learn from Solomon that old age is a time ‘when men rise up at the sound of birds, but all their songs grow faint.’ We get up with the birds, but until we get our bearings and our hearing aid in place, we can't hear their songs.

We learn too that birds were brought into being before us to fill the earth with joyful music - to draw our hearts up to God in thanksgiving and adoration. Birds are ‘heaven's high and holy muses,’ daily reminders that God has given us a song so we may sing with them in praise and thanksgiving to our creator.

Lord, we pray that we can ‘sing of the ways of the Lord, for the glory of the Lord is great.’ That we can "sing . . . for [the Lord] has done marvelous things; his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for [us].’

We pray that when we hear God's little hymn-birds, we can break into carefree song each morning, echo their melodies with our own. Lift up our voice - harmonious, hoarse, or harsh - and join them in praise to our Creator, Redeemer, and Lord. Also we can sing from our soul-nest.

Lord, we pray for Your that even when we don't feel like singing, we sng anyway. There is grace sufficient to sing, and joy may surprise us as we make melody in our heart to the Lord.

We have nothing to lose but our sorrow. May we be like the Psalmist in singing praise to God as long as we live.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Pictue posted by irinama on 04 December 2011 - Fairytale princess
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Reflection - Number Our Days - Bird Song
Source (book): "Teach Us to Number Our Days", Chapter 9, "Bird Song", Page 51.
By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.

Other Books

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, ©
2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020


"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021

[1] From"Teach Us to Number Our Days", Copyright © 2008 by David Roper, ISBN 978-981-11-7184-0, Chapter 9,"Bird Song", Page 51-54.

[46] Ecclesiastes 12:4

[47]Psalm 59:16

[48] Psalm 138:5

[49] Psalm 98:1

[50]Psalm 104:12, 33. The Psalm begins with a catalogue of God's works and wisdom in creation, "over which" the birds of heaven hover and "lift up their voices among the branches." (The Psalmist, a shrewd observer, notes correctly that singing is limited to perching birds.) The Psalmist then responds "[Therefore] I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."


New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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