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Reflection - Number Our Days - The Good, The Better, The Best

Source (book): "Teach Us to Number Our Days", Chapter 29, "The Good, The Better, The Best", Page 137.
By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.

Now let me tell you that the will of God is all that is necessary, and what it does not give you is of no use to you at all. My friends, you lack nothing.
PHOTO: Now let me tell you that the will of God is all that is necessary, and what it does not give you is of no use to you at all. My friends, you lack nothing. You would be very ashamed if you knew what the experiences you call setbacks, upheavals, pointless disturbances, and tedious annoyances really are. You would realize that your complaints about them are nothing more nor less than blasphemies - though that never occurs to you. Nothing happens to you except by the will of God, and yet [God's] beloved children curse it because they do not know it for what it is.
- Jean-Pierre De Caussade,
Abandonment fo Divine Providence

King David fled from Jerusalem, forced out by a disloyal son. (2 Samuel 15) Feigning allegiance to his father, Absalom had gathered an army of supporters and was marching against the city to seize control of the throne. David withdrew to spare his people the horrors of a prolonged siege.

David's calamities accumulated as he retreated. He discovered that his trusted friend and wise counselor, Ahithophel, had betrayed him. He was forced to send his loyal friend, Hushai, back to Jerusalem because he was too old to endure the rigors of a forced march. He was told the Mephibosheth, to whom David had shown great kindness, was among the conspirators.

For the sake of his people, David sent Zadok, his beloved priest and loyal friend, back to Jerusalem with the ark of God. With the departure of the ark, David mused, "If I find favor in the Lord's eye, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again." But if not, "then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him." (2 Samuel 15:25-26)

Perhaps, like David, you have lost control of your life. You home, your finances, your freedom, your future now lie in hands other than your own. Someone - perhaps someone you loved and trusted - has taken control, or so it seems.

You need to remember that even if power has been wrested from your hands, there are other hands at work. Behind every human act lies the actions of One whose will is indomitable (invincible) and whose power is supreme. He gives and takes what He will, when He wills it. He is the High King of heaven! No one can act without His permission; no one can frustrate His control.

"What do you understand by the providence of God?" the Heidelberg Catechism asks, then answers: "God's providence is the almighty and ever-present power, whereby, as with His own hand, He still upholds heaven and earth and all creatures, and so governs them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, indeed all things come not by chance but by His fatherly hand."

It is not human caprice (whim) that has overturned your plans, but God's sovereign will, for nothing and no one can frustrate His loving intention toward you and His resolve to bring eternal gain out of displacement and the loss of earthly possessions.

Tertullian, a third century Christians, wrote, "[Do not regret] a thing which has been taken away, and taken away by the Lord God, without whose will neither does a leaf glide down from a tree nor a sparrow of one farthing's worth fall to the earth."

God's ways are too deep, too lofty, too wise for us to understand, but we can know that His will is "good, pleasing, and perfect." (Romans 12:2)Perfect, because His plan is greater than mere preservation of our goods. It is to make us good children - gracious in loss and upheaval, confident in our heavenly Father's prudence and care, peaceful in the certainty of His love.

But this goodness grows from acceptance, because we cannot know that God's will is good and perfect, and we will not find it pleasing, until we have offered up our privileges, possessions, our circumstances - indeed ourselves - to God. (Romans 12:1-2) We must dare to look up to Him and say, "I accept this circumstance and all I have lost as you have planned it. I refuse nothing that seems good to you."

Thus we echo David's words: "I am ready; let [God] do to me whatever seems good to him," and put ourselves in His fatherly hands.

To have, each day, the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to me;
But not to have the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to Thee.
Most truly, then, Thy will is done,
When mine, O Lord, is crossed;
It is good to see my plans o'erthrown,
My ways in Thine all lost.

- Horatio Bonar

Now let me tell you that the will of God is all that is necessary, and what it does not give you is of no use to you at all. My friends, you lack nothing. You would be very ashamed if you knew what the experiences you call setbacks, upheavals, pointless disturbances, and tedious annoyances really are. You would realize that your complaints about them are nothing more nor less than blasphemies - though that never occurs to you. Nothing happens to you except by the will of God, and yet [God's] beloved children curse it because they do not know it for what it is.
- Jean-Pierre De Caussade,
Abandonment fo Divine Providence

Now let me tell you that the will of God is all that is necessary, and what it does not give you is of no use to you at all. . . .
PHOTO: "Now let me tell you that the will of God is all that is necessary, and what it does not give you is of no use to you at all. . . . "
Picture posted by Follow Spiritual Reading

King David fled from Jerusalem, forced out by a disloyal son. (2 Samuel 15) [144] Feigning allegiance to his father, Absalom had gathered an army of supporters and was marching against the city to seize control of the throne. David withdrew to spare his people the horrors of a prolonged siege.

David's calamities accumulated as he retreated. He discovered that his trusted friend and wise counselor, Ahithophel, had betrayed him. He was forced to send his loyal friend, Hushai, back to Jerusalem because he was too old to endure the rigors of a forced march. He was told the Mephibosheth, to whom David had shown great kindness, was among the conspirators.

King David fled from Jerusalem, forced out by a disloyal son. (2 Samuel 15)
PHOTO: King David fled from Jerusalem, forced out by a disloyal son. (2 Samuel 15) Feigning allegiance to his father, Absalom had gathered an army of supporters and was marching against the city to seize control of the throne. David withdrew to spare his people the horrors of a prolonged siege.
Picture posted by bibleencyclopedia.com


For the sake of his people, David sent Zadok, his beloved priest and loyal friend, back to Jerusalem with the ark of God. With the departure of the ark, David mused, "If I find favor in the Lord's eye, he will bring me back and let me see it and his dwelling place again." But if not, "then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him." (2 Samuel 15:25-26) [145]

Perhaps, like David, you have lost control of your life. You home, your finances, your freedom, your future now lie in hands other than your own. Someone - perhaps someone you loved and trusted - has taken control, or so it seems.

Perhaps, like David, you have lost control of your life. You home, your finances, your freedom, your future now lie in hands other than your own.
PHOTO: Perhaps, like David, you have lost control of your life. You home, your finances, your freedom, your future now lie in hands other than your own. Someone - perhaps someone you loved and trusted - has taken control, or so it seems.
Picture posted by SuperSwagQueen on Monday, 12 June 2017 at 11:13:35 am SGT - Anguish


You need to remember that even if power has been wrested from your hands, there are other hands at work. Behind every human act lies the actions of One whose will is indomitable (invincible) and whose power is supreme. He gives and takes what He will, when He wills it. He is the High King of heaven! No one can act without His permission; no one can frustrate His control.

We need to remember that even if power has been wrested from your hands, there are other hands at work.
PHOTO: We need to remember that even if power has been wrested from your hands, there are other hands at work. Behind every human act lies the actions of One whose will is indomitable (invincible) and whose power is supreme. He gives and takes what He will, when He wills it. He is the High King of heaven! No one can act without His permission; no one can frustrate His control.
Picture posted by Citylight Church


"What do you understand by the providence of God?" the Heidelberg Catechism asks, then answers: "God's providence is the almighty and ever-present power, whereby, as with His own hand, He still upholds heaven and earth and all creatures, and so governs them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and barren years, food and drink, health and sickness, riches and poverty, indeed all things come not by chance but by His fatherly hand." [146]

It is not human caprice (whim) that has overturned your plans, but God's sovereign will, for nothing and no one can frustrate His loving intention toward you and His resolve to bring eternal gain out of displacement and the loss of earthly possessions.

It is not human caprice (whim) that has overturned your plans, but God's sovereign will, for nothing and no one can frustrate His loving intention toward you and His resolve to bring eternal gain out of displacement and the loss of earthly possessions.
PHOTO: It is not human caprice (whim) that has overturned your plans, but God's sovereign will, for nothing and no one can frustrate His loving intention toward you and His resolve to bring eternal gain out of displacement and the loss of earthly possessions.
Picture posted by The Church of Jesus Christ


Tertullian, a third century Christians, wrote, "[Do not regret] a thing which has been taken away, and taken away by the Lord God, without whose will neither does a leaf glide down from a tree nor a sparrow of one farthing's worth fall to the earth."[147]

God's ways are too deep, too lofty, too wise for us to understand, but we can know that His will is "good, pleasing, and perfect." (Romans 12:2) [148] Perfect, because His plan is greater than mere preservation of our goods. It is to make us good children - gracious in loss and upheaval, confident in our heavenly Father's prudence and care, peaceful in the certainty of His love.

God's ways are too deep, too lofty, too wise for us to understand, but we can know that His will is 'good, pleasing, and perfect.' (Romans 12:2)
PHOTO: God's ways are too deep, too lofty, too wise for us to understand, but we can know that His will is"good, pleasing, and perfect." (Romans 12:2)
Painting  by Jay Bryant Ward - Lead Me, Guide Me
Picture posted by Jay Bryant Ward


But this goodness grows from acceptance, because we cannot know that God's will is good and perfect, and we will not find it pleasing, until we have offered up our privileges, possessions, our circumstances - indeed ourselves - to God. (Romans 12:1-2) [149] We must dare to look up to Him and say, "I accept this circumstance and all I have lost as you have planned it. I refuse nothing that seems good to you."

Thus we echo David's words: "I am ready; let [God] do to me whatever seems good to him," and put ourselves in His fatherly hands.

This goodness grows from acceptance, because we cannot know that God's will is good and perfect, and we will not find it pleasing, until we have offered up our privileges, possessions, our circumstances - indeed ourselves - to God. (Romans 12:1-2)
PHOTO: This goodness grows from acceptance, because we cannot know that God's will is good and perfect, and we will not find it pleasing, until we have offered up our privileges, possessions, our circumstances - indeed ourselves - to God. (Romans 12:1-2)
Picture posted by Waaqayyo Da'ookodha on Tuesday, 13 October 2020 at 01:03 am

To have, each day, the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to me;
But not to have the thing I wish,
Lord, that seems best to Thee.
Most truly, then, Thy will is done,
When mine, O Lord, is crossed;
It is good to see my plans o'erthrown,
My ways in Thine all lost.

- Horatio Bonar

To have, each day, the thing I wish, Lord, that seems best to me;
PHOTO: To have, each day, the thing I wish, Lord, that seems best to me; But not to have the thing I wish, Lord, that seems best to Thee. Most truly, then, Thy will is done, When mine, O Lord, is crossed; It is good to see my plans o'erthrown, My ways in Thine all lost. - Horatio Bonar
Picture posted by BigStock


Dear Lord
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, help us to remember that even if power has been wrested from our hands, there are other hands at work. Behind every human act lies the actions of One whose will is indomitable and whose power is supreme. He gives and takes what He will, when He wills it. He is the High King of heaven! No one can act without His permission; no one can frustrate His control.

Lord, help us to realise that it is not human caprice that has overturned our plans, but God's sovereign will, for nothing and no one can frustrate His loving intention toward us and His resolve to bring eternal gain out of displacement and the loss of earthly possessions.

May we not regret a thing which has been taken away, and taken away by the Lord God, without whose will neither does a leaf glide down from a tree nor a sparrow of one farthing's worth fall to the earth.

Lord, Your ways are too deep, too lofty, too wise for us to understand, but we can know that Your will is ‘good, pleasing, and perfect’. Perfect, because Your plan is greater than mere preservation of our goods. It is to make us good children - gracious in loss and upheaval, confident in our heavenly Father's prudence and care, peaceful in the certainty of Your love.

Help us to offer up our privileges, possessions, our circumstances - indeed ourselves - to You. Otherwise we cannot know that Your will is good and perfect, and we will not find it pleasing. The goodness grows from acceptance of Your will. May we dare to look up to You and say, ‘I accept this circumstance and all I have lost as you have planned it. I refuse nothing that seems good to you’.

We pray for Your help to put ourselves in Your fatherly hands.

Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!
Picture posted by Waaqayyo Da'ookodha on Thursday, 23 August 2018 at 01:27 am

Reflection - Number Our Days - The Good, The Better, The Best
Source (book): "Teach Us to Number Our Days", Chapter 29, "The Good, The Better, The Best", Page 137.
By David Roper, Pastor, and regular and popular writer for Our Daily Bread.

"Faithful to the end", A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon

'Faithful to the end', A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, @ 2014 by Robert M. Solomon<br>
Reflection - Faithful to the end (Links)

"Finding rest for the soul"Responding to Jesus' Invitation in Matthew 11:28-29, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)
Reflection - Finding rest for the soul (Links)

"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART I-III, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"God in Pursuit"Lessons from the Book of Jonah, ©
2016 by Robert M. Solomon

'Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019
Reflection - God in Pursuit (Links) - PART IV, posted on Saturday, 10 August 2019

"Songs of Christmas", The Stories and Significance of 20 Well-Loved Carols, ©
2018 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020
Reflection - Songs of Christmas (Links), posted on Friday, 24 April 2020


"Growing Old Gracefully", Following Jesus to the End, © 2019 by Robert M. Solomon

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part I - III (Links), posted on Wednesday, 09 December 2020

Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021
Reflection - Growing Old Gracefully, Part IV - V (Links), posted on Thursday, 22 April 2021

[1] From"Teach Us to Number Our Days", Copyright © 2008 by David Roper, ISBN 978-981-11-7184-0, Chapter 29,"The Good, The Better, The Best", Page 137-141.

[144] Read the story in 2 Samuel 15.

[145] 2 Samuel 15:25-26

[146]Q. 27, Heidelberg Catechism, Westminster Theological Seminary website, www.wts.edu/resources/heidelberg.html. (Try:http://www.heidelberg-catechism.com/en/lords-days/10.html)

[147]Tertullian, "On Exhortation to Chastity."

[148] Romans 12:2

[149]Romans 12:1-2


New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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