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'Gentlewarrior' wants to start women's-only political group

Warning: High humour content
By Koh hui Theng, The NewPaper, Published on Aug 05, 2014

PHOTO: FEARLESS: Mrs Singh-Lim believes women are all honest and that's why very few of them enter politics.

THE men don't get it.

Farm owner Ivy Singh-Lim wants to start a political group called the Gentlewarrior's Party and only women need apply.

Citing the dearth of female leaders in the Cabinet and various industries, she told The New Paper: "(My party) will comprise of women.

"I believe women are all honest and that's why very few of them can go into politics."

Her campaign is to "get rid of dishonest people, (including) the evil men and stupid women" who compromise principles and make excuses for their actions.

"When the rich don't love the country, but the pursuit of money, then we have a problem," she said.

"I'm worried that our country is heading in that direction.

"If you love your country, you'll speak up, no matter what."

The 65-year-old is counting on intelligent women to aid in her quest, "not to overtake the Government, but to add good values (such as courage and fairness) to the system".

"I'm not saying the entire system is bad," she added.

"But we need more younger people with good values to go into the system so that we can have a more honest leadership...

"People like us would dare to tell the ministers to read between the lines, listen to what we're trying to tell you."

When she was 40, Mrs Singh-Lim wanted to "make a difference to the country".

"I wanted to join the People's Action Party (PAP) then," she said. "I'd always respected the PAP when I was young."

But her father died. She had to run the family business instead of running for office.

At 50, she planned to retire in Perth, but returned to Singapore after the death of her best friend's husband.

That was when she started Bollywood Veggies. She called herself a gentlewoman farmer then. A friend suggested the term "gentlewarrior", as Mrs Singh-Lim's father was a Rajput warrior.

When she was 60, she thought again about political life, but a lower energy level meant she chose to concentrate on the farm.

She said: "I thought I was going to die at 60. But, at 65, I'm still here and damn fit. So I thought it's time I start a party...and do something to rally the people."

When told about her plans, her husband, Lim Ho Seng, 71, was convinced she'll "be the first woman to be caned in this country", she deadpanned (

"My husband knows that I'm fearless, not frightened of God, the Government or ghosts, which are all invented by men.

"I'm the fourth G, gentlewarrior."
By Koh hui Theng, The NewPaper, Published on Aug 05, 2014


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