My Paper, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Page A7, Opinion
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By Daniel Yun, mypaper,, Published on Aug 19, 2014
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By Daniel Yun, mypaper,, Published on Aug 19, 2014
PHOTO: RIGHT NOTE: The Mandarin version of the Pioneer Generation Package commercial posted on the YouTube channel of the Singapore Government features Lee and Tan singing about the package, with seniors dancing in the background.
My Paper, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Page A7, Opinion
THOSE who watched Channel 8 in the last few weeks may be aware of an elephant in the room.
No one seems to want to talk about it but, when someone does, everyone has an opinion, including some strong views.
I am referring to the Pioneer Generation Package (Mandarin) - The Musical commercial.
I first saw it on television immediately after the National Day Parade.
At first, I could not make out what it was.
I thought it was a follow-through of the parade, a Mandarin national song of sorts.
It also crossed my mind that it could be an early mid-autumn commercial for mooncakes.
Towards the end of the commercial, the logo for the Pioneer Generation Package appeared.
Those who do not know what I am talking about can catch the musical on YouTube.
There are various versions of the commercial, in different dialects and languages, as well as a variety of formats.
The Mandarin version is a musical and it stands out, for good reasons to some, and for all the wrong reasons to others.
My Paper, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Page A7, Opinion
THOSE who watched Channel 8 in the last few weeks may be aware of an elephant in the room.
No one seems to want to talk about it but, when someone does, everyone has an opinion, including some strong views.
I am referring to the Pioneer Generation Package (Mandarin) - The Musical commercial.
I first saw it on television immediately after the National Day Parade.
At first, I could not make out what it was.
I thought it was a follow-through of the parade, a Mandarin national song of sorts.
It also crossed my mind that it could be an early mid-autumn commercial for mooncakes.
Towards the end of the commercial, the logo for the Pioneer Generation Package appeared.
Those who do not know what I am talking about can catch the musical on YouTube.
There are various versions of the commercial, in different dialects and languages, as well as a variety of formats.
The Mandarin version is a musical and it stands out, for good reasons to some, and for all the wrong reasons to others.
PHOTO: Old Shanghai songstress played by Sebastian Tan
Posted by Christina Chung | | Evian Baby, Evian Water, Lifestyle/Tech, Mark Lee, news, PGC, PGP, Pinkdot, Pioneer Generation Card, Pioneer Generation Package, Rainow Lover, Sebastian Tan, Singapore, singapore blogger
It features Mark Lee and Sebastian Tan singing about the Pioneer Generation Package, with seniors dancing in the background. Tan cross-dresses as a woman.
The Government is concerned that it may be difficult to communicate the Pioneer Generation Package to seniors - the pioneer generation.
That is why the Government has a deliberately elaborate campaign for it.
The Mandarin musical has sparked discussion about whether it can really do the job of communicating the package to seniors.
Many in this group said they did not get the full message, if at all. What is the Pioneer Generation Package really? To be fair, outside of the target group, many Singaporeans do not know it as well, at least not the details.
This is not unlike the Central Provident Fund, where a lot of people, not just older people, do not know the specifics.
The discussion about this musical, however, is not really about the effectiveness of communicating the package. Rather, the question is, why do it as a musical, and why have a cross-dresser in a musical?
I posted about the Mandarin musical commercial on Facebook with a comment that I was not sure if I liked it, nor if the musical could enlighten old folk on the Pioneer Generation Package.
The reactions were fast and furious. The likes and dislikes were equally and vocally aggressive.
Many said their parents would stop what they were doing to watch the commercial every time it came on.
A few even said their uncles and aunties were asking for the YouTube links to it, saying that they were captivated by the song and were very entertained by the musical.
There were others who liked the performers, especially Tan. There were also some who did not know the woman singing in the musical was a man.
Some thought the woman was Jack Neo in drag. And then there were some who thought it was bold to have a cross-dresser in a musical for the pioneer generation.
Those who disliked the commercial thought using a musical made it even more difficult to communicate what the package was about.
Some felt it was inappropriate to have a cross-dresser in a musical targeted at seniors. Why not someone the older generation looks up to, they asked.
So, do I like the Mandarin musical? I found it catchy. I was not sure if I was entertained. But I was drawn to it and I have grown to like it.
And because I like it, I progressively knew more and more about the Pioneer Generation Package.
From a marketing perspective, any campaign that solicits strong responses is successful in some way.
If a campaign entertains and informs, then it is unusually effective, even worthy of an award.
Posted by Christina Chung | | Evian Baby, Evian Water, Lifestyle/Tech, Mark Lee, news, PGC, PGP, Pinkdot, Pioneer Generation Card, Pioneer Generation Package, Rainow Lover, Sebastian Tan, Singapore, singapore blogger
It features Mark Lee and Sebastian Tan singing about the Pioneer Generation Package, with seniors dancing in the background. Tan cross-dresses as a woman.
The Government is concerned that it may be difficult to communicate the Pioneer Generation Package to seniors - the pioneer generation.
That is why the Government has a deliberately elaborate campaign for it.
The Mandarin musical has sparked discussion about whether it can really do the job of communicating the package to seniors.
Many in this group said they did not get the full message, if at all. What is the Pioneer Generation Package really? To be fair, outside of the target group, many Singaporeans do not know it as well, at least not the details.
This is not unlike the Central Provident Fund, where a lot of people, not just older people, do not know the specifics.
The discussion about this musical, however, is not really about the effectiveness of communicating the package. Rather, the question is, why do it as a musical, and why have a cross-dresser in a musical?
I posted about the Mandarin musical commercial on Facebook with a comment that I was not sure if I liked it, nor if the musical could enlighten old folk on the Pioneer Generation Package.
The reactions were fast and furious. The likes and dislikes were equally and vocally aggressive.
Many said their parents would stop what they were doing to watch the commercial every time it came on.
A few even said their uncles and aunties were asking for the YouTube links to it, saying that they were captivated by the song and were very entertained by the musical.
There were others who liked the performers, especially Tan. There were also some who did not know the woman singing in the musical was a man.
Some thought the woman was Jack Neo in drag. And then there were some who thought it was bold to have a cross-dresser in a musical for the pioneer generation.
Those who disliked the commercial thought using a musical made it even more difficult to communicate what the package was about.
Some felt it was inappropriate to have a cross-dresser in a musical targeted at seniors. Why not someone the older generation looks up to, they asked.
So, do I like the Mandarin musical? I found it catchy. I was not sure if I was entertained. But I was drawn to it and I have grown to like it.
And because I like it, I progressively knew more and more about the Pioneer Generation Package.
From a marketing perspective, any campaign that solicits strong responses is successful in some way.
If a campaign entertains and informs, then it is unusually effective, even worthy of an award.
PHOTO: Catchy, drawn to it and have grown to like it.
Picture posted by tansux, Arch-Supremacy Member on 29 July 2014, 10:34 PM
Picture posted by tansux, Arch-Supremacy Member on 29 July 2014, 10:34 PM
By Daniel Yun, mypaper,, Published on Aug 19, 2014
The writer is a film-maker and life coach. He blogs at
Pioneer Generation Package (Mandarin) - The Musical
By gov singapore, published on Jul 25, 2014
Our Pioneer Generation helped build our nation into the Singapore it is today following our independence.
Hence we need to honour them, recognise their contributions and care for them in their silver years.
The Pioneer Generation Package helps provide assurance for their healthcare needs for life. To find out more, visit
Pioneer Generation Package: The Musical - Behind the Scenes (Hokkien/Mandarin with Eng subs)
By gov singapore, published on Aug 10, 2014
Watch Mark Lee’s and Sebastian Tan’s special Hokkien/Mandarin rendition of ‘Pioneer Generation Package: The Musical’ in this behind-the-scenes video!
By Daniel Yun, mypaper,, Published on Aug 19, 2014
The writer is a film-maker and life coach. He blogs at
Pioneer Generation Package (Mandarin) - The Musical
By gov singapore, published on Jul 25, 2014
Our Pioneer Generation helped build our nation into the Singapore it is today following our independence.
Hence we need to honour them, recognise their contributions and care for them in their silver years.
The Pioneer Generation Package helps provide assurance for their healthcare needs for life. To find out more, visit
Pioneer Generation Package: The Musical - Behind the Scenes (Hokkien/Mandarin with Eng subs)
By gov singapore, published on Aug 10, 2014
Watch Mark Lee’s and Sebastian Tan’s special Hokkien/Mandarin rendition of ‘Pioneer Generation Package: The Musical’ in this behind-the-scenes video!
- My Paper, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Page A7, Opinion
- My Paper, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, Page A7, Opinion