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Reflection - "Did God create evil?"

Source Website: http://www.gotquestions.org/did-God-create-evil.html
By Got Questions Ministries © Copyright 2002-2015 and Bible Questions Answered (www.gotquestions.org)

God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil).
PHOTO: God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things we call that evil, but it does not become a “thing” that required God to create it.
God did not create evil, but He allowed it. If He had not allowed evil, we would be worshipping Him out of obligation, not by a choice of our own will.
Posted by Food For the Spiritual Soul's Blog on May 14, 2013

At first it might seem that if God created all things, then evil must have been created by God. However, evil is not a “thing” like a rock or electricity. You cannot have a jar of evil. Evil has no existence of its own; it is really the absence of good. For example, holes are real but they only exist in something else. We call the absence of dirt a hole, but it cannot be separated from the dirt. So when God created, it is true that all He created was good. One of the good things God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good.In order to have a real choice, God had to allow there to be something besides good to choose. So, God allowed these free angels and humans to choose good or reject good (evil). When a bad relationship exists between two good things we call that evil, but it does not become a “thing” that required God to create it.

When God created, it is true that all He created was good.
PHOTO: When God created, it is true that all He created was good. One of the good things God made was creatures who had the freedom to choose good.

Perhaps a further illustration will help. If a person is asked, “Does cold exist?” the answer would likely be “yes.” However, this is incorrect. Cold does not exist. Cold is the absence of heat. Similarly, darkness does not exist; it is the absence of light. Evil is the absence of good, or better, evil is theabsence of God. God did not have to create evil, but rather only allow for the absence of good.

God did not create evil, but He does allow evil. If God had not allowed for the possibility of evil, both mankind and angels would be serving God out of obligation, not choice. He did not want “robots” that simply did what He wanted them to do because of their “programming.” God allowed for the possibility of evil so that we could genuinely have a free will and choose whether or not we wanted to serve Him.

Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
PHOTO: Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?
[1] There was nothing essentially evil about the tree or the fruit of the tree. It is unlikely that eating the fruit truly gave Adam and Eve any further knowledge. It was the act of disobedience that opened Adam and Eve’s eyes to evil. Their sin of disobeying God brought sin and evil into the world and into their lives. Eating the fruit, as an act of disobedience against God, was what gave Adam and Eve knowledge of evil (Genesis 3:6-7).
God created Adam and Eve to be “free” beings, able to make decisions, able to choose between good and evil. In order for Adam and Eve to truly be free, they had to have a choice.  If God had not given Adam and Eve the choice, they would have essentially been robots, simply doing what they were programmed to do. [1]



As finite human beings, we can never fully understand an infinite God (Romans 11:33-34). Sometimes we think we understand why God is doing something, only to find out later that it was for a different purpose than we originally thought. God looks at things from a holy, eternal perspective. We look at things from a sinful, earthly, and temporal perspective. Why did God put man on earth knowing that Adam and Eve would sin and therefore bring evil, death, and suffering on all mankind? Why didn’t He just create us all and leave us in heaven where we would be perfect and without suffering? These questions cannot be adequately answered this side of eternity. What we can know is whatever God does is holy and perfect and ultimately will glorify Him. God allowed for the possibility of evil in order to give us a true choice in regards to whether we worship Him. God did not create evil, but He allowed it. If He had not allowed evil, we would be worshipping Him out of obligation, not by a choice of our own will.

By Got Questions Ministries © Copyright 2002-2015 and Bible Questions Answered (www.gotquestions.org)

Adam, Eve and Satan
PHOTO: Adam, Eve and Satan
God did not create evil, but He allowed it. If He had not allowed evil, we would be worshipping Him out of obligation, not by a choice of our own will.
Posted by Wickedbutterflly, Traditional Art / Mixed Media / Fantasy, ©2013-2015 Wickedbutterflly

Lucifer rebelled against God
PHOTO: Lucifer rebelled against God, his words were, "I will not serve."
[2]If God is good—and can do only good—but Satan is evil, then who created Satan?
God created Satan.
Scripture proclaims that “all things” were created by God and for God. It makes sense, therefore, that this comprehensive category—“all things”—includes even the devil.
After all, if God wasn’t responsible for the creation of Satan, then who was? Another powerful being? If so, then that being would—at least in one sphere of existence—be in charge. There would be a realm over which the God of the Bible wouldn’t be in complete control.

God created Satan good.

As the source of all goodness, beauty, and truth, God creates only what is consistent with his nature. That is, God creates only things that are good, beautiful, and true.
Every facet of creation, whether in heaven or on earth, was originally “very good.” The Apostle Paul says it clearly: “Everything God created is good.” The character of the Creator is entirely pure; there isn’t a shred of darkness within him.
Obviously, something went wrong.

Satan’s evil came from within himself.
No one was around to tempt or lure Satan into sin; his evil arose from within. It’s not surprising, then, that Jesus would call him “the father of lies” and “a murderer from the beginning”—language hearkening back to the very outset of history.
God did not create evil, even though He knew about it.  By his pride when Lucifer rebelled against God, his words were, "I will not serve."  Lucifer spoke rebellion against God into existence by these words. (This is why obedience of mind and heart is such a powerful weapon against the evil one.)  Rebellion and all that is evil is the sole creation of the evil one.

Lingering questions
There remain many unanswered questions on which the Scriptures are simply silent. How could a morally pure creature rebel against God? Why did the other angels join the revolt? When did all of this happen?
Even though Christians don’t know all the answers, we do know the God who does. And we know that “the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.[2]
Picture posted by Adele Horne on 21 October 2013 at 11:01 pm (Where Does Evil Come From?)



[1] http://www.gotquestions.org/tree-knowledge-good-evil.html,  "Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden?", By Got Questions Ministries © Copyright 2002-2015 and Bible Questions Answered (www.gotquestions.org).

[2] http://www.exploregod.com/who-created-satan?gclid=CMuYvbngz8QCFdYXjgodInsAkA, Who Created Satan?, By Matt Smethurst, © 2014 Explore God.

NIV, New International Version

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