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Reflection - The Levite’s concubine - The Silence That Shouts

Source Website: http://godswordtowomen.org/walford.htm
By Pamela Walford, God's Word to Women

Levite calling for vengeance for the gang-rape murder of his concubine
PHOTO: Levite calling for vengeance for the gang-rape murder of his concubine
A biblical city left defenseless by depraved ways . . . . . .

Judges records a low time in the history of Israel. God’s beloved people are repeatedly given over to sin and idolatry, and are subject to enslavement by the Philistines and others.
Engraving by Gustav Doré. around 1880 - Levite calling for vengeance for the gang-rape murder of his concubine.
The Levite carries his slain concubine after she is sodomized to death in the lawless town Gibeah (Judges 19). Gibeah was a lawless domain of the sons of Benjamin. Laish (in chapter 18) is seized by the sons of Dan. (Image from Doré´s illustrated Bible book)
Texts posted by David Tulis on 27 March 2014
Picture posted by Wikia (Mandarin)


Dismembering the concubine’s body and sending parts to each of the 12 tribes was intended to awaken Israel from its moral lethargy and to marshal the tribes to face up to their responsibility.  It is ironic that the one who issued such a call was himself selfish and insensitive.  See also Saul’s similar action in 1 Samuel 11:7” (Barker 355). [2]

For many women, the rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine in
Judges 19 and her subsequent dismemberment is among the most horrifying of all biblical narratives, particularly since God appears to be blatantly silent about it.  Moreover, typical scholarly efforts to explain this passage compound the horror because the atrocity (an extremely wicked or cruel act) of the rape is usually minimized and the character of God often distorted through attempts to find spiritual meaning in the wicked acts that permeate (spread throughout) the book of Judges.  Admittedly, Judges is a difficult book to interpret since the Lord appears to eschew (deliberately avoid using) commenting on any event beyond the statement, “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit” (Judges 17:6 NIV).  This silence has commonly been interpreted as his endorsement of the civil war that the concubine’s death provokes.  The higher spiritual cause of war obscures (hides) the tragic murder of the concubine and implies God’s ambivalence (contradiction) toward her and toward women in general.

For many women, the rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine in Judges 19 and her subsequent dismemberment is among the most horrifying of all biblical narratives, particularly since God appears to be blatantly silent about it.
PHOTO: For many women, the rape and murder of the Levite’s concubine in Judges 19 and her subsequent dismemberment is among the most horrifying of all biblical narratives, particularly since God appears to be blatantly silent about it.
Painting by French artist Leon Francois Comerre - Odalisque (Concubine in a Turkish harem)
Posted by Bo4kaMeda on Saturday, 13 June 2015 at 22:49


However, if Judges is read afresh without the androcentric (focused on men) presupposition (prediction) of a God-ordained inferiority of women, we discover that his silence is not the noncommittal neutrality it appears to be.  We discover that his silence shouts from the pages of Scripture as the sin against women that was set in motion in Genesis (3:12, 16) comes to a point of no return in Judges.

We discover that his silence shouts from the pages of Scripture as the sin against women that was set in motion in Genesis (3:12, 16) comes to a point of no return in Judges.

PHOTO: We discover that his silence shouts from the pages of Scripture as the sin against women that was set in motion in Genesis (3:12, 16) comes to a point of no return in Judges.
Painting by François Boucher (1703 - 1770) - Odalisque (Concubine in a Turkish harem)
Posted by Sarcastic Ninja on Friday, 12 October 2012 at 10:54


 If Judges is read afresh without the androcentric (focused on men) presupposition (prediction) of a God-ordained inferiority of women, we discover that his silence is not the noncommittal neutrality it appears to be.

PHOTO: If Judges is read afresh without the androcentric (focused on men) presupposition (prediction) of a God-ordained inferiority of women, we discover that his silence is not the noncommittal neutrality it appears to be.
Painting by François Boucher (1703 - 1770) - Odalisque (Concubine in a Turkish harem)
Posted by Sarcastic Ninja on Friday, 12 October 2012 at 10:54


Women saturate Judges like no other book in Scripture, and their sheer number should be enough to send up a signal that their presence is intentional and pregnant with meaning.  Caleb’s daughter, Acsah, appears in the very first chapter; Deborah and Jael dominate chapters four and five; a nameless woman slays Abimelech in chapter nine; Jephthah’s daughter is the focus of chapter eleven; Samson’s mother figures prominently in chapter thirteen; chapters fourteen to sixteen pivot around Samson’s Philistine women; chapter nineteen details the story of the unfortunate concubine and chapter twenty-one closes the book with the abduction of the Gilead girls and their Shiloh sisters.

Achsah is Caleb's only daughter
PHOTO: Achsah is Caleb's only daughter
According to one rabbinic tradition, Achsah was so beautiful that any man who looked upon her would be angry with his own wife for being less beautiful.
Achsah demanded some good land as well as the desert scrub Caleb had given her. She got twice as much as she demanded, she got also the Upper and Lower springs.
Picture posted by seanieblue.com - Shahrzad Raqs, belly dancer, A burgeoning superstar. Shot at the Yellow Shoppe.

A nameless woman slays Abimelech

PHOTO: A nameless woman slays Abimelech
Abimelech executed seventy sons of Jerubbaal in a coup. When he was about to burn the tower at Thebez, an anonymous woman dropped a millstone on his head. He had his armor bearer run him through so that no one could say he had been killed by a mere woman. (See Judges 9:53)
Notice how the men don't seem to be doing anything useful.
Posted by St. Corbinian's Bear on Monday, 1 February 2016 at 1:09 PM

Deborah a prophetess, energetic and decisive
PHOTO: Deborah a prophetess, energetic and decisive
Deborah assisted Barak, the military leader of Israel, while she was the spiritual leader.
Picture posted by Natan Lawrence on on 11 February 2015

Although Barak won the battle with Sisera, as Deborah had prophesised, he did not kill Sisera
PHOTO: Although Barak won the battle with Sisera, as Deborah had prophesised, he did not kill Sisera (Judges 4:9-10). That task was handed over to another woman called Jael (Judges 4:17-24). Jael means mountain goat.
Indeed Jael was a free ranger.
Printing by Salomon de Bray - Jael, Deborah and Barak (1635)
Picture posted by Joe Heschmeyer on  4 April 2012


The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daughter
PHOTO: The Sacrifice of Jephthah's Daughter
Jephthah vows to God that if victory is granted to him, he will sacrifice to God “whoever [whatever] comes out” of his house first on his return from the fight (Judges 11:31). God grants Jephthah and his forces victory over the Ammonites. The rejoicing is short-lived, however, for on the return to his house it is his daughter that he sees coming out to meet him. Jephthah bemoans (express sorrow) the fate to which his vow has brought him.
Painting by John Opie (1761 - 1807) - The Sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter, 1790

Samson and Delilah
PHOTO: Samson and Delilah
It is sadly ironic that, though identified as one of his nation’s foremost judges, Samson never made any attempt to drive Israel’s enemies out of the land. In fact, he was happy to interact with the Philistines, even to the point of marrying one of them. Though he was only interested in serving himself, the Lord would superintend Samson’s selfish choices to secure Israel’s deliverance and ensure Philistia’s demise (Judges 14:4).
Quote from John MacArthur’s book, Twelve Unlikely Heroes, https://gabbybo.wordpress.com/2015/06/05/of-lust-and-women/
Painting by José Echenagusía - Samson and Delilah (1887)

A closer look at these Judges women reveals a progressive, or rather regressive, shift in their status in the young nation of Israel.  Judges opens with Acsah being bestowed to Othniel as a reward for capturing Kiriath Sepher.  Her status is such that she asks for and receives a valuable tract of land from her father (Judges 1:11-15).

We can be like Achsah when we pray.
PHOTO: We can be like Achsah when we pray. She had strong faith and trust that God would keep His promises. Our heavenly Father wants to bless us. We should be bold as she was when we present our petitions. We should not be surprised if our Father gives us even more than we asked.
Achsah was a woman who boldly asked.
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened…. how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”  (Matthew 7: 7,8,11).
Texts posted by MyLordKatie on 11 March 2013, Achsah - Daring Daughter, https://mylordkatie.wordpress.com/category/biblical-women/page/9/
Picture posted by Shahrzad Raqs on 6 March 2015

The next woman is Deborah, a prophetess and judge, who is told by the Lord to command Barak to attack Sisera.  Barak consents to do this only if Deborah comes with him.  She agrees but tells Barak that because he will not go without her, the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman and he will be denied the honor of victory.  A grisly narration of Sisera’s death at the hands of Jael follows and chapter five is devoted to Deborah’s song of praise to the Lord, in which she lauds his mighty work through herself, Jael and Barak.

Deborah encouraged Barak to stand up as a deliverer of God’s people
PHOTO: Deborah encouraged Barak to stand up as a deliverer of God’s people
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania on August 2015


 A grisly narration of Sisera’s death at the hands of Jael. Debora agrees to accompany Barak to war but tells Barak that because he will not go without her, the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman and he will be denied the honor of victory.

PHOTO: A grisly narration of Sisera’s death at the hands of Jael. Debora agrees to accompany Barak to war but tells Barak that because he will not go without her, the Lord will hand Sisera over to a woman and he will be denied the honor of victory. 
Illustrations by Gustave Doré

 Deborah’s song of praise to the Lord, in which she lauds his mighty work through herself, Jael and Barak.

PHOTO: Deborah’s song of praise to the Lord, in which she lauds his mighty work through herself, Jael and Barak.
Deborah's reign brought forty years of peace to Israel (Judges 5:31). Forty years is a long time. A whole generation had peace because of the godly behaviour of one woman.
Illustrations by Gustave Doré

The narratives of Gideon and Abimelech occupy chapters six through nine, and we encounter no women until the death of Abimelech, when a woman drops a rock on his head.  It is interesting to note the differing attitudes between Abimilech and Barak.  Barak willingly shares the glory of victory with two women, while Abimelech is more afraid of being killed by a woman than he is of death itself.  It is also not much of a stretch to claim that this same anonymous woman defeated Abimelech’s army because they immediately retreat after she kills him (Judges 9:50-55).

The death of Abimelech is initiated when a woman drops a rock on his head.

PHOTO: The death of Abimelech is initiated when a woman drops a rock on his head.
Picture by Benjamin Ghawi


 Abimelech is more afraid of being killed by a woman than he is of death itself.

PHOTO: Abimelech is more afraid of being killed by a woman than he is of death itself. Hurriedly he called to his armor-bearer, “Draw your sword and kill me, so that they can’t say, ‘A woman killed him.’” So his servant ran him through, and he died.
This same anonymous woman defeated Abimelech’s army because they immediately retreat after she kills him (
Judges 9:50-55).
Illustrations by Gustave Doré

Jephthah’s nameless daughter appears in chapter eleven.  Jephthah is a mighty warrior who receives the Spirit of the Lord to aid him in battle.  Nevertheless, Jephthah attempts to manipulate God by making a wicked vow to sacrifice “whatever comes out of my door to meet me” (Judges 11:30) if the Lord will give him victory over the Ammonites.  Jephthah, who should have known the Law of Moses and the command not to kill, compounds his sin when he murders his daughter to keep his unholy vow.  With her death, daughters depreciate in value, going from something to be won in victory to something to be sacrificed to purchase victory.

Jephthah's Daughter was the first to come out to meet him after returning from a victorious battle.

PHOTO: Jephthah's Daughter was the first to come out to meet him after returning from a victorious battle.
Jephthah attempts to manipulate God by making a wicked vow to sacrifice “whatever comes out of my door to meet me” (Judges 11:30) if the Lord will give him victory over the Ammonites.
Illustrations by Gustave Doré

The story of Jephthah’s daughter remains enigmatic and disturbing to today’s readers.
PHOTO: The story of Jephthah’s daughter remains enigmatic and disturbing to today’s readers. Indeed, this tale of a nameless young woman, with scarcely a voice of her own and with her violent fate precipitated and carried out by her own father, is surely one of the most horrifying tales in the whole Bible.
Picture posted by Shadows in Eden on Tuesday, 14 October 2014

However, God continues to demonstrate his esteem of women and sends an angel of the Lord to the nameless wife of Manoah.  The angel visits Manoah’s wife twice before finally appearing to the unbelieving Manoah.  Manoah is terrified that he will die after he realizes he has seen the Lord but his wife chastises him for his foolish fear.  It is noteworthy that it is Manoah’s wife who receives the Lord’s message and who is commanded to keep the Nazarite law (Judges 13:1-23).

God continues to demonstrate his esteem of women and sends an angel of the Lord to the nameless wife of Manoah.

PHOTO: God continues to demonstrate his esteem of women and sends an angel of the Lord to the nameless wife of Manoah.  It is noteworthy that it is Manoah’s wife who receives the Lord’s message and who is commanded to keep the Nazarite law (Judges 13:1-23).
From Treasures of the Bible (Joshua and Judges) - "Angel Visits Manoah and His Wife"
From the LaVista Church of Christ web site


The son of these two, Samson, brings all manner of destruction upon himself in chapters 14-16 because of his sinful weakness for Philistine women (Exodus 34:16), suggesting that the Lord reveres the women of Israel and does not look favorably on Samson’s rejection of them.

Dear Lord, We pray for your help to flee away successfully from the sin of lust and women. Let Samson's story be a warning and lesson to us. Amen!
PHOTO: Samson, brings all manner of destruction upon himself because of his sinful weakness for Philistine women (Exodus 34:16). The Lord reveres the women of Israel and does not look favorably on Samson’s rejection of them.
Painting by Michael Aviano - Samson And Delilah 2008, oil on linen - "She seduced him with ease her Samson, now upon his knees"
Posted by Cavalier Galleries


Micah and his idols follow in chapters 17-18 and the tribe of Dan falls into idolatry, which Israel seems to tolerate without any sense of outrage, and for which the Lord appears to withhold judgment.

Micah and his idols follow in chapters 17-18 and the tribe of Dan falls into idolatry, which Israel seems to tolerate without any sense of outrage, and for which the Lord appears to withhold judgment.

PHOTO: Micah and his idols follow in chapters 17-18 and the tribe of Dan falls into idolatry, which Israel seems to tolerate without any sense of outrage, and for which the Lord appears to withhold judgment.
Written by lector, posted on 28 December 2013

This brings us to one of the most appalling events in Scripture - the gang rape and dismemberment of the Levite’s concubine (Judges 19).  Ignoring the fact that any man who had a concubine was already an adulterer himself, we can only speculate on what motivated the concubine to be unfaithful.  The character of her husband as demonstrated by his actions coupled with the fact that he tarries (delay leaving a place) four months before seeking her out at her father’s home, implies an abusive environment from which she sought escape or comfort.  Any man who can cut his wife to pieces, even if she were unfaithful, has to be a monster, and her death smacks of a thinly disguised “honor killing[1] The merciless manner in which the Levite hands his concubine over to the savagery of the Benjamite men and then in the morning prepares to continue his journey home without her, exposes a brutal heart that is murderous to the degree that when he trips over his wife lying on the threshold, he commands her to “get up; let’s go” (Judges 19:28) and then straps onto his donkey when she does not respond.

The merciless manner in which the Levite hands his concubine over to the savagery of the Benjamite men and then in the morning prepares to continue his journey home without her, exposes a brutal heart that is murderous to the degree that when he trips over his wife lying on the threshold, he commands her to 'get up; let’s go' (Judges 19:28).

PHOTO: The merciless manner in which the Levite hands his concubine over to the savagery of the Benjamite men and then in the morning prepares to continue his journey home without her, exposes a brutal heart that is murderous to the degree that when he trips over his wife lying on the threshold, he commands her to “get up; let’s go” (Judges 19:28).
Illustrations by Gustave Doré - The concubine at the doorstep of the old man's house

 The Levite's concubine has fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold. When she does not respond he took her up upon an ass.

PHOTO: The Levite's concubine has fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold. When she does not respond he took her up upon an ass.
Picture posted by Heather@Women in the Scriptures on Tuesday, 14 September 2010 at 9:18 PM


 The Levite then straps his concubine onto his donkey when she does not respond.

PHOTO: The Levite then straps his concubine onto his donkey when she does not respond.
Illustrations by Gustave Doré

We can only hope that she is in fact dead when he dismembers her and sends her body parts to the twelve tribes in a disgusting act that still offends society in every culture. Israel is also appalled, “such a thing has never been seen or done” (Judges 19:30).

We can only hope that she is in fact dead when he dismembers her. PHOTO: We can only hope that she is in fact dead when he dismembers her.
Painting by James Tissot - The Levite Before The Corpse Of His Wife
Posted by www.womeninthebible.net

 The Cutting of the Concubine

PHOTO: The Cutting of the Concubine
He then sends her body parts to the twelve tribes in a disgusting act that still offends society in every culture. Israel is also appalled, “such a thing has never been seen or done” (Judges 19:30).
Picture posted by Rick Wadholm Jr. on 24 August 2014

Barker explains this macabre (gruesome) deed as a call to Israel’s sense of morality.  However, the book of Judges clearly demonstrates that Israel’s sense of morality is severely compromised by this point.  Why then is all Israel so offended that civil war flares up?  Is it that a woman has been raped and murdered, that a man’s pride has been insulted by homosexuality or that his property (the concubine) has been destroyed?  What possible explanation can there be for such a great lust for the blood of a brother that in the aftermath, thousands of lives have been lost and a tribe teeters (balance dangerously) on extinction?

The book of Judges clearly demonstrates that Israel’s sense of morality is severely compromised by this point.

PHOTO: The book of Judges clearly demonstrates that Israel’s sense of morality is severely compromised by this point. Is it that a woman has been raped and murdered, that a man’s pride has been insulted by homosexuality or that his property (the concubine) has been destroyed?
Painting by Louis Charles Auguste Couder, French, 1790-1873 - The Levite of Ephraim. oil on canvas
Posted by Musee des  Beaux-Arts on 23 February 2013


Virtually every response to the rape of the concubine on the part of Israel is steeped in sin, save for the town of Jabesh-Gilead, which seems to be the only instance of common sense and restraint in this incident.  Israel demonstrates a measure of morality by demanding the offending Benjamites be turned over to them, but they totally miss the point that the husband was equally, if not more so, at fault.  This is understandable since he conveniently omitted his full involvement in the retelling of his tale.  Nevertheless, Israel does not bother to verify his story, and even if they had, it is doubtful anyone would have been offended because Israelite men already had a habit of offering up wives and virgin daughters to save their necks (Judges 20:24, Genesis 13:10-16, 19:6-8, 26:6-9).

It is doubtful anyone would have been offended because Israelite men already had a habit of offering up wives and virgin daughters to save their necks (Judges 20:24, Genesis 13:10-16, 19:6-8, 26:6-9).

PHOTO: It is doubtful anyone would have been offended because Israelite men already had a habit of offering up wives and virgin daughters to save their necks (Judges 20:24, Genesis 13:10-16, 19:6-8, 26:6-9).
Picture posted by History, Culture and Society on 7 may 2013

One wonders anew what Israel was so upset about?
PHOTO: One wonders anew what Israel was so upset about?
Israelite men already had a habit of offering up wives and virgin daughters to save their necks.
Painting by Paul Joseph Jamin (9 February 1853 – 10 July 1903) - Brennus and His Share of the Spoils, 1893
Painting from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository


Therefore, one wonders anew what Israel was so upset about?  The only possible conclusion one can make is that Israel was merely bloodthirsty.  Even before they demand the Benjamites to surrender the men of Gibeah, they amass an army, swearing to put to death any tribe that refuses to join them (Judges 21:5) and mastermind the genocide of the Benjamite tribe, swearing a curse on anyone who gives their daughter to them in marriage (Judges 21:1,18).

Israel demonstrates a measure of morality by demanding the offending Benjamites be turned over to them, but they totally miss the point that the husband was equally, if not more so, at fault.

PHOTO: Israel demonstrates a measure of morality by demanding the offending Benjamites be turned over to them, but they totally miss the point that the husband was equally, if not more so, at fault.  This is understandable since he conveniently omitted his full involvement in the retelling of his tale.  Nevertheless, Israel does not bother to verify his story.
Posted by Pastor Ray, Bible Q&A, Ethics on 1 June 2015

Although, the Lord is noticeably silent as Israel’s sinfulness escalates, it can be deduced from the law (Deuteronomy 5:6-7) that Dan’s idolatry angers him.  It can be further deduced from his threat to punish Israel if they mistreat orphans, widows and aliens (Exodus 22:22-24) and for which he eventually sent them into exile (Zechariah 7:8-14), that he is angered over the rape concubine and is also angered that the practice of delivering up of women was not uncommon.

God is angered over the rape concubine and is also angered that the practice of delivering up of women was not uncommon.

PHOTO: God is angered over the rape concubine and is also angered that the practice of delivering up of women was not uncommon.
Picture posted by just another out there! on 30 December 2014

If we analyze the civil war with this in mind, we see that God does indeed communicate his wrath and punishes both Israel and Benjamin.  When Israel asks God the wrong question, “Who should go first against the Benjamites?” (Judges 20:18), he instructs them to send Judah into battle and allows Benjamin to kill twenty-two thousand of them.” Perplexed by this defeat, Israel amends their question; “Shall we go up again to battle against the Benjamites, our brothers?” However, this is not a moral questioning about the ethics of killing their relatives.  Rather, the question exposes their sinful hearts and is a poorly disguised attempt to manipulate him.  They presume God’s faithfulness regardless of their sins and expect him to help them murder their brothers.

They presume God’s faithfulness regardless of their sins and expect him to help them murder their brothers.

PHOTO: Shall we go up again to battle against the Benjamites, our brothers?” However, this is not a moral questioning about the ethics of killing their relatives.  Rather, the question exposes their sinful hearts and is a poorly disguised attempt to manipulate him.  They presume God’s faithfulness regardless of their sins and expect him to help them murder their brothers.
Picture posted by Higher Ground Outreach

The Lord tells them to go into battle again and an additional eighteen thousand Israelites are killed.  Finally, they recognize that they have offended the Lord in some way.  They frantically pray and fast and offer burnt sacrifices.  The Lord tells Israel that he will give them victory over Benjamin, but they demonstrate that they still do not have a clue as to the nature of their sin when they butcher so many Benjamites, including the women and children, that tribe is left too small to repopulate itself (Judges 21:16).  They again turn to God and blame him for this calamity (tragedy), asking why he could have allowed such a thing.

They butcher so many Benjamites, including the women and children, that tribe is left too small to repopulate itself (Judges 21:16).

PHOTO: They butcher so many Benjamites, including the women and children, that tribe is left too small to repopulate itself (Judges 21:16). They massacre (mass slaughter) Jabesh-Gilead, spare 400 Gilead’s virgin daughters and send them to Benjamin as brides.
Painting by Matthaeus Merian I (1593-1650) - Wives for the Benjamites (Judges 21:16), 1626, Engraving, in Iconum Biblicarum, Part II, p. 43
Picture posted by on Tuesday, 7 August 2012


The civil war ends but Israel learns nothing from it.  They regret their foolish vow to keep their daughters from Benjamin but sinfully believe their vow has the power to obligate the Lord to curse on their behalf.  They remember their oath to kill anyone who did not join them in the civil war and proceed to massacre (mass slaughter) Jabesh-Gilead, the only community with enough discernment to stay out of the war.  They spare Gilead’s virgin daughters and send them to Benjamin as brides.  Unfortunately, four hundred Gilead girls are insufficient and two hundred more girls are abducted from Shiloh.  The book closes with everyone returning to his to live on his own inheritance and doing as each sees fit (Judges 21:24-25).

Two hundred more girls are abducted from Shiloh and sent to Benjamin as brides

PHOTO: Two hundred more girls are abducted from Shiloh and sent to Benjamin as brides
They lie in wait in the vineyards for the daughters of Shiloh to come out to dance. Then every man catches a daughters of Shiloh to be his wife, and go back to the land of Benjamin.
Picture posted by Wayne Blank, Daily Bible Study on Thursday, 13 March 2014

But what of the Judges women, who begin the book on equal footing with men in terms of relationship with the Lord and close the book as mere male possessions of no more significance than Saul’s oxen (
1 Samuel 11:7)?  Again, God appears to refrain from voicing his opinion explicitly, but by his character we must surmise that he has an opinion and that he communicates it in some way.  Is his silence tacit approval?  Are women a substandard species of humanity whom he values so little that he does nothing to oppose their dehumanization?  Since women are made in his image (Genesis 1:27), the answer cannot be anything but a resounding no because to despise women would be to despise himself.

Since women are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27), they are not substandard species of humanity whom God values so little. Because to despise women would be to despise himself.

PHOTO: Since women are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27), they are not substandard species of humanity whom God values so little. Because to despise women would be to despise himself.
Illustrations by Gustave Doré - Adam and Eve  in the Garden of Eden waking on the morning following the night in which Eve has dreamed of being tempted.

The book of Judges closes on four hundred Gilead women who have witnessed the massacre (mass slaughter)  of their families, who fear and possibly even hate their Benjamite husbands and who are rearing the next generation of girls.  There are two hundred abducted Shiloh brides rearing the next generation of girls.  There is an entire nation of Israelite women rearing the next generation of girls, all of whom have seen or heard what happened to the concubine and the brides of Benjamin.  Would any woman in Israel be so foolish as to risk allowing herself an individual identity?  What woman would not question God’s love for her when he seems to have not cared enough to deliver them from the abuse of men?  What did these women teach their daughters?  Lastly, what does the relationship between husbands and wives now look like, but more importantly, what does the relationship between men and God look like after their having cast aside the very thing that God said was for their good (Genesis 2:18)?  Is it possible to truly know God through only half of his image?

What does the relationship between husbands and wives (Benjamite) now look like, but more importantly, what does the relationship between men and God look like after their having cast aside the very thing that God said was for their good (Genesis 2:18)?

PHOTO: What does the relationship between husbands and wives (Benjamite) now look like, but more importantly, what does the relationship between men and God look like after their having cast aside the very thing that God said was for their good (Genesis 2:18)?  Is it possible to truly know God through only half of his image?
Picture posted by Bibler.org

As the story of Judges plays out we witness God silently lift his hand of restraint from Israel and give them over to their depravity.  In the aftermath, thousands are dead, but that is not the end of it.  The answer to God’s silence lies more in the questions Judges raises than in the solution, which does not appear until Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection, and we see that the consequence of Israel’s ultimate sin in follows them throughout the Old Testament.

The abuse of women that began in Genesis comes full circle in Judges.  The husbands of Israel were cut off from a full relationship with their wives simply by virtue of their subjugation (subdue) of them.  While that is a great loss on its own, the greater loss is the fullness of the knowledge of God through the loss of relationship with half of his image – woman.

The abuse of women that began in Genesis comes full circle in Judges.

PHOTO: The abuse of women that began in Genesis comes full circle in Judges.  The husbands of Israel were cut off from a full relationship with their wives simply by virtue of their subjugation (subdue) of them.  While that is a great loss on its own, the greater loss is the fullness of the knowledge of God through the loss of relationship with half of his image – woman.
Picture by Buenos Aires - Adam and Eve (2004)
Posted by Mirta Herrero on 5 May 2011 at 16:15


And so it stood, until Jesus redeemed the events in Judges through his restoration of women.  He taught the women; they called him “Rabboni” which means “Teacher” (John 20:16); he would not condemn the adulteress (John 8:4-11), and he loved the Samaritan woman (John 4:7-26).  And, he brought women full circle back to the status they enjoyed at the outset of Judges when he commissioned Mary Magdalene, the first human to see the resurrected Lord, to “go and tell ” the men (
John 20:17-18) as Deborah had.

Jesus redeemed the events in Judges through his restoration of women.
PHOTO: Jesus redeemed the events in Judges through his restoration of women. He brought women full circle back to the status they enjoyed at the outset of Judges when he commissioned Mary Magdalene, the first human to see the resurrected Lord, to “go and tell” the men (John 20:17-18) as Deborah had.

Mary Magdalene is a religious figure in Christianity. Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. She was present at Jesus' two most important moments: the crucifixion and the resurrection. Within the four Gospels she is named at least 12 times - more than most of the apostles.
Painting by Ferdinand de Braekeleer (1792 - 1883) -  "Mary Magdalene In Penitence" oil on Canvas
Texts posted by Henry Zaidan on Sunday, 22 March 2015 at 5:04 PM


By Pamela Walford, God's Word to Women

[1]Honor killing,” an act of murder against a woman who has brought dishonor on her family through infidelity or having been raped, is still practiced in some countries (Sasson 199-209).

Works Cited
[2] Barker, Kenneth, ed. NIV Study Bible.  Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1995.

[3] Sasson, Jean P. Princess. New York: William Morrow, 1992.

NIV, New International Version, Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

1 Samuel 11:7 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Sa+11%3A7&version=NIV

Deuteronomy 5:6-7 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Deut.+5%3A6-7&version=NIV

Exodus 22:22-24 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+22%3A22-24&version=NIV

Exodus 34:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exod.+34%3A16&version=NIV

Genesis 1:27 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+1%3A27&version=NIV

Genesis 2:18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Gen.+2%3A18&version=NIV

Genesis 3:12, 16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+%283%3A12%2C+16%29&version=NIV

Genesis 13:10-16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+13%3A10-16&version=NIV

Genesis 19:6-8 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+19%3A6-8&version=NIV

Genesis 26:6-9 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+26%3A6-9&version=NIV

John 4:7-26 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+4%3A7-26&version=NIV

John 8:4-11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+8%3A4-11&version=NIV

John 20:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+20%3A16&version=NIV

John 20:17-18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+20%3A17-18&version=NIV

Judges 1:11-15 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+1%3A11-15&version=NIV

Judges 14:4 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+14%3A4&version=NIV

Judges 14-16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+14-16&version=NIV

Judges 17-18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+17-18&version=NIV

Judges 17:6 NIV - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judg.+17%3A6&version=NIV

Judges 18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+18&version=NIV

Judges 19 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+19&version=NIV

Judges 19:28 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+19%3A28&version=NIV

Judges 19:30 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+19%3A30&version=NIV

Judges 20:18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+20%3A18&version=NIV

Judges 20:24 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+20%3A24&version=NIV

Judges 21:5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+21%3A5&version=NIV

Judges 21:1,18 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+21%3A1%2C18&version=NIV

Judges 21:16 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+21%3A16&version=NIV

Judges 21:24-25 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges+21%3A24-25&version=NIV

Matthew 7: 7,8,11 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+7%3A+7%2C8%2C11&version=NIV

Zechariah 7:8-14 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Zec.+7%3A8-14&version=NIV

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