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Step into it - Brisk-walk your way to better fitness this new year

Source Website: https://corp.nhg.com.sg/Lists/Lifewise/Attachments/51/Lifewise%20Jan-Feb%202017-Lowres%20Pdf.pdf
Life wise, No. 67, January-February 2017, Page 30, Workout
By Li Yuling in consultation with Mr. Ray Loh senior exercise physiologist / Sports Medicine and Surgery Clinic / Tan Tock Seng Hospital

 Taking 10,000 steps is equivalent to about 8 kilometers or 1.5 hours of brisk-walk, and expends about 500 calories.
PHOTO: Taking 10,000 steps is equivalent to about 8 kilometers or 1.5 hours of brisk-walk, and expends about 500 calories.
To lose weight, it is recommended that a person burns 800 calories a day.
Picture posted by Dr Anthony Gunn - Yahoo Health on 28 December 2015 at 6:00am

YOU HAVE MADE a resolution to keep fit — just like what you did the year before. For a better chance at keeping it though, consider a sport or exercise activity that does not require expensive equipment or fees. Brisk walking, for example, is free and can be done anywhere, anytime, by any reasonably healthy individual.

Brisk walking is a lower-impact physical activity that is easy, convenient and effective in improving health,” says Mr Ray Loh, Senior Exercise Physiologist with Tan Tock Seng Hospital. “The American Heart Association (AHA) believes that the more a person walks each week, the more it benefits individual health.

Brisk walking is a lower-impact physical activity that is easy, convenient and effective in improving health.
PHOTO: Brisk walking is a lower-impact physical activity that is easy, convenient and effective in improving health. The American Heart Association (AHA) believes that the more a person walks each week, the more it benefits individual health.
Picture posted by Haus Stallmeister in Lippstadt on 10 April 2016

A six-year longitudinal US study that compared runners and walkers showed that with the right amount of calories burnt, a moderate-intensity brisk walk could offer a similar risk reduction in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and coronary heart disease.

To get people walking, the Health Promotion Board (HPB) launched the second National Step Challenge last October. It is giving away step trackers to motivate participants to walk more. Introduced in 2015, the campaign encourages Singaporeans to take 10,000 steps daily, a guideline similarly advocated by international health bodies like the AHA, National Heart Foundation of Australia, and the World Health Organization.

National Steps Challenge - Healthy 365
PHOTO: National Steps Challenge - Healthy 365
Health Promotion Board (HPB) launched the second National Step Challenge last October. The campaign encourages Singaporeans to take 10,000 steps daily. As a form of reward participants can redeem NTUC vouchers when the different tiers of points are reached. The 1st tier reward ($5 NTUC voucher) requires 600 points and takes a minimum of 10 days to complete. The maximum points per day is 60 which requires the completion of 10,000 steps.
Healthy 365 app can be downloaded from the Google Play
Picture posted by Reuben Chew on 14 February 2016


Brisk Walk or Run?
Whether brisk walking or running is a better form of exercise depends on your health, fitness level and exercise goal.

Mr Loh explains that brisk walking is a moderate-intensity exercise that trains lower limb muscles, and requires more muscular strength than walking at a normal pace.

Brisk walking continuously for 10 minutes or longer can boost muscle endurance and improve cardiorespiratory fitness (your body’s ability to supply oxygen and energy to the muscles). It is also proven to help reduce risk of certain diseases.

However, high-intensity activities such as running do have additional advantages. “These include strength building, as well as further improving bone density and cardiovascular fitness,” says Mr Loh.

High-intensity activities such as running have additional advantages.
PHOTO: High-intensity activities such as running have additional advantages. These include strength building,  further improving bone density and cardiovascular fitness. Brisk walking takes more time to burn the same number of calories as that of running.
Picture posted by Hopewood on 24 June 2015

Brisk walking takes more time to burn the same number of calories as that of running. So if you are exercising to lose weight, running produces faster results.

Getting Started
Current physical activity guidelines by HPB and the American College of Sports Medicine recommend that individuals do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercises, such as brisk walking and swimming, at least five times a week.

Mr Loh recommends that beginners start brisk walking for 10 minutes per session, and progress slowly to develop a comfortable pace and intensity.

Game Your Way To 10,000 Steps A Day
PHOTO: Game Your Way To 10,000 Steps A Day
Studies have shown the health benefits of clocking 10,000 steps daily. However, if walking around the track is not your idea of a fun physical activity, fear not! There is a myriad of physical activities that contribute to your step count without you even realising it. From playing Kinect for Xbox games to the latest Pokemon Go!, the trick is to inject fun to your daily physical activities. Choose your preferred motivation to make exercise more meaningful and fun!
Posted by Health Promotion Board (HPB) on Thursday, 29 September 2016

The 30 minutes can be split into a few shorter sessions — in the morning (from home to the train station), during lunchtime (from office to hawker centre), and after work (from train station to home). “Engaging in short bouts of physical activity throughout the day is actually better than sitting all day and then doing one hour of exercise in the evening,” says Mr Loh.

If the purpose of your exercise is to fight diabetes, obesity or heart diseases, double the exercise time to 300 minutes a week.

Where to Walk
Beginners should start walking on flat ground, and gradually progress to trails or other terrain. “Hilly and uneven terrain can add more stress to the legs, and will require stronger limbs,” Mr Loh cautions.

Beginners should start walking on flat ground, and gradually progress to trails or other terrain.
PHOTO: Beginners should start walking on flat ground, and gradually progress to trails or other terrain. Hilly and uneven terrain can add more stress to the legs, and will require stronger limbs.
Picture posted by Love and Whimsy on 17 March 2012 - Walk in the Park

Treadmills are an alternative you can consider. Most treadmills come with a shock-absorbing mechanism, which is ideal for individuals with weaker legs, and those prone to injury.

You may also find it easier to concentrate on your walking form when exercising on a treadmill. However, research has revealed that people tend to walk slower on treadmills than outdoors. “Moving at the same speed on the treadmill as you do outdoors can actually feel more challenging for some,” says Mr Loh.

Stay Safe
A moderate-intensity activity increases your heart rate by 50 to 60 per cent than when you are at rest. But as long as you are healthy and medically fit, brisk walking is suitable for you.

If you have not exercised for some time, it is likely that your body has detrained (become weaker). Without adequate strength, walking too fast or for too long may increase the risk of overuse injuries (damage to a bone, muscle, ligament or tendon due to repetitive stress without allowing time for the body to heal) — even in healthy individuals.

Stay Safe
PHOTO: Stay Safe
If you have not exercised for some time, it is likely that your body has detrained (become weaker). Without adequate strength, walking too fast or for too long may increase the risk of overuse injuries.
A walk in the park will likely be the most enjoyable part of your day. However, make sure to do so with a clear mind and with your eyes open. In addition to avoiding a fall, open eyes will allow you to take in the beauty of nature's wonders: flowers, and trees, birds, and wildlife.
Posted by Calendar holiday - 2017 Take a Walk in the Park Day

Remember to warm up and cool down. Dynamic stretching exercises, such as ankle bounce, half-squat and walking lunge, are recommended for warm-ups. Static stretching exercises, such as calf stretch and groin stretch, should be done post-walk.

Hydrate regularly, especially if the weather is hot, or if you walk for more than an hour.

Cool down after brisk-walking.
PHOTO: Cool down after brisk-walking. Hydrate regularly, especially if the weather is hot, or if you walk for more than an hour.
Picture posted by torange.biz - A walk in the Park on horse

By Li Yuling in consultation with Mr. Ray Loh senior exercise physiologist / Sports Medicine and Surgery Clinic / Tan Tock Seng Hospital


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