Source (book): "Faithful to the end", Chapter 14, Question 2, Page 192.
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
PHOTO: We need to overcome our shortcoming, especially our poor response to God's grace, and lack of trust and faith in Him. The best way to this problem is through prayer and reading His Word. But when our prayer is done we may still feel worried and scared about it. We may not be able to help how we feel but we can help our actions. [3]
When we pray about a problem try telling God we trust Him for it. Then tell God that although we may not feel like we trust Him, we are going to act like we do. That’s when our feelings have to be lined up with our actions. We have to act like we trust God and soon our feelings come under the control of our actions. [3]
Picture posted by Grace Communion International
What decisions have you made following your study of this epistle (2 Timothy)? Turn your thoughts into prayer.
In Salvation, it is 100% work of God. The Father planned it before the World began, The Son, Jesus Christ executed it by dying on the cross, and the Holy Spirit administers it to all who will receive Christ. (Titus 1:2) [4]
So, what's left is, only by faith, by faith alone, RECEIVE it. Why RECEIVE, because it is an offer, a gift, free but priceless, meaning, the price is so high that no man can afford or earn or deserve it. It is so precious. So, God by His grace, gave it 100% FREE! It is the sign of His great love to us... that He was willing to give His Son to suffer and die to save man. (John 3:16)
It is designed that we are saved by God freely by grace, to do GOOD WORKS. It means God is expecting that those who are saved freely will work. What kind of work? We are to work as a child. We did not became a child because of our own works but we, after we became a child must work, not to be saved, because we are already saved but for God's glory and pleasure. When we work He will bless us and reward us. Salvation is never a reward and reward is never salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-10) [4]
When we pray about a problem try telling God we trust Him for it. Then tell God that although we may not feel like we trust Him, we are going to act like we do. That’s when our feelings have to be lined up with our actions. We have to act like we trust God and soon our feelings come under the control of our actions. [3]
Picture posted by Grace Communion International
What decisions have you made following your study of this epistle (2 Timothy)? Turn your thoughts into prayer.
In Salvation, it is 100% work of God. The Father planned it before the World began, The Son, Jesus Christ executed it by dying on the cross, and the Holy Spirit administers it to all who will receive Christ. (Titus 1:2) [4]
So, what's left is, only by faith, by faith alone, RECEIVE it. Why RECEIVE, because it is an offer, a gift, free but priceless, meaning, the price is so high that no man can afford or earn or deserve it. It is so precious. So, God by His grace, gave it 100% FREE! It is the sign of His great love to us... that He was willing to give His Son to suffer and die to save man. (John 3:16)
It is designed that we are saved by God freely by grace, to do GOOD WORKS. It means God is expecting that those who are saved freely will work. What kind of work? We are to work as a child. We did not became a child because of our own works but we, after we became a child must work, not to be saved, because we are already saved but for God's glory and pleasure. When we work He will bless us and reward us. Salvation is never a reward and reward is never salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-10) [4]
PHOTO: Good works is the RESULT, the fruit of Salvation. We will work because we are already a child. Our work will never affect our relationship as a child or our status as a saved. It is always a permanent relationship. Salvation Is Free but Rewards Are Earned. Rewards are according to the works of the believer (Matthew 16:27). [4]
As children of God we really need to grow and achieve the following as taught in the epistle 2 Timothy. We work for God's glory and pleasure, and He will bless us and reward us.
To have a deep relationship with Jesus
I made the decision to have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of my life experience. I am convinced that he loved all of us and has the authority to led us into His heavenly kingdom at the end of our life in this world. He promised to end all our misery and we can trust Him in all matters. He will protect, guide and provide for us. This may seem highly impossible given the constant hardships which we are facing everyday. All troubles happened for a reason. We will be developed to become more useful as we overcome the obstacles together with Him beside us.
We may be technologically advanced and strong but weak in being faithful to Him. Our spirit may be willing but yet physically incapable to follow Him. That means we are not very useful to Him in the work which he had prepared for us. As our Creator, God knows, and long before our time He has plan to cultivate and save us. He knows that we are incapable to earn our eternal life because of our inclination to sin. He therefore sent His only Son Jesus to suffer and die for us. With the death of Christ on the cross comes our salvation. What we need to do is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Once we accepted His offer to redeem us, He will not let go of us. (John 10:27-30) [4], [5] He will make sure that we are welcomed into the palace which His heavenly Father had prepared for us. Through faith in Jesus and the unlimited amazing grace of God we will be saved.
Therefore like Paul in 2 Timothy, we should focus on Jesus and be convinced about His absolute authority as the Son of God, His absolute sufficiency as the Lamb of God who gave His life as a ransom for the salvation of mankind, and the absolute certainty and hope that Christ will return as Judge and King.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![To have a deep relationship with Jesus]()
PHOTO: To have a deep relationship with Jesus
Made the decision to have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of our life experience. He knows that we are incapable to earn our eternal life because of our inclination to sin. He therefore sent His only Son Jesus to suffer and die for us. With the death of Christ on the cross comes our salvation. What we need to do is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Once we accepted His offer to redeem us, He will not let go of us. (John 10:27-30) [4], [5] He will make sure that we are welcomed into the palace which His heavenly Father had prepared for us. Through faith in Jesus and the unlimited amazing grace of God we will be saved.
Painting by Greg Olsen, Lost no more, Never Alone
Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, IN THE WORLD, NOT OF THE WORLD by Greg Olsen
Posted by Helena Lehman on Sunday, 02 February 2014 at 2:57 AM
Study God's Word and spread it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
I am not a public speaker, presenter, a pastor or priest. Under the medieval belief I am not in the true vocation that truly service for God as in the church and monastery. Martin Luther, the great reformer, insisted that whether we serve in sacred or secular professions, whether in church or in the farm, we are all serving God. What is important is to do all for the glory of God and to keep our eyes focused on our true Master, and to remain faithful to Him and His calling. [2]
Base on personal efforts, I am still far away from being an useful, holy instrument consecrated and set apart for a particular purpose and used only for that purpose. I need all the grace of God to accept and save me as I am still a dirty, blunt instrument incapable of doing any good work. I do not have the courage and tenacity (persistence) to preach the gospel but I may be able to read the Bible and some religion supplements, and create blogs to bring the good news to others.
I also need to pray continuously for my salvation. I am like the seeds that did not fall on good soil, where it produced a crop - a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. I am the other seeds in The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13). Therefore I am in real need of the Lord's forgiveness and grace. Through prayer and utilising the positive power of the Internet, the WORD and the cleansing of the Holy Spirit can ultimately convert us into the perfect beings to enter the kingdom of God. Paul urged Timothy and us to live and led others into the Story of Jesus, one in which we can live and dwell securely and faithfully.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![Study God's Word and teach it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument]()
PHOTO: Study God's Word and teach it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
As a careful craftsman, Timothy was to study God's Word and teach it faithfully, especially amid the false teachers who were infecting the church. As he sought holiness, he would be a holy instrument in the hands of the Lord, of much use to Him.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Keep the faith and trust to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
Satan knows of our fragile faith and will attack our weakness in order to separate us away from God. By creating many worldly attractions, he hopes to distract us and led us astray. But Jesus being our Saviour will prevent him from succeeding. The struggle between the forces of evils (Satan) and good (God) will always be in operation. We will continuously be tempted to sin. We will constantly be influenced with the idea that we are not saved by God's grace and Jesus's death on the cross. We will always hear discouraging remarks and feel uncomfortable or defeated.
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.![Keep the faith to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles]()
PHOTO: Keep the faith to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
Paul had fought the good fight without holding back, he had run the race with all his strength, and he had kept the faith in spite of all temptations and obstacles. He was faithful to the end, and urged Timothy to do likewise. We who read and meditate on Paul's final epistle are also challenged to do the same. People are rushing into destruction, busy pursuing a significance that is not enduring, a happiness that is elusive, and a peace that is absent in the world.
Picture posted by ANA QUEIROZ@aneomaraqueiroz on 02 February 2017
Learning the difference between Faith and Trust[3] is often a daily and always a lifetime struggle. God wants us to Trust Him for and in all things. By our actions (not our feelings) we are saying to God we trust in Him for each problem we encounter. We can have faith in God for all things, but learning to trust God for and in all things is another matter.
Someone once explain the difference between faith and trust this way: [3]
"Suppose you are at Niagara Falls and you see a well known high-wire walker with a wheelbarrow. He has a wire strung across Niagara Falls and when you walk up to him he ask you if you believe he can push the wheelbarrow across the falls. You tell him you most certainly have faith in him to do just that. After all, you’ve seen him do it many times before and you know he’s an expert.
"Now, faith is believing he can do it… but trust would be to climb into the wheelbarrow."
Can we climb into God’s wheelbarrow and let Him push us across Niagara Falls (the problems of our life)? Do we have faith, and trust in God to do it? The best way to this problem is through prayer and reading His Word.
Too often, the coarse and terrible world has been allowed to infect the church through powerful negative forces at work in media and popular culture. We do well to return to God's inspired Word, which will teach, rebuke, correct, and train us in righteousness. However the strong grab from our Saviour will overcome all these noisy distractions. Jesus had overcome Satan before and at His second coming, Satan again will be defeated. Whatever happens, we must never leave the path of Jesus, because it is He who will truly bless us and bring us home. [1]
As children of God we really need to grow and achieve the following as taught in the epistle 2 Timothy. We work for God's glory and pleasure, and He will bless us and reward us.
- Have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of my life experience
- Study God's Word and spread it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
- Keep the faith and trust to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
- Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
- The Lord is with us in spirit and His grace touches our lives
- Respond to the Lord's grace and to act responsibly
- Led a live that is pleasing to the Lord
To have a deep relationship with Jesus
I made the decision to have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of my life experience. I am convinced that he loved all of us and has the authority to led us into His heavenly kingdom at the end of our life in this world. He promised to end all our misery and we can trust Him in all matters. He will protect, guide and provide for us. This may seem highly impossible given the constant hardships which we are facing everyday. All troubles happened for a reason. We will be developed to become more useful as we overcome the obstacles together with Him beside us.
We may be technologically advanced and strong but weak in being faithful to Him. Our spirit may be willing but yet physically incapable to follow Him. That means we are not very useful to Him in the work which he had prepared for us. As our Creator, God knows, and long before our time He has plan to cultivate and save us. He knows that we are incapable to earn our eternal life because of our inclination to sin. He therefore sent His only Son Jesus to suffer and die for us. With the death of Christ on the cross comes our salvation. What we need to do is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Once we accepted His offer to redeem us, He will not let go of us. (John 10:27-30) [4], [5] He will make sure that we are welcomed into the palace which His heavenly Father had prepared for us. Through faith in Jesus and the unlimited amazing grace of God we will be saved.
Therefore like Paul in 2 Timothy, we should focus on Jesus and be convinced about His absolute authority as the Son of God, His absolute sufficiency as the Lamb of God who gave His life as a ransom for the salvation of mankind, and the absolute certainty and hope that Christ will return as Judge and King.
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PHOTO: To have a deep relationship with Jesus
Made the decision to have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of our life experience. He knows that we are incapable to earn our eternal life because of our inclination to sin. He therefore sent His only Son Jesus to suffer and die for us. With the death of Christ on the cross comes our salvation. What we need to do is to believe and accept Jesus Christ as our Saviour. Once we accepted His offer to redeem us, He will not let go of us. (John 10:27-30) [4], [5] He will make sure that we are welcomed into the palace which His heavenly Father had prepared for us. Through faith in Jesus and the unlimited amazing grace of God we will be saved.
Painting by Greg Olsen, Lost no more, Never Alone
Jesus Christ, The Good Shepherd, IN THE WORLD, NOT OF THE WORLD by Greg Olsen
Posted by Helena Lehman on Sunday, 02 February 2014 at 2:57 AM
Study God's Word and spread it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
I am not a public speaker, presenter, a pastor or priest. Under the medieval belief I am not in the true vocation that truly service for God as in the church and monastery. Martin Luther, the great reformer, insisted that whether we serve in sacred or secular professions, whether in church or in the farm, we are all serving God. What is important is to do all for the glory of God and to keep our eyes focused on our true Master, and to remain faithful to Him and His calling. [2]
Base on personal efforts, I am still far away from being an useful, holy instrument consecrated and set apart for a particular purpose and used only for that purpose. I need all the grace of God to accept and save me as I am still a dirty, blunt instrument incapable of doing any good work. I do not have the courage and tenacity (persistence) to preach the gospel but I may be able to read the Bible and some religion supplements, and create blogs to bring the good news to others.
I also need to pray continuously for my salvation. I am like the seeds that did not fall on good soil, where it produced a crop - a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. I am the other seeds in The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13). Therefore I am in real need of the Lord's forgiveness and grace. Through prayer and utilising the positive power of the Internet, the WORD and the cleansing of the Holy Spirit can ultimately convert us into the perfect beings to enter the kingdom of God. Paul urged Timothy and us to live and led others into the Story of Jesus, one in which we can live and dwell securely and faithfully.
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PHOTO: Study God's Word and teach it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
As a careful craftsman, Timothy was to study God's Word and teach it faithfully, especially amid the false teachers who were infecting the church. As he sought holiness, he would be a holy instrument in the hands of the Lord, of much use to Him.
Picture posted by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Keep the faith and trust to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
Satan knows of our fragile faith and will attack our weakness in order to separate us away from God. By creating many worldly attractions, he hopes to distract us and led us astray. But Jesus being our Saviour will prevent him from succeeding. The struggle between the forces of evils (Satan) and good (God) will always be in operation. We will continuously be tempted to sin. We will constantly be influenced with the idea that we are not saved by God's grace and Jesus's death on the cross. We will always hear discouraging remarks and feel uncomfortable or defeated.
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PHOTO: Keep the faith to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
Paul had fought the good fight without holding back, he had run the race with all his strength, and he had kept the faith in spite of all temptations and obstacles. He was faithful to the end, and urged Timothy to do likewise. We who read and meditate on Paul's final epistle are also challenged to do the same. People are rushing into destruction, busy pursuing a significance that is not enduring, a happiness that is elusive, and a peace that is absent in the world.
Picture posted by ANA QUEIROZ@aneomaraqueiroz on 02 February 2017
Learning the difference between Faith and Trust[3] is often a daily and always a lifetime struggle. God wants us to Trust Him for and in all things. By our actions (not our feelings) we are saying to God we trust in Him for each problem we encounter. We can have faith in God for all things, but learning to trust God for and in all things is another matter.
Someone once explain the difference between faith and trust this way: [3]
"Suppose you are at Niagara Falls and you see a well known high-wire walker with a wheelbarrow. He has a wire strung across Niagara Falls and when you walk up to him he ask you if you believe he can push the wheelbarrow across the falls. You tell him you most certainly have faith in him to do just that. After all, you’ve seen him do it many times before and you know he’s an expert.
"Now, faith is believing he can do it… but trust would be to climb into the wheelbarrow."
Can we climb into God’s wheelbarrow and let Him push us across Niagara Falls (the problems of our life)? Do we have faith, and trust in God to do it? The best way to this problem is through prayer and reading His Word.
Too often, the coarse and terrible world has been allowed to infect the church through powerful negative forces at work in media and popular culture. We do well to return to God's inspired Word, which will teach, rebuke, correct, and train us in righteousness. However the strong grab from our Saviour will overcome all these noisy distractions. Jesus had overcome Satan before and at His second coming, Satan again will be defeated. Whatever happens, we must never leave the path of Jesus, because it is He who will truly bless us and bring us home. [1]
PHOTO: The coarse and terrible world has been allowed to infect the church through powerful negative forces at work in media and popular culture. We do well to return to God's inspired Word, which will teach, rebuke, correct, and train us in righteousness. the strong grab from our Saviour will overcome all these noisy distractions. Jesus had overcome Satan before and at His second coming, Satan again will be defeated. Whatever happens, we must never leave the path of Jesus, because it is He who will truly bless us and bring us home. [1]
Picture posted in Index of /espanol/vida-cristo/graphics - Jesus And Lucifer
Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
Although as a retiree, I am suffering from many chronic health problems. Diabetes (body’s inability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood), high blood pressure, irregular heart beats, low kidney function, high cholesterol and failing eyesight. The cost for healthcare and medication is hard to sustain with the limited income. But a legitimate amount of money is required for basic survival. To be useful to our Lord we need to be holistically healthy and therefore have to meet our human needs legitimately and simply. That is what I am enthusiastically doing by the grace of God.
I go for morning walks and try to meet the recommended 10,000 steps per day. I spent about 2 hours to walk about 8 km which is below the average brisk walking speed of 5 km per hour. I try to do simple exercises, stretching, deep breathing, situps and squats. I cannot do full pushup because of stiff shoulder, so I replace it with 60° pushup. It is not very effective but can still maintain the core muscles. These are important to help us lessen the impact on the floor when we fall down face-flat. After the 'healthy' activities, I become tired but the sleep is sweet and sound.
Picture posted in Index of /espanol/vida-cristo/graphics - Jesus And Lucifer
Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
Although as a retiree, I am suffering from many chronic health problems. Diabetes (body’s inability to produce or respond to the hormone insulin resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in the blood), high blood pressure, irregular heart beats, low kidney function, high cholesterol and failing eyesight. The cost for healthcare and medication is hard to sustain with the limited income. But a legitimate amount of money is required for basic survival. To be useful to our Lord we need to be holistically healthy and therefore have to meet our human needs legitimately and simply. That is what I am enthusiastically doing by the grace of God.
I go for morning walks and try to meet the recommended 10,000 steps per day. I spent about 2 hours to walk about 8 km which is below the average brisk walking speed of 5 km per hour. I try to do simple exercises, stretching, deep breathing, situps and squats. I cannot do full pushup because of stiff shoulder, so I replace it with 60° pushup. It is not very effective but can still maintain the core muscles. These are important to help us lessen the impact on the floor when we fall down face-flat. After the 'healthy' activities, I become tired but the sleep is sweet and sound.
PHOTO: I go for morning walks and try to meet the recommended 10,000 steps per day. I spent about 2 hours to walk about 8 km which is below the average brisk walking speed of 5 km per hour. After the 'healthy' activities, I become tired but the sleep is sweet and sound.
Portraits by Hanci Photography
For food I am careful about vegetables and fruits with high potassium contents. High potassium and caffeine (in tea, coffee, milo, diary products, certain fruit juices and soft drinks) can cause irregular heart beats. Irregular heart beats can led to stroke, so the doctor want me to take blood thinning medicine. This will help the smooth flow of blood through the brain to lower the chances of stroke. But any cut on the body will cause blood to flow out more easily too. I have low blood count and need to take ferrous (iron) pill. Because of this pills, I have constipation and have difficulty in emptying the bowels. Medications help the body but also create problematic side effects. But in conclusion the benefits of taking the medicines are worth it, so it become my necessity.
The hope to become as healthy as before is not attainable. Like Paul, we are not superhuman and so have human needs - physical, intellectual, social, and emotional, which need to be met legitimately and simply. There is also another important need, which is the spiritual need to know and be known by Christ. By the grace of God, and blessed with the sure presence of Christ, we can anticipated the glory of being welcomed into the presence of the King when we died.
Portraits by Hanci Photography
For food I am careful about vegetables and fruits with high potassium contents. High potassium and caffeine (in tea, coffee, milo, diary products, certain fruit juices and soft drinks) can cause irregular heart beats. Irregular heart beats can led to stroke, so the doctor want me to take blood thinning medicine. This will help the smooth flow of blood through the brain to lower the chances of stroke. But any cut on the body will cause blood to flow out more easily too. I have low blood count and need to take ferrous (iron) pill. Because of this pills, I have constipation and have difficulty in emptying the bowels. Medications help the body but also create problematic side effects. But in conclusion the benefits of taking the medicines are worth it, so it become my necessity.
The hope to become as healthy as before is not attainable. Like Paul, we are not superhuman and so have human needs - physical, intellectual, social, and emotional, which need to be met legitimately and simply. There is also another important need, which is the spiritual need to know and be known by Christ. By the grace of God, and blessed with the sure presence of Christ, we can anticipated the glory of being welcomed into the presence of the King when we died.
PHOTO: Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
Like Paul, we are not superhuman and so have human needs - physical, intellectual, social, and emotional, which need to be met legitimately and simply. There is also another important need, which is the spiritual need to know and be known by Christ. By the grace of God, and blessed with the sure presence of Christ, we can anticipated the glory of being welcomed into the presence of the King when we died.
Picture posted by The Yorker on 12 November 2016
We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives [1]
These questions come to us from Paul's epistle and have to be answered in each of our hearts. The answers that are pleasing to the Lord must not be said with the lips but shown in our lives. The gospel is a treasure entrusted to us. We must guard it faithfully, suffer for it patiently, continue in it steadfastly, and proclaim it widely. We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives. This is how Paul ended his epistle: "The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2 Timothy 4:22). The spirit must be nurtured by Word and Spirit for the Lord to be present with it. Grace can be received in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1) when we ignore or reject it, but when we respond to the abounding grace of God, we are not only deeply and thoroughly transformed, but we will also be abounding with good works for the glory of God (2 Corinthians 9:8). How wonderful it would be if each of us would end our earthly race in the celestial city as graced people who had been faithful to the end.
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Clik here to view.![Paul held a biblical balance and poise that emphasises both the sovereignty of God's gracious choice of those who are saved as well as the need for believers to respond to that grace and to act responsibly.]()
PHOTO: We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives
This is how Paul ended his epistle: "The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2 Timothy 4:22).
Paul held a biblical balance and poise that emphasises both the sovereignty of God's gracious choice of those who are saved as well as the need for believers to respond to that grace and to act responsibly. God is at work in us to enable us to choose and act, but at the same time he urged his readers to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
Painting by Jerry Gadamus, Angel of Peace
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Turn your thoughts into prayer.
"Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome our shortcoming, especially our poor response to grace, and lack of trust and faith in You. Help us focus in You and acheive the following.
Like Paul, we are not superhuman and so have human needs - physical, intellectual, social, and emotional, which need to be met legitimately and simply. There is also another important need, which is the spiritual need to know and be known by Christ. By the grace of God, and blessed with the sure presence of Christ, we can anticipated the glory of being welcomed into the presence of the King when we died.
Picture posted by The Yorker on 12 November 2016
We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives [1]
These questions come to us from Paul's epistle and have to be answered in each of our hearts. The answers that are pleasing to the Lord must not be said with the lips but shown in our lives. The gospel is a treasure entrusted to us. We must guard it faithfully, suffer for it patiently, continue in it steadfastly, and proclaim it widely. We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives. This is how Paul ended his epistle: "The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2 Timothy 4:22). The spirit must be nurtured by Word and Spirit for the Lord to be present with it. Grace can be received in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1) when we ignore or reject it, but when we respond to the abounding grace of God, we are not only deeply and thoroughly transformed, but we will also be abounding with good works for the glory of God (2 Corinthians 9:8). How wonderful it would be if each of us would end our earthly race in the celestial city as graced people who had been faithful to the end.
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Clik here to view.
PHOTO: We can only be successful according to God's terms if He is with our spirits and His grace touches our lives
This is how Paul ended his epistle: "The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you" (2 Timothy 4:22).
Paul held a biblical balance and poise that emphasises both the sovereignty of God's gracious choice of those who are saved as well as the need for believers to respond to that grace and to act responsibly. God is at work in us to enable us to choose and act, but at the same time he urged his readers to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
Painting by Jerry Gadamus, Angel of Peace
Posted by
Turn your thoughts into prayer.
"Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome our shortcoming, especially our poor response to grace, and lack of trust and faith in You. Help us focus in You and acheive the following.
- Have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of my life experience
- Study God's Word and spread it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
- Keep the faith and trust to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
- Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
- The Lord is with us in spirit and His grace touches our lives
- Respond to the Lord's grace and to act responsibly
- Led a live that is pleasing to the Lord
PHOTO: Prayer
"Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome our shortcoming, especially our poor response to grace, and lack of trust and faith in You. Help us focus in You and acheive the following.
Picture posted in Index of /espanol/vida-cristo/graphics
"Dear Lord, Please help us to overcome our shortcoming, especially our poor response to grace, and lack of trust and faith in You. Help us focus in You and acheive the following.
- Have a deep relationship with Jesus and let Him be the center of my life experience
- Study God's Word and spread it faithfully, and be God's useful holy instrument
- Keep the faith and trust to the end, in spite of all temptations and obstacles
- Always sought to be useful to our Lord and to meet our human needs legitimately and simply
- The Lord is with us in spirit and His grace touches our lives
- Respond to the Lord's grace and to act responsibly
- Led a live that is pleasing to the Lord
Picture posted in Index of /espanol/vida-cristo/graphics
PHOTO: "Dear Lord, Thank You for your offer to save us by Your unlimited amazing grace. We accepted Your offer to redeem us with gratefulness, and we are 100% assured of our salvation. As God's children we work for His glory and pleasure. Thank you for Your blessing and rewards. Through Lord Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!"
Paintings by Sandra Kuck Duet | Sandra Kuck - Guardian Angel Giclee On Canvas
Picture saved by Sharon Emmons-Mason to Artist: KUCK, Sandra from The Collection Shop (TCS)
Reflection - Decisions make following the study of 2 Timothy
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[2] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Useful to the Lord, posted on Saturday, August 15, 2015,
[3] Author known only to God, The difference between Faith and Trust,
[4] Blogging for Christ, The confusions (5 of them), posted on Monday, 25 March 2013 at 8:19 AM,
[5] The Christian Working Woman, God Won’t Let You Go!,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Paintings by Sandra Kuck Duet | Sandra Kuck - Guardian Angel Giclee On Canvas
Picture saved by Sharon Emmons-Mason to Artist: KUCK, Sandra from The Collection Shop (TCS)
Reflection - Decisions make following the study of 2 Timothy
By Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012
[1] From "Faithful to the end"A Preacher's Exposition of 2 Timothy, Copyright © 2014 by Robert M. Solomon, ISBN 978-1-62707-241-0, PART FOUR: FAITHFUL TO THE END, Chapter 14 "Conclusion: A Continuing Challenge", Page 189-192.[2] Robert M. Solomon, Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000 - 2012, Reflection - Useful to the Lord, posted on Saturday, August 15, 2015,
[3] Author known only to God, The difference between Faith and Trust,
[4] Blogging for Christ, The confusions (5 of them), posted on Monday, 25 March 2013 at 8:19 AM,
[5] The Christian Working Woman, God Won’t Let You Go!,
New International Version (NIV), Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
2 Corinthians 6:1 -
2 Corinthians 9:8 -
2 Timothy 4:22 -
2 Corinthians 9:8 -
2 Timothy 4:22 -
Ephesians 2:8-10 -
John 3:16 -
John 10:27-30 -
Matthew 16:27 -
Matthew 13 -
Titus 1:2 -
John 3:16 -
John 10:27-30 -
Matthew 16:27 -
Matthew 13 -
Titus 1:2 -