My Paper, Wednesday, August 21, 2013, Page A5, News, Technology, Mozzie Watch
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By SAMANTHA BOH,, Published on Aug 21, 2013
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By SAMANTHA BOH,, Published on Aug 21, 2013
PHOTO: MOSQUITO BUSTER: This drone is being considered for use by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District to speed up the detection of mosquito-breeding areas.
My Paper, Wednesday, August 21, 2013, Page A5, News, Technology, Mozzie Watch
UNMANNED aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones could be used by the National Environment Agency (NEA) as its latest weapon against the dengue scourge.
NEA told My Paper that it is assessing various proposals it has received.
The use of drones for such purposes is also being explored in other countries. On Saturday, The Guardian newspaper reported that drones are being tested by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District in the United States, to speed up the detection of shallow areas of water where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
The report said this will "allow a swifter spraying of larvicide (an insecticide that is specifically targeted against the larval life stage of an insect)", as well as cut down on manpower costs. The 0.8m Maveric drones cost US$65,000 (S$82,800) each and are built by a North Florida-based company called Condor Aerial.
In a reply to My Paper, NEA said: "A few institutions and private organisations have approached us with proposals on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for our operations. We have seen some trials and are assessing these proposals."
My Paper, Wednesday, August 21, 2013, Page A5, News, Technology, Mozzie Watch
UNMANNED aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones could be used by the National Environment Agency (NEA) as its latest weapon against the dengue scourge.
NEA told My Paper that it is assessing various proposals it has received.
The use of drones for such purposes is also being explored in other countries. On Saturday, The Guardian newspaper reported that drones are being tested by the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District in the United States, to speed up the detection of shallow areas of water where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
The report said this will "allow a swifter spraying of larvicide (an insecticide that is specifically targeted against the larval life stage of an insect)", as well as cut down on manpower costs. The 0.8m Maveric drones cost US$65,000 (S$82,800) each and are built by a North Florida-based company called Condor Aerial.
In a reply to My Paper, NEA said: "A few institutions and private organisations have approached us with proposals on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for our operations. We have seen some trials and are assessing these proposals."
PHOTO: The genetically infected mosquito Aedes Aegyptiduring blood meal
Dengue fever is a virus-based disease spread by the bites of mosquitoes. It can be caused by any one of four separate but related viruses carried by infected mosquitoes, most commonly the mosquito Aedes aegypti, found in tropic and subtropic areas. It is commonly found in Southeast Asia, South and Central America, Indonesia and sub-Saharan Africa.
There is no cure or vaccine for dengue fever yet. One can only treat the symptoms in such ways as getting plenty of rest, drink plenty of water, take pain relievers with acetaminophen and promptly consult a skilled physician.
This comes as the number of dengue cases rose for the first time in a month to 378, for the week ending on Saturday. The number of cases had been consistently falling each week, from 390 in the week ending July 20, to 256 in the week ending Aug 10. Dengue cases hit an all-time high of 842 this year between June 16 and 22.
Associate Professor Gerald Seet, a UAV and robotics expert, said such drones can typically fly up to about 120m high. Prof Seet, director of the Robotics Research Centre at the Nanyang Technological University, said the drones would have to be "sufficiently close to the ground to locate shallow pools of stagnant water accurately".
PHOTO: The most effective way to fight against dengue is to destroy mosquito breeding places at least once a week. This includes regularly emptying containers that collect standing water around the house, such as jars, tins and old tyres, and also clearing any thick bush nearby.
People should avoid being bitten while taking daytime naps by sleeping under a mosquito net. Insecticide sprays can also be used to keep rooms mosquito-free, however, the insecticide spray should be allowed to completely disappear before entering the room to make sure that the potentially harmful chemicals in the spray have gone.
Their effective range would depend on infrared sensors that would detect temperature variations when moving over bodies of water, he added. "If the system can be made effective, potential savings would be in response time and manpower requirements."
By SAMANTHA BOH,, Published on Aug 21, 2013
People should avoid being bitten while taking daytime naps by sleeping under a mosquito net. Insecticide sprays can also be used to keep rooms mosquito-free, however, the insecticide spray should be allowed to completely disappear before entering the room to make sure that the potentially harmful chemicals in the spray have gone.
Their effective range would depend on infrared sensors that would detect temperature variations when moving over bodies of water, he added. "If the system can be made effective, potential savings would be in response time and manpower requirements."
By SAMANTHA BOH,, Published on Aug 21, 2013
PHOTO: The number of dengue cases rose for the first time in a month to 378, for the week ending on Saturday. The number of cases had been consistently falling each week, from 390 in the week ending July 20, to 256 in the week ending Aug 10. Dengue cases hit an all-time high of 842 this year between June 16 and 22.
我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn
Drones:无人机 wú rén jī
Larvicide (an insecticide that is specifically targeted against the larval life stage of an insect):杀幼虫剂 shā yòu chóng jì
Dengue cases:骨痛热症病例 gǔ tòng rè zhèng bìng lì
Infrared:红外线 hóng wài xiàn
我的字典: Wǒ de zì diǎn
Drones:无人机 wú rén jī
Larvicide (an insecticide that is specifically targeted against the larval life stage of an insect):杀幼虫剂 shā yòu chóng jì
Dengue cases:骨痛热症病例 gǔ tòng rè zhèng bìng lì
Infrared:红外线 hóng wài xiàn
- My Paper, Wednesday, August 21, 2013, Page A5, News, Technology, Mozzie Watch