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Greying, lonely and addicted to arcades

My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A2, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/greying-lonely-and-addicted-arcades-20140429
By Jalelah Abu Baker and Goh Wei Hao, jalmsab@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

PHOTO: COLOURFUL AND ADDICTIVE: Arcades, most commonly thought of as teenage hangouts, now crawl with elderly addicts. Some of them are there from the time the arcades open in the morning till closing time at midnight.
My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A2, News, Top Stories

CALL it the cheaper alternative to a casino. The arcade, most commonly thought of as a teenage hangout, now crawls with elderly addicts.

Take a regular who looks like the average grandmother, but with a touch more make-up and a sharp dress sense.

But not for her those high-tea receptions or spending time with grandchildren.

She is usually at Virtualand, a sprawling arcade at the basement of Bugis Junction shopping centre.

The woman in her 60s did not want to be named, but she told My Paper that she was addicted to a fishing game that can be found at most arcades here.

Points are accumulated by "catching" fish.

"It's like gambling. I want to chase the win, feel the thrill of winning the points," she said.

Before this, she was a gambling addict. She used to go on cruise ships to gamble.

But each time she touched a jackpot machine, it cost her $1,500 an hour. Here, each hour costs her just $5 to $10.

The arcade addiction, however, is kept a secret from her family.

Her two grown-up sons do not know where she is when she is "out with her friends".

In fact, she plays the game all alone, and has never made a friend in the three years that she has been playing the game.

"I didn't tell them because if they knew, they would stop giving me money," she told My Paper.

She spends about $50 each time she goes to the arcade, making it a total of about $200 a week.

She even switched arcades from the one at Jurong Point shopping centre to the one at Bugis Junction because she said it is "easier to catch fish" at the latter.

Virtualand cashier Shirley Lim said that she sees more elderly people in the arcade now, with some of them at the arcade even before it opens at 10am.

"Sometimes they will come, play, have their lunch, and come back again," she told My Paper.

She said that they frequent the mahjong and soccer machines at the arcade.

Some of them are there from the time it opens till closing time at midnight.

One of them is a woman in her 40s who works at a dispensary. She did not want to be named.

On the days she is off, she spends the whole day playing the fishing game. Her reason? To de-stress.

A doctor who specialises in geriatric psychiatry, Seng Kok Han, said that a lot of the times elderly players could get addicted out of loneliness.

"It's a bit like gambling because there are rewards," he told My Paper.

There is a sense of excitement and achievement, he said.

But he added that it is important for the elderly to engage in meaningful activities.

Being addicted to arcade games may be unhealthy because they are sitting down the whole day, he said.

Addictions specialist Munidasa Winslow said that anything that gives a thrill and distracts the elderly is good as they get older.
By Jalelah Abu Baker and Goh Wei Hao, jalmsab@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014


Can looks help you climb ladder?

My Paper, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Page A5, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/can-looks-help-you-climb-ladder-20140429
By Carol Arolyn Khew, kcarolyn@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

PHOTO: LOOKS SELL: Dr Lee demonstrating the use of Botox. A member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine, she presented the survey findings yesterday.

IT HAS always been whispered around offices, but a local study now claims there is evidence to show that good looks can help you snag that job or that promotion.

One caveat
(warning): The survey was conducted by the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore) and sponsored by Allergan, the maker of Botox, who can hardly claim to be uninterested parties.

It found that roughly eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.

Eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.
PHOTO:Eight out of 10 respondents felt that physically attractive people are more likely to be hired and promoted. Almost seven out of 10 know of someone who was hired or promoted because of their good looks.

An overwhelming nine out of 10 also felt that good-looking people are more likely to be called for job interviews based on photographs in resumes.

The online survey conducted last month polled 500 employees between 30 and 60 years old. Most of those surveyed were women (eight out of 10) and all participants earned over $3,000 a month.

Interestingly, despite the identity of the parties behind the survey, psychologists and recruitment firms did not dismiss the findings, even though they pointed out that being physically attractive and looking presentable were two different things.

Still struggling
PHOTO: Still struggling
Psychologists and recruitment firms did not dismiss the findings, but pointed out that being physically attractive and looking presentable were two different things.
Posted by  Rona-Keller on Wed Aug 18, 2010, 10:52 AM, Journals / Personal, ©2010-2014 Rona-Keller

David Leong, managing director of recruitment firm PeopleWorldwide, said that the "face factor" plays a part in selection for client-facing roles, such as in guest relations and sales and marketing.

"The face factor for client-facing roles has a higher weightage... since the candidate must make an agreeable first impression," added Mr Leong. "So for (those roles), the interviewer will demand that they must have an agreeable look, with a charming personality."

Dr Joel Yang, from UniSIM's School of Human Development and Social Services, said research studies have shown that good looks "confer real advantages at work". They make a person more persuasive, able to secure the cooperation of colleagues, attract customers and sell products.

Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence. Good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff.
PHOTO: Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence. Good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff.

"Attractiveness is a source of inequality that impacts wages, job advancement and even how others perceive a person's competence," said Dr Yang. "So it seems that good looks are a significant factor in the hiring, compensation, promotion, and perceived competence of staff, as much as we would like to think they aren't."

Dr Georgia Lee, a member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore), who presented the survey findings to the media yesterday, said: "Most professionals, executives and management personnel that I know do not mind looking experienced but they usually do not want to look tired."

Ms Wendy Chow, 33, who started looking for a job a month ago, agreed that it is important to look presentable when showing up for job interviews. "If you look good, you'll feel good. I believe you'll perform better when you're feeling more confident," said the former project manager.
By Carol Arolyn Khew, kcarolyn@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 29, 2014

Serina Wee
PHOTO: Serina Wee
Dr Georgia Lee, a member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine (Singapore), who presented the survey findings to the media yesterday, said: "Most professionals, executives and management personnel that I know do not mind looking experienced but they usually do not want to look tired."
Posted by Force 136 on 26-03-2014, 11:58 PM


Where the cows are more than happy to moove (Switzerland, Appenzellerland)

My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-30
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/where-cows-are-more-happy-moove-20140430
By Yip Wai Yee, The Sunday Times, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014

PHOTO: BOVINE PARADE: Farmers leading their cows down from the top of the mountain to the valleys to avoid the freezing winter in an annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

IT TOOK two whole days in Appenzellerland before I noticed the calming silence.

"How come the cows here don't moo?" I finally asked my guide Alfonso Llopert in the lush, beautiful, hilly region in north-east Switzerland.

"Because the cows have no complaints. They're all very happy here," he replied.

He is joking, of course, but it is not implausible.

Cow culture in Appenzellerland is big and the more than 15,000 cows in the region are pampered like kings. With around 15,700 people living there, the ratio of cow to person is almost one to one.

Local farmers have been said to give their cows two massages a day, rubbing them down with a special blend of Swiss herb oil. There is more than enough grass on the rolling hills for the cattle to graze on all summer.

But it is the annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent in which the cows really take centre stage as they parade down the hills like stars.

Throughout autumn every year - typically from late August to early September - farmers lead their cattle down from the top of the mountain to the valleys below to keep the animals out of the freezing winter that will arrive in the high pastures.

PHOTO: BOVINE PARADE: Farmers leading their cows down from the top of the mountain to the valleys to avoid the freezing winter in an annual procession known as the alpine cattle's descent.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Though this is a common practice among cattle farmers in many mountainous regions, it is rarely as joyous an occasion as it is with the Appenzeller people. These folks have been treating the activity as a festive ceremony for hundreds of years. Although no one is certain when it all began, some estimates date it back to mediaeval times.

Ditching their usual grubby attire, the farmers appear alongside the cows in fancy traditional dress - cheery outfits of red vests, canary-yellow trousers, felt hats and cow-hide suspenders decorated with brass fittings.

As the farmers walk, they happily sing and yodel, all in perfect harmony with the deep tones of the heavy cow bells strapped to their prized animals.

The art of alpine yodelling, which dates back to the 16th century, is a wordless form of singing where the singer rapidly switches pitches between the low chest voice and the high-pitched falsetto.

Given that the people there still practise folk customs such as these, it is little wonder that Appenzellerland is often regarded as Switzerland's most traditional region.

Aescher Hotel / Appenzellerland, Switzerland
PHOTO: Aescher Hotel / Appenzellerland, Switzerland
Hostel Switzerland blue clouds forests

Even in the modern day, annual voting for local leaders in the region is not done through a ballot system, but simply by a show of hands in a large town square, a tradition that dates back to the 14th century.

But back to the cattle-loving festivities. The celebratory atmosphere of the cattle descent is contagious for any onlooker.

Unfortunately for tourists, the dates for such processions are never fixed, which means one has to check with Appenzellerland's tourist information office (www.appenzell.info/en) beforehand. Farmers give notice only a day before their descents, so it depends on your luck if you want to see a parade.

I was fortunate enough to catch one by chance towards the end of my trip, while strolling through the town of Appenzell, whose picturesque, colourful buildings look straight out of a children's storybook. Being the region's main town, it is situated right in the midst of stunning highland mounds.

Sprightly children, also decked out in bright traditional costumes, skipped along happily beside their farmer parents, while a handful of white goats native to Appenzellerland led the cow herd - a deliriously happy scene.

Apart from parades, visitors can soak up cow culture in other ways. For foodies, that means having a taste of the famously pungent Appenzeller cheese.

PHOTO: LOCAL FAVOURITE: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with apple sauce and Swiss white beef sausage.

Dubbed the "spiciest" in Switzerland, this cheese gets its uniquely intense and aromatic flavour from the way it is made.

During the ageing process, which lasts at least three months, a herbal brine is regularly kneaded into the cheese. The fiercely guarded recipe for the brine is kept in a local bank vault.

Reportedly, the dairies across Appenzellerland have been making this hard cheese using the same method for more than 700 years. It costs around 11 Swiss francs (S$16) for a 500g slab of Appenzeller cheese.

Other than eating it on its own, you can get a whiff of it from the popular dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese. Served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage, it is nutty, savoury and slightly sweet all at once.

Local favourite: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage.

PHOTO: Local favourite: The dish kasehornli, a local version of macaroni and cheese served with a dollop of apple sauce and siedwurst, or Swiss white beef sausage.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Order the dish (42.50 Swiss francs) at the Mountain Inn restaurant (9108 Jakobsbad, tel: +41-71-794-12-89, www.kronberg.ch) on the top of the Kronberg mountain.

Situated at 1,663m above sea level, the restaurant also has spectacular views of the Swiss valleys below. It is easily accessible via a picturesque cable-car ride (31 Swiss francs for a return trip) that lifts off from the town of Jakobsbad (www.kronberg.ch).

Tourists who cannot stomach the strong cheese can peek instead at how local artisans craft the leather belts and suspenders that the farmers wear for the alpine descents.

The best place to do this is in Appenzell. Head over to the leather shop (Kaustrasse 2, tel: +41-71-787-18-42) owned by seventh-generation craftsman Hampi Fassler to get a demonstration on how to fashion various leather pieces. Visitors can try their hand at making their own leather keyrings, complete with a choice of different intricate brass fitting designs to decorate a unique piece to take home.

Picture perfect:
PHOTO: Picture perfect: The town of Appenzell has picturesque buildings dating back to the 16th century.
My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A14, 15, Lifestyle, Journeys

Even if cows are not your thing, a leisurely walk through the lovely town should be enough to make for an enjoyable day out.

The buildings date back to the 16th century, all beautifully hand-painted and decorated with pretty flower-dressed windows.

Pop into local brewery Brauerei Locher AG (Brauereiplatz 1, 9050 Appenzell, www.appenzellerbier.ch, tel: +41-71-788-01-40) - a traditional brewery which has been run by the Locher family since 1886 - to see how the prized Appenzeller beer is made using pure Swiss alpine spring water.

Of course, that means taking a few swigs too. I can vouch that its best-selling product, the Quollfrisch naturtrub (1.8 Swiss francs for a 500ml bottle), is one of the most delicious beers I have ever tasted - it is fruity, fresh and crisp, and would pair well with soft cheeses or a light chicken salad.

For a sweet snack, visit the bakery-cum-cafe at Hotel Adler (Weissbadstrasse 2, 9050 Appenzell, www.adlerhotel.ch, tel: +41-71-787-13-89) to try some biberli, a local delicacy made up of layers of gingerbread filled with marzipan.

Visitors can book ahead with the cafe to arrange for biberli-making demonstrations with their pastry chefs before baking some of their own to take home.

Other yummy eats at the bakery include the birnbrot, a pastry with pear and fig fillings, and the chasflade, a savoury cheese tart baked with anise.

After the extensive walking, head to Hotel Hof Weissbad (Im Park 1, 9057 www.hofweissbad.ch, tel: +41-71-798-80-80) to rest your feet.

The four-star property is located in Weissbad, just 4km (or two train stops away) from the town of Appenzell and is known throughout the country for its spa and health centre that offers everything from acupuncture to relaxation treatments using Swiss herbs.

Prices range from 65 Swiss francs for a 20-minute herbal bath with sea salt to 195 Swiss francs for a 100-minute full-body massage. Hotel lodging fees start from 290 Swiss francs a person a night.

Finish off with a gourmet dinner at the hotel's award-winning restaurant led by chef Kathi Fassler, who was named Chef of the Year by influential French restaurant guide Gault Millau.

She and her team cook using vegetables grown in their garden at the back of the hotel. As one would expect of the region, all of their beef dishes are excellent, whether it is sirloin with asparagus salad or veal fillet drizzled with cheese sauce (mains cost 29 to 48 Swiss francs).

Vegetarians will hate me for saying this, but those Appenzeller cattle farmers sure did well.

By Yip Wai Yee, The Sunday Times, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014
The writer's trip was sponsored by Switzerland Tourism.

The town of Appenzell has picturesque buildings dating back to the 16th century.
PHOTO: Switzerland - Old fountain in a picturesque village of the vineyards of Lavaux
Epesses, Canton de Vaud - Switzerland
Posted by mujepa ( Jean-Paul) on Flickr on August 25, 2009
Pinned by Kara Goodrick on February 2014



Batgirl, The Dark Knightess

Source Website: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Barbara_Gordon_%28Birds_of_Prey%29
Posted by wikia.com

Barbara Gordon (Birds of Prey) - DC Universe
PHOTO: Barbara Gordon (Birds of Prey) - DC Universe
Actress: Dina Meyer, in 'Birds of Prey' - Batgirl unmasked!

Barbara Gordon was one of the partners who was trained by New Gotham's nocturnal vigilante, the Batman. She fought at his side as the guise of Batgirl. The Batman trained her in a wide array of skills and she was easily his equal. Together, Batman, along with his partners fought a variety of colorful rogues. But, the greatest of their enemies was the Joker. Her uncle/adopted father was Commissioner James Gordon, but he never knew about her secret identity.

Batgirl Cosplay
PHOTO: Batgirl Cosplay

In her final mission as Batgirl, she and Batman took on the Joker himself and smashed his organization and cornered him int the old docks. With their help the Police had him in custody. Later that night he escaped, only for a couple hours. The Joker surprised Barbara at home, shooting her through the stomach as she answered her front door. The bullet struck her spinal cord leaving her paralyzed from the waist down.

Barbara Wilson is protrayed by Alicia Silverstone in Batman & Robin. She is the niece of Alfred Pennyworth and secretly the superheroine Batgirl.
PHOTO: Barbara Wilson is protrayed by Alicia Silverstone in Batman & Robin. She is the niece of Alfred Pennyworth and secretly the superheroine Batgirl.

Black Feather Supernova Mask
PHOTO: Black Feather Supernova Mask
2 of our Masks and One naked lady shot beautifully.
Posted by samanthapeach on February 6, 2014

Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne, left New Gotham after Selina Kyle was killed and Barbara was injured. He was apparently distraught over so much tragedy. A few months later Barbara took custody of Bruce's daughter, Helena Kyle. Barbara revealed Helena's family history to her and instilled in her a desire to fight evil. She helped the girl as a mentor teaching her to control her metahuman ability and also trained her to be a metahuman vigilante.

Batgirl, The Dark Knightess
PHOTO: Batgirl, The Dark Knightess
Posted by joshmc, Update on 8 Sept 2007, 22:28

Barbara Gordon works by day as an English teacher at the New Gotham High School while at night she works as the Oracle, a technological vigilante. She works from a secured location hidden within the New Gotham Clock Tower where she controls multiple computer systems coordinating multiple information systems. She works as Helena's eyes and ears, keeping her updated on information relevant to whatever she is working on. Their methods often differ but the results are often the same.

PHOTO: Batgirl
Posted on 25 January 2012, 17:20

Barbara takes in a runaway teenager named Dinah Lance, the daughter of Carolyn Lance who is also the Black Canary. She allows the teen to live with her in the clock tower and agrees to train her in crime fighting skills.

Batgirl (Stephanie Brown)
PHOTO: Batgirl (Stephanie Brown)
Posted by AaronPage, Fan Art / Cartoons & Comics / Digital / Books & Novels, ©2013-2014 AaronPage

Out of the group she is more technologically savvy. She has extensive knowledge of numerous technologies. She also has a descent amount of scientific knowledge as she is able to test cells for specific things, and is able to build things from scratch. One of those things is a device which allows her limited periods of mobility which she used on two different occasions. One time was to confront an old nemisis she thought she had accidentally killed, Lady Shiva. The other time was during the final fight against Harley Quinn.

The role of Barbara Gordon was played by actress Dina Meyer.
Posted by wikia.com

Dina Meyer, Film Actresses (the role of Barbara Gordon)
PHOTO: Body Art Nude - Cosplay a painted Batwoman

Body Art Nude - Cosplay a painted Batwoman
PHOTO: Body Art Nude - Cosplay a painted Batwoman
Just because you're single, there's no reason to be miserable.

Body Art Nude - Cosplay a painted Batwoman
PHOTO: Body Art Nude - Cosplay a painted Batwoman

Catwoman - Strong, beautiful, dangerous
PHOTO: Catwoman - Strong, beautiful, dangerous
Photographer: Ken Nash, Make Up: Sarah Mysynuk, Wardrobe: V.H. Studio Designs
Posted by CindyFay (You), Photography / Conceptual, ©2013-2014 CindyFay


Catwoman on the Prowl
PHOTO: Catwoman on the Prowl
Amazing and sexy, the best Catwoman. Can be the best batgirl with Alicia Silverstone costume, in the movie (Batman and Robin ).
Posted by CindyFay, Photography / Conceptual, ©2013-2014 CindyFay

Save me
PHOTO: Save me
The Joker surprised Barbara at home, shooting her as she answered her front door.
Posted by gsrracer, Photography / People & Portraits / Glamour Portraits, ©2013-2014 gsrracer

Barbara takes in a runaway teenager named Dinah Lance, the daughter of Carolyn Lance who is also the Black Canary.
PHOTO: Barbara takes in a runaway teenager named Dinah Lance, the daughter of Carolyn Lance who is also the Black Canary.
Posted by Steve-Lease (Ariel), Photography / People & Portraits / Pin-up, ©2011-2014 Steve-Lease


爱拼才会赢 (Ài pīn cái huì yíng) - Must fight then can win Parody

By One Minute Channel

爱拼才会赢 (Ài pīn cái huì yíng) - Must fight then can win Parody
From https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=846445882037068&set=vb.378167172198277&type=2&theater

Parody: produce a humorously exaggerated imitation of (a writer, artist, or genre)

SGAG: Win Liao Lor! This Auntie beats any Star Awards winner.
Video credits: One Minute Channel

Cindy Ong: Auntie pro.
Jean Tan Very surprised to see a public service announcement in this format. I think my grandparents who know the song will be interested to find out more.
May 3, 2014 at 11:30pm

Jean Tan: Very surprised to see a public service announcement in this format. I think my grandparents who know the song will be interested to find out more.
May 3 at 11:01pm

Ken Ng: Commercial for the senior citizens. They sure understand Liao with this. Garment going Hokkien.
May 3
, 2014 at 6:49am

Lim Zijia: Actually not bad! Can better bring across the info to elderly.
May 3
, 2014 at 5:13am

For more of your daily dose of Singaporean humor, follow us on 

爱拼才会赢 (Ài pīn cái huì yíng) - Must fight then can win Parody


If you chance upon a bee swarm...

My Paper, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, Page A4, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-04-30
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/if-you-chance-upon-bee-swarm-20140430
By Jalelah Abu Baker and Lee Wan Sim, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014

Swarming (honey bee) - Bee swarm on tree branch
PHOTO: Swarming (honey bee) - Bee swarm on tree branch
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

IT IS bee season now, and bee sightings seem to be creating a buzz almost every day.

Most pass without incident as bees do not attack people unless provoked, experts told My Paper.

But some cases can turn tragic - like that of Mohammad Sallehen Mohd Ali, managing director of a pest control company. He died in November, after being stung more than 100 times while preparing to attend to a beehive on a fallen tree in Sherwood Road. A coroner's inquiry on Monday ruled his death accidental.

Several factors contributed to the tragedy. He and his two colleagues had only one protective suit among them, and the attack came as they were opening the back of the van to equip themselves.

Pest control companies here said that caution should be exercised when tackling beehives.

Carl Baptista, director of Origin Exterminators, said that beyond getting a description of what is happening, staff should park their vehicle a safe distance from the bees if they are swarming.

Staff should park their vehicle a safe distance from the bees if they are swarming.
PHOTO: Staff should park their vehicle a safe distance from the bees if they are swarming.
Picture posted by Sandra on Wednesday, 19 May 2010 at 09:13

Then, they should approach the hive in a head-to-toe bee suit, which would protect them from bee stings should there be a disturbed hive. If the hive has not been disturbed, a bee suit may not be necessary.

In Mr Sallehen's case, they had parked very close to the hive and were unprotected when the attack came.

The court heard that the bees which stung him were giant honey bees; these are one of the more aggressive species among the five main types found here.

But they are less common than the smaller and less dangerous Asian Honey Bee and Black Dwarf Honey Bee, said John Ascher of the National University of Singapore, who specialises in bee research.

Africanized honey bees
PHOTO: Africanized honey bees
Posted on GeoChemBio.com/biology/organisms/Apis mellifera (honey bee)

This species is also usually found high on trees, reducing the chance of accidental contact with people, Assistant Professor Ascher added.

Bees normally attack only when they perceive that their hive has been or is about to be threatened. "For example, if it has been attacked by a predator or if the tree containing the nest has fallen," he said.

PestBusters chairman Thomas Fernandez, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, said: "It is important to get as much information from the caller on where the bees are and what kind of activity he sees."

It is important to get as much information from the caller on where the bees are and what kind of activity he sees.
PHOTO: It is important to get as much information from the caller on where the bees are and what kind of activity he sees.

Companies said they have rigorous in-house training on pests, their identification and their treatment, which goes beyond training by the National Environment Agency.

The four companies which My Paper spoke to also said that they send only experienced staff to handle bee problems.

Experts offered these tips on what to do if you find yourself near agitated bees:

1. Run away as fast as you can.

2. Try not to kill any - not even one - because a dying bee sends a chemical alarm to other bees to defend themselves.

3. Seek refuge indoors, and shut all windows and doors.

4. Do not try to swat them away.

By Jalelah Abu Baker and Lee Wan Sim, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on Apr 30, 2014

Apis mellifera, honey bee
PHOTO: Apis mellifera, honey bee
Posted on GeoChemBio.com/biology/organisms/Apis mellifera (honey bee)


Black Canary, superhero vigilante

Source Website: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Canary 
Posted by wikia.com

Black Canary Shot
PHOTO: Black Canary Shot
Posted by CosplayButterfly, Photography / People & Portraits / Cosplay, ©2013-2014 CosplayButterfly

Black Canary is a superhero vigilante who fights crime using martial arts and a sonic scream attack. She is one of the greatest fighters in the DC Universe, and also a strong tactical mind. Her costume is an attractive black outfit with fishnet stockings and blonde hair, and she is usually seen riding her motorcycle.

Black Canary Kj011

PHOTO: Black Canary Kj011
Posted by RaffaeleMarinetti, Fan Art / Cartoons & Comics / Digital / Other, ©2014 RaffaeleMarinetti

There have been two Canaries to share the legacy. Dinah Drake (Relaunched on 2011 till Present) was the original during World War II and the Golden Age of heroes. Her daughter Dinah Laurel Lance (1985 - 2011) would take the position during the Silver Age when she grew old enough.

Black Canary cosplay
PHOTO: Black Canary cosplay
Posted by malagacomics, Copyright © 2014 malagacomics


Green Arrow fights alongside her most often as they are romantically involved. She has been a member of the Justice Society, the Justice League, Team Arrow and the Birds of Prey.

Black Canary was created by Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino
PHOTO: Black Canary was created by Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino
Picture posted by darkmatterzone (Snowbunny 8), Photography / People & Portraits / Glamour Portraits, ©2011-2014 darkmatterzone


Black Canary was created by Robert Kanigher and Carmine Infantino, first appearing in Flash Comics #86. (1947) Her more recognizable daughter was introduced by Roy Thomas in Justice League of America #220. (1983)

Black Canary - Dinah Drake Lance
PHOTO: Black Canary - Dinah Drake Lance


Alex Kingston will play Dinah Drake Lance, Laurel's mother and Detective Quentin's ex-wife, who returns to Starling City to make amends with her family and find closure in the tragic death of her other daughter. In the final scene of episode 16 Laurel is going to the hospital to be at Tommy’s side. She opens her apartment door and her mother is there. Laurel doesn't want to talk but her mother says she has something important to tell her. It is about Sara, Laurel’s sister who drowned in the shipwreck that killed Oliver’s father and stranded Oliver on the island. Her mother says she thinks Sara is alive.

Sara Lance as the Black Canary
PHOTO: Sara Lance as the Black Canary
Caity Lotz (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood in season 1) as Sara Lance/The Canary in Arrow.
Black Canary was Laurel's sister, the long-thought-dead Sara Lance, now played by Caity Lotz.

Black Canary proper appears in the second season of the show. It is revealed that Sara did not die in the shipwreck, and was rescued and trained in combat by the League of Assassins. Taking the name "Canary," Sara escaped from the League and returned to Starling City, operating as the city's second vigilante after Oliver Queen. She fends of several attempts by the League to kill her in revenge for her desertion.

Sara Lance as the Black Canary
PHOTO:  Black Canary,  the "Canary Cry"— a high powered sonic scream that could shatter objects and incapacitate enemies.
Picture posted by randomality85, Fan Art / Cartoons & Comics / Digital / Other, ©2013-2014 randomality85

Black Canary appears. It is revealed that Sara did not die in the shipwreck, and was rescued and trained in combat by the League of Assassins.
PHOTO: Black Canary appears. It is revealed that Sara did not die in the shipwreck, and was rescued and trained in combat by the League of Assassins.
Picture posted by darkmatterzone 9Snowbunny 5), Photography / People & Portraits / Glamour Portraits, ©2011-2014 darkmatterzone

Taking the name 'Canary,' Sara escaped from the League and returned to Starling City, operating as the city's second vigilante after Oliver Queen.
PHOTO: Taking the name "Canary," Sara escaped from the League and returned to Starling City, operating as the city's second vigilante after Oliver Queen.
Picture posted by lightlanaskywalker (Lady in mask III), Photography / People & Portraits / Expressive, ©2012-2014 lightlanaskywalker
Model: Anastasya


Black Canary fends off several attempts by the League to kill her in revenge for her desertion.
PHOTO: Black Canary fends off several attempts by the League to kill her in revenge for her desertion.
Picture posted by Ange1ica-Stock (Venetian carnival mask), Resources & Stock Images / Stock Images / Model / Female, ©2006-2014 Ange1ica-Stock

Barbara takes in a runaway teenager named Dinah Lance, the daughter of Carolyn Lance who is also the Black Canary.
PHOTO: A runaway teenager named Dinah Lance (1985 - 2011) is the Black Canary.
Posted by Steve-Lease (Ariel), Photography / People & Portraits / Pin-up, ©2011-2014 Steve-Lease


Big python surprises housewife in the loo

My Paper, Friday, May 9, 2014, Page A8, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-09
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/big-python-surprises-housewife-loo-20140509
By Goh Yan Han, The New Paper, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on May 09, 2014

PHOTO: SLITHERY SURPRISE: Madam Noraslinda, 34, was in for a rude shock on May 1, when a 1.8m-long python bit her while she was sitting on her bathroom's toilet bowl. Officers from the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society searched the house, but could not find the snake.
My Paper, Friday, May 9, 2014, Page A8, Top Stories

SHE had just sat down on the toilet bowl when she felt a sharp pain.

She looked down and saw a 1.8m-long python writhing in the toilet bowl, its jaws clamped on the back of her right thigh.

Petrified, Noraslinda Asat, 34, screamed.

Her husband, who had seen the shadow of the snake through the folding plastic door, said it was as thick as one of his forearms.

Mohammad Fitri Kassim, self-employed and also 34, recounted the incident, which happened on the evening of May 1.

His wife was in the bathroom of the master bedroom of their first-storey home at Block 826, Eunosville, in Sims Avenue.

Madam Noraslinda said she had just sat down when she heard a soft, bubbling noise and felt pain. The housewife said: "I looked down and I saw a snake."

 I looked down and I saw a snake.
PHOTO: I looked down and I saw a snake.

She stood up and tried to grab the snake. But its body was so wide, it kept slipping out of her grip.

She said: "So I grabbed the head and pulled it off me. Then I backed out of the toilet and shut the door."

Their four-year-old daughter - Adriana, who had used the toilet five minutes earlier without incident - told Madam Noraslinda: "Mama, your tail was moving."

After the shock, Madam Noraslinda felt weak and drowsy. Mr Fitri called an ambulance, which took her to Changi General Hospital, where she was given an injection and discharged.

Doctors and nurses praised her bravery. They said "most girls would have fainted", according to Mr Fitri.

Describing the snake, Madam Noraslinda said: "It was brown, with patches of dark brown. I could tell it was a python. It was really long, I couldn't even see its tail in the toilet bowl."

Officers from the Animal Concerns Research and Education Society were called by police to capture the snake.

They searched the house but could not find the python, so the officers suspected it had slid back into the toilet bowl, said Mr Fitri.

Madam Noraslinda also called her brother's friend, a pest controller, for help.

He arrived close to midnight and, with Mr Fitri, checked the manhole outside the unit.

"We opened it and the snake's head was there," said Mr Fitri.

"The python looked tired and scared," said the pest controller, who declined to be named.

"I managed to grab part of its tail, but it slipped out of my grip and disappeared into a crack."

Madam Noraslinda's mother, Madam Fatimah Bee, 66, said she, too, had seen a snake in their common toilet. This was two weeks before Madam Noraslinda was bitten.

"I thought I saw a snake's head going back inside the toilet bowl," she said.

Following that sighting, Madam Fatimah poured pots of hot water down the toilet bowl, put the lid down and put bricks on top.

Mr Fitri has also been pouring hot water, sometimes with bleach, into both toilet bowls.

Madam Noraslinda now has a phobia about using either of her home's two toilets.

She is so traumatised that she has been using toilets at petrol kiosks, coffee shops and other public areas.

"I still feel very scared, because the snake has not been caught," she said.

By Goh Yan Han, The New Paper, myp@sph.com.sg, mypaper, Published on May 09, 2014


A tribute to mothers

Source Website: http://www.todayonline.com/voices/tribute-mothers
From Ho Kong Loon, Today, Published: May 9, 7:11 PM

MOM - The Standard Model
PHOTO:  MOM - The Standard Model
This Lord moved in closer for a look and gently lifted the drop of moisture to His finger where it glistened and sparkled in the light. "It's not a leak," He said. "It's a tear."

"A tear?" asked the angel. "What's it for?"

"It's for Joy, Sadness, Disappointment, Compassion, Pain, Loneliness, and Pride."
Posted by Cyber Gram's World

Mother’s Day is on Sunday, and I salute the women who have made a sterling and definitive contribution in nurturing our well-being.

The sumptuous dinners, expensive gifts, overseas trips and warm hugs and kisses are our heartfelt appreciation to mothers, for a commitment carried out passionately, responsibly and lovingly throughout our lives.

Honouring and appreciating our mothers is not a once-a-year celebratory bash. Daily, we must forge and deepen our bond with our mothers, even as work pressures, domestic and financial concerns or related issues contend for our time and focus.

The most meaningful and resonant gift you can give a mother is the gift of sleep
PHOTO: The most meaningful and resonant gift you can give a mother is the gift of sleep
Posted by Bon Appétit (Carla Lalli Music) on May 10, 2013 at 10:30 am

Mums are awesome, enduring with equanimity (calmness and composure) the stresses and trials that bringing up children entail. The inconveniences of pregnancy — morning sickness, weight gain, mood swings, food cravings and anxieties — strengthen their resoluteness and steel them mentally for motherhood.

The nights of sleeplessness following the arrival of their bundle of joy, and unwavering watchfulness over every stage in the growth of their darlings, faze them not.

Mothers are worriers, fussing over their children’s health, academic development and social and emotional growth. Although there might be the occasional resentment and rebelliousness from their young ones, mothers take everything in their stride and soldier on regardless.

Mothers are worriers. The mother's unwavering watchfulness over every stage in the growth of their darlings.
PHOTO: Mothers are worriers. The mother's unwavering watchfulness over every stage in the growth of their darlings.
Posted by DesignTheWild (Staring Blue-Gaze), Photography / Animals, Plants & Nature / Wild Animals, ©2013-2014 DesignTheWild

From the relative calm of childhood to the roller-coaster teenage years and even into adulthood, mums are in the foreground to counsel and shelter or are supervising in the background sometimes.

When mothers reach their sunset years and become frail, ungainly in their movements, slow to speak or even slower to react, and require constant care, we must rightfully step up for them in the best way we know or can.

Mother's Day
PHOTO:  Mother's Day
Mums are awesome, enduring with equanimity (calmness and composure) the stresses and trials that bringing up children entail.
Posted by pichu90, Fan Art / Manga & Anime / Digital / Games, ©2009-2014 pichu90

I thank the three women in my life who have dedicated their adult life to ensuring their children got the best care, abundant and wholesome attention and all-encompassing love. All are mothers: My wife, my 93-year-old mum and my elder daughter-in-law.

All mothers deserve a huge bouquet.
From Ho Kong Loon, Today, Published: May 9, 7:11 PM

Mother’s Day Bouquet
PHOTO: Mother’s Day Bouquet
Picture from Inspired by Stamping.......
Posted on March 25, 2014 by Joanna M



Samba Dancers 2014 - (10) - Copenhagen Carnival

Source Website:
Posted by Anna aka Sweet Stamina Banana, Published 23-May-10, 2010 Events
Posted by Poul Iversen on May 22, 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

Copenhagen Carnival 2010
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Poul Iversen on May 22, 2010

For 3 days Copenhagen is transformed to a massive carnival city with good vibes from all over the world. It’s a festivity where people get to meet each other, learn about different cultures while listening and dancing to Reggae, Samba, Salsa, Soca, afro and electro music.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

DAY 1: The weather is with us, people are sitting in the grass in a huge park in central Copenhagen with beers and caiparinhas deciding what party or workshop to attend next. The whole park is packed with families and kids are running around from one amusement to the other. There’s loud music from the Brazilian tent and musicians walking with their instruments.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

The Latin tent has a workshop taking place right now with Salsa lessons. We’re all chilling in the sun and getting our groove on, and people are laughing and having a good time – this is the Danish “hygge” – what in Trini would be described as a bessss lime in good company.

There are concerts all nights... so what mood are we in? Now every tent has room for only 500 people, so be sure to arrive in good time. Wow, after hours with several drinks and lots of wining here and there, I decided to hit the after party at Club Mambo - the official place to be for the carnival-goers. Everyone salsa danced till the sun came up, then it was time to hit home before the big parade.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010


DAY 2: The official Samba parade. It’s definitely a something to see with the orchestra and dancers from all of the various Samba schools in Copenhagen. Loud drums in the streets, and Brazilian inspired costumes on pretty women walking their yearly parade in the central streets of Copenhagen.

Adam, our Danish friend, who is deeply in love with Trinidad Carnival, has organized the 1st Soca truck going from Christania (the only spot in Denmark where you freely can smoke your pot) to Fælledparken. We of course, got on BAD, and those who didn’t watch and learn the official Danish wine - WITH NO BEHAVIOUR!

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

When the truck reached Fælledparken it was packed with jolly people who had been drinking since noon. Again we listened to Afro/Brazil drum concerts, and enjoyed Samba shows with beautiful costumes and fantastic singers giving us their best. I felt it as I was standing in the crowd ... the warmth ... the vibe ... their passion for what they do!

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

A truly special feeling – the unity, carnival joy, and love for dance and music. Oh carnival, how I love thy!! I ended my night in the Reggae tent with my girls for our last wine, ah sweet, sweet wine.... and a drink of course! ;-)

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

DAY 3: We are still located in Fælledparken, the spot for Carnival. You can smell the curry and spices from the little tents with Thai, Indonesian, African, Danish and Spanish food everywhere.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

Brazilian blocko’s ongoing every hour, in every corner someone is having a little jam session with random professional singers and musicians. The whole day we drink, lime and go to concerts. Yet again, we have a parade with music and samba dancers for 2 hours.... smiles everywhere.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

This Carnival brings all different cultures together, and Danish people love this season. Latinas, Africans and Caribbean people represent well, showing Denmark what carnival is all about. Nobody wants to stop the limin’ ... even though it’s dark, we’re not going home! The music keeps pumping in the big load speakers. The park is filled with good vibes with lots of people wrapped in their blankets with their drinks. Denmark at it’s best!

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

Till next year’s Copenhagen Carnival – Be there!!
-Sweet Stamina Banana

 Copenhagen Carnival Parade – Copenhagen, Denmark

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival Parade – Copenhagen, Denmark
With a giant parade, and seven stages of music in Fælledparken, the Copenhagen Carnival Parade is a colorful, lively event.

Spanning over the course of a weekend, the Copenhagen Carnival includes classic Carnival parades, two children’s parades, the main event carnival parade where hundreds of dancers and musicians create a huge street party, and the final event is a nighttime parade in Fælledparken.

The main parade on Saturday starts at Højbro Plads (Amagertorv) at 10 a.m. and travels through Strøget to Rådhuspladsen, ending at approximately 3 p.m.
Posted by Staff on Jun 11, 2012 in Europe, Festivals

Saturday (May 18, 2013) the Copenhagen Carnival will be in full swing with the traditional parade through the pedestrian area of Strøget and shows at DR Byen. It was actually cancelled due to a lcak of funds but was saved in the eleventh hour.

Sunday most of the inner city will be closed off to traffic because of the Copenhagen Marathon. And the Copenhagen Medieval Market in Valbyparken will be on for the whole weekend with market stalls, tournaments and shows. For anyone keen on a bit of photography the weekend is heaven on earth. If the weather permit, that is.

Participant at carnival parade copenhagen in may 2013
PHOTO: Participant at carnival parade copenhagen in may 2013
COPENHAGEN - MAY 18: A woman participant at the annual Copenhagen Carnival parade of fantastic costumes, samba dancing and Latin styles on May 18, 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Posted by Ricardo Esplana Babor on Dreamstime, April 2014

Asakusa Samba Carnival 2012
PHOTO: Asakusa Samba Carnival 2012
Posted by  blue2342_2nd, taken on August 25, 2012


31st Asakusa Samba Carnival (2012) 第31回浅草サンバカーニバル
PHOTO: 31st Asakusa Samba Carnival (2012) 第31回浅草サンバカーニバル
Posted by Daniel Shi, taken on August 25, 2012, at Asakusa 1 Chome, Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture, JP, with Nikon D3200

Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013 - As usual sexiness and oddity prevail
PHOTO: Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013 - As usual sexiness and oddity prevail.
Posted by JIMERU, taken on August 31, 2013, with Nikon D800

Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
Tokyo, Japan – Teams of elaborately attired dancers shake their tail feathers to the beat of Samba, parading down the streets of Tokyo’s downtown Asakusa during an annual carnival on Saturday, August 31, 2013.

About 4,700 dancers in 19 teams performed under the scorching sun in the main street of Asakusa, Japan’s most famous tourists’ spot, before tens of thousands of spectators in the Asakusa Samba Carnival, the biggest of its kind in the country.
Posted by JIMERU, taken on August 31, 2013, with Nikon D800


Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
G.R.E.S.Uniao Dos Amadores (ウニアン ドス アマドーリス
Posted by blue2342_2nd, taken on August 31, 2013

Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Asakusa Samba Carnival 2013
G.R.E.S.Uniao Dos Amadores (ウニアン ドス アマドーリス
Posted by blue2342_2nd, taken on August 31, 2013


Samba Dancers 2014 - (11) - Copenhagen Carnival

Source Website:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copenhagen_Carnival - (Texts)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

http://www.flickr.com/photos/hibeach/13484721033/in/photostream/ - (Picture)
Posted by John on May 18, 2013

http://www.flickr.com/photos/runegb/4661444734/in/photostream/ - (Picture)
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

http://www.flickr.com/photos/35865184@N07/7256279500 - (Picture)
Posted by  blue2342_2nd on May 22, 2010

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

Copenhagen Carnival is an annual carnival event taking place in Fælledparken and on the streets of Copenhagen, Denmark for three days (Friday-Sunday) during the Whitsun Holiday.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010

Over the years it has developed into the largest Danish festival for World music with 120 bands, 2000 dancers and more than 100,000 spectators participating.

Copenhagen Carnival 2009
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2009
Posted by Jens Gyldenkærne Clausen on May 31, 2009

The first carnival in Copenhagen was arranged in 1982 by the "Carnival in May" association and attracted 500 dancers and 60,000 spectators.

Copenhagen Carnival 2009
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2009
Posted by Jan Lykke on May 30, 2009

The main venue of the carnival is Fælledparken with eight stages dedicated to various music genre. Apart from traditional samba and steelpan music, a number of other music styles are represented. The festival's main focus is world music but it also features an "electronic carnival" programme at the electronics stage.

Copenhagen Carnival 2009
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2009
Posted by Jens Gyldenkærne Clausen on May 31, 2009


The main Copenhagen Carnival Parade takes place on Saturday, moving from Kongens Nytorv to The City Hall Square along the pedestrian street Strøget. The day after, the parade is repeated in Fælledparken, leading up to the final evening of celebrations.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

There is a special programme for children and young people with various workshops, performances and a separate parade. It originally took place in Rosenborg Castle Garden but has been moved to Fælledparken.

Copenhagen Carnival 2010
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

For 31 years the carnival celebration has been a cultural festival for the people of Copenhagen. This year (2013) the organisers have been forced to rethink the idea and change the location and duration due to problems with funding.

Copenhagen Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2013
Outside the Copenhagen Courthouse. Two dancing girls on a parade wagon moving slowly through the crowds in central Copenhagen. Both girls are with carnival bodypaint.
Posted by John on May 18, 2013

The Carnival in Copenhagen is traditionally at Pentecost. This year it was cut down to 1 day, but the organisers where lucky to have one of the first warm summerdays in Denmark.

Copenhagen Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2013
Outside the Copenhagen Courthouse. Lightly dressed participants dancing on a high vehicle moving down the streets in Copenhagen.
Posted by John on May 18, 2013

Young girl with feathers at the main street parade through "Strøget" in Copenhagen.

In 1985 the samba school Mocidade paraded to the Carnival in Rio with their samba enredo ZIRIGUIDUM. For the Copenhagen Carnival 2014 the samba school Carioca provides this classic new life.

Copenhagen Carnival 2013
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2013
Outside the Copenhagen Courthouse. Girl dancing samba on a wagon for the last group at the carnival parade.
Posted by John on May 18, 2013

Copenhagen Carnival 2014 - When the 33th Carnival begins at Pentecost (6 to 8 of June) Carioca will go parade on one of the main shopping streets called Købmagergade in the center and on the area around DGI Byen. Parties are creatd in the street where everyone can participate, as a spectator, helper or participant.

Copenhagen Carnival, Cph #7
PHOTO: Carnaval de Loulé
Posted by Luís Lopes Silva fotografia on February 21, 2012


Samba Dancers 2014 - (12) - Copenhagen Carnival

Source Website:
http://cphpost.dk/news/the-show-cannot-go-on-carnival-calls-it-quits.3607.html - (Texts)
Posted by PS on December 4, 2012, 13:50 (Justworks, The Copenhagen Post)

http://www.flickr.com/photos/runegb/4660899435/in/photostream/ - (Picture)
Posted by  Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjerring/5825522675/in/pool-copenhagencarnival/  - (Picture)
Posted by Peder Bjerring on May 26, 2012

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bjerring/7279245696/in/pool-copenhagencarnival/  - (Picture)
Posted by  Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Copenhagen Carnival 2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This year's Copenhagen Carnival turned out to be the last after the organisers decided there wasn't enough money to put on next year's event (2013).
Posted by Poul Iversen on May 26, 2012

The show cannot go on: Carnival calls it quits
A 30-year tradition ended this year after the popular Copenhagen Carnival announced it would not return next spring (2013) due to a lack of public financing.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Copenhagen Carnival has been a regular part of the Copenhagen cityscape every Whitsun since 1982.
Posted by Peder Bjerring on May 26, 2012

Organisers of the Copenhagen Carnival announced today that this year's carnival was the last after the City Council slashed funding by more than half.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

With the amount the city gives being cut from 500,000 kroner last year to 202,000 kroner this year, Copenhagen Carnival director Morten Sørensen said the annual event, which has been held over the Whitsun weekend since 1982, had become too expensive to put on and would not return in 2013.

Copenhagen Carnival 26.5.2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This photo was taken on May 26, 2012 using a Canon EOS 7D, by T_28.

Running such a large event is costly and we have had to concede that the council support of 202,000 kroner we have been granted for next year’s Carnival was insufficient to cover the millions of kroner it costs to responsibly run such a large event,” Sørensen said in a press release.

Copenhagen Carnival 26.5.2012
PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
This photo was taken on May 26, 2012 using a Canon EOS 7D, by T_28.

He added that he was disappointed by the lack of funding granted by the City Council for the event, given the amounts it hands out to other events in the city.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

We can see that our direct competitors receive much more support than we do, even though many are smaller than us and clearly have difficulty with holding large events. It’s sad that the city’s politicians aren’t more positive about this inclusive international cultural festival, a tradition that now has to end.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by Thomas Rousing on May 26, 2012

Copenhagen Carnival has struggled with its costs for several years, and in 2011 the foundation supporting declared bankruptcy.

Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2012
Posted by James Hjertholm on May 26, 2012

 Copenhagen Carnival 2012

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

In order to raise money and mitigate against the thievery that plagued the events in 2010 and 2011, this year’s carnival was the first time visitors had to pay admission to attend Carnival events in Fælledparken.

Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Copenhagen Carnival is Copenhagen's largest festival of world music. The carnival has been a regular part of the Copenhagen cityscape every Whitsun since 1982.
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

Copenhagen Carnival attracts an estimated 220,000 people every year. Most of its 4.09 million kroner budget is found through donations and sponsorships.

Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011 - Hypnotic spirals
Posted by Thomas Rousing on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Jeanne Andersen on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2011

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2011
Posted by Peder Bjerring on June 11, 2011

 Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

 Copenhagen Carnival 2010

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2010
Posted by Rune Bærtelsen on May 22, 2010

 Copenhagen Carnival 2009

PHOTO: Copenhagen Carnival 2009
Posted by Jan Lykke on May 30, 2009

 Sancha Latin Festival

PHOTO: Sancha Latin Festival
Posted by  blue2342_2nd on August 19, 2012

 Sancha Latin Festival

PHOTO: Sancha Latin Festival
Posted by  blue2342_2nd on August 19, 2012

 Yokohama Parade 2014
Yokohama Parade 2014
Yokohama Parade 2014

PHOTO: Yokohama Parade 2014
Posted by blue2342_2nd on May 3, 2014


Samba dancer
Samba dancer PHOTO: Samba dancer (Resolution: 3456 x 5184)
This photo was taken on November 3, 2012 using a Canon EOS Kiss X4, by tanakawho.
Posted by  tanakawho on November 3, 2012



More than 1,000 performers, including five samba schools, drew big crowds to the annual Helsinki Samba Carnaval in June 2011.

 XVII Helsinki Samba Carnaval

PHOTO: XVII Helsinki Samba Carnaval
This photo was taken on June 9, 2007 in Erotta-Jankatu, Helsinki, Southern Finland, FI, using a Canon EOS 20D, by ollipitkanen (Olli Pitknen).

How to reassure Ah Pek on the Pioneer Package

My Paper, Thursday, May 22, 2014, Page A10, News, Opinion
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-22
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/opinion/how-reassure-ah-pek-pioneer-package-20140522
By Jeremy Lim, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 22, 2014

PHOTO: SHOW AND TELL: This show in Hougang last month used English, Mandarin and dialects to explain details of the Pioneer Generation Package. While communicating the benefits is vital, perhaps the challenge lies in the complexity of the design.
My Paper, Thursday, May 22, 2014, Page A10, News, Opinion

AMID the euphoria of the Pioneer Generation Package (PGP) announcements, it is hard to be a wet blanket. In fact, it seems almost churlish to question the package of medical subsidies the Government has committed to giving the "pioneer generation", or those aged 65 and above.

But before the headlong rush into implementing the package, it would be timely to step back and ask whether there are aspects that can be done differently.

I do not doubt the Government's sincerity and commitment. At the same time, one cannot help but wonder whether the package will fully achieve its twin objectives of providing our pioneers with not only lifelong medical care but also financial peace of mind.

For the PGP, simplicity is vital. The scheme targets citizens who are educationally, linguistically and socially diverse. Policymakers have to deliver messages simple enough to be understood and yet powerful enough to resonate.

If one does not understand, it is difficult to feel reassured.

A recent survey highlighted that seven in 10 Singaporeans had heard of the PGP but more than half admitted they did not know or understand the benefits. The statistics involving the target group - the pioneers - I suspect, would be even more modest.

It is striking that in rolling out the PGP, the Government has found it necessary to establish a task force, helmed by two ministers, which has prioritised communicating the benefits to the intended recipients.

The co-chairman of the task force, Senior Minister of State for Health Amy Khor, described last month plans to train 1,000 front-line staff and said that the Government would be "running through with them the various questions and concerns that Singaporeans may have regarding health-care subsidies and also to help them address some of these questions and concerns to provide reassurance to patients".

Perhaps the challenge really lies in the complexity of the design. From a policy perspective, the PGP sits on top of the existing 3M (Medisave, MediShield, Medifund), Chas (Community Health Assist Scheme) and CDMP (Chronic Disease Management Programme) schemes, which, arguably, most Singaporeans do not fully understand anyway.

Under the proposed system, there are multiple tiers of subsidy, depending on whether the presenting disease is deemed "simple" or "complex", whether the disease is included in the CDMP, and so on.

The contrast with many countries with universal health coverage is stark. The message should be simple: At the point you need health care, concentrate on getting well; don't worry about money.

In many schemes globally, no co-payments are required, or if there are, these are in the form of fixed amounts with annual limits. In Singapore, the individual's co-payment can soar, while the Government's share (subsidy amount) is capped.

Australia announced in its Budget last week that the government would impose a A$7 (S$8.10) co-payment for each visit to the general practitioner, up to a total of A$70 a year for concessional patients.

No caveats depending on type of disease, no exclusions depending on housing type or income. Just a simple A$7 figure to understand and remember.

This brings me to the second point. It is better to frame the scheme to be viewed through the lens of the pioneer and not the policymaker.

While $9 billion is an admirable commitment to the health- care needs of the pioneer generation, the pioneer would much rather know what he needs to pay individually rather than the amount the Government subsidises.

Imagine the thoughts running through the mind of a pioneer: "Yes, it is good to know there is a $28.50 per visit subsidy for a common illness like a cough or cold, but how much do I need to pay? Nothing? $10? $20? More?"

The Government's concerns over unanticipated costs and the instinct to safeguard public coffers are understandable and perhaps even natural.

But to the Singaporean living on $1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by $50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is $2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the $9 billion allocated.

Perhaps the risk of getting the numbers wrong is a yoke easier borne by the Government's accountants than by elderly Singaporeans.

The PGP is the cornerstone of the Government's 2014 Budget. The Government has correctly read the minds of the pioneer generation that fears around health care weigh heavily.

The political will is there to make a difference; Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has declared to the pioneer generation that he and his Government will "make medical care always affordable for you".

Let's design the PGP such that every Singaporean in the pioneer generation can easily understand and use it, safe and secure in the comforting reassurance of a nation's gratitude.

By Jeremy Lim, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 22, 2014
The writer is a partner in the global consulting firm Oliver Wyman. This article first appeared in The Straits Times.

 To the Singaporean living on $1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by $50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is $2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the $9 billion allocated.

PHOTO: Simplicity is vital. To the Singaporean living on $1,000 a month, a mis-estimation of the medical bill by $50 is 5 per cent of all he has; to the Government, the same mis-estimation occurring for even 10 per cent of our pioneers is $2.25 million, or barely a quarter of a per cent of the $9 billion allocated.

Perhaps the risk of getting the numbers wrong is a yoke easier borne by the Government's accountants than by elderly Singaporeans.

It is better to frame the scheme to be viewed through the lens of the pioneer and not the policymaker.
PHOTO: THE STRAITS TIMES, Published on May 14, 2014

Learn English the fun way - with Kumar

My Paper, Thursday, May 29, 2014, Page A8, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/learn-english-fun-way-kumar-20140529
By Lim Yi Han, limyihan@sph.com.sg, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 29, 2014

Kumar Goes Back To School
PHOTO: Kumar Goes Back To School

DO YOU say 50-over dollars, or over 50 dollars?

This is something that Singaporeans often trip up on.

To help them speak with precision and accuracy, the Speak Good English Movement is focusing on grammar rules this year.

And it will be fun.

The campaign, which was launched yesterday, will use a series of six light-hearted videos featuring local comedian Kumar to teach grammar rules for spoken and written English.

The videos will be posted weekly on the Speak Good English Movement's Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Notebooks with grammar rules pertaining to tenses and countable and uncountable nouns, among others, will also be made available to schools and others who are interested.

This is the first time that grammar is taking centre stage since the movement was launched in 2000 to encourage Singaporeans to speak a form of English that is grammatically correct and universally understood.

Goh Eck Kheng, chairman of the Speak Good English Movement, said: "Singaporeans are particularly weak in tenses, subject-verb agreement and prepositions. We also use the syntax of other languages for English."

Mr Goh urged Singaporeans to "consciously" speak standard English.

"We tend to code-switch when we think that someone can't speak good English. But if you continue to do that, then the people who are weaker in English will never learn what good English is," he noted.

"If you feel that the person you're speaking to is not very strong in English, be aware of that, be sensitive and use simple vocabulary and speak simple English."

Adrian Tan, a committee member of the Speak Good English Movement, noted that grammar could be an issue for some Asians, as their mother tongue might not have the same syntax.

Mr Tan, who is also the director of law firm Stamford Law, said: "If you look at the Chinese language, there is no concept of past tense or subject-verb agreement. When it comes to English, the syntax is completely different. Being brought up in a society which is multilingual, people mix up the concepts."

Using light-hearted videos is a good way to help others learn English as Singaporeans respond well to humour, he added.

Patrick Sum, a General Paper teacher at Anglo-Chinese Junior College, said: "We should have standards, but I think that if you try to force these standards on young people who are struggling with the language, it's going to backfire. It's going to make them even more tense and nervous about their mistakes."

The 39-year-old won an award last year for being an inspiring teacher of English.

Sng Xu Yun, 14, a student of St Hilda's Secondary School, said: "At school, teachers usually give us worksheets and go through them with us. I think it's definitely more fun to learn grammar through watching videos, especially when the videos are humorous."

And, by the way, the answer is "over 50 dollars", with "over" meaning "more than".

By Lim Yi Han, limyihan@sph.com.sg, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on May 29, 2014

Laugh Till You Drop with Kumar
PHOTO: Laugh Till You Drop with Kumar


Aussie daily prints photo of Kate's bum

My Paper, Thursday, May 29, 2014, Page A14, Lifestyle
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-05-29
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/lifestyle/aussie-daily-prints-photo-kates-bum-20140529
By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Agencies, Published on May 29, 2014

WINDY HAZARD: Kate struggled to cope with the wind with one hand while holding Prince George in her arm when she arrived in New Zealand.
PHOTO: WINDY HAZARD: Kate struggled to cope with the wind with one hand while holding Prince George in her arm when she arrived in New Zealand.
Kate Middleton's bare bottom photos: Do royal wardrobe malfunctions matter?

"She's got a gorgeous body, and if I had a rear end like hers, I would pray for wind," Kathie Lee Gifford said Thursday. "Just let it fly, baby, and show the world what you got, 'cause she's gorgeous." PHOTO: REUTERS


ONE of Rupert Murdoch's Australian newspapers yesterday published a picture showing the bare bottom of Prince William's wife Kate (Kate Middleton), refusing to follow a "ridiculous" ban imposed by the British media.

The image was taken during the royal couple's hugely successful tour of Australia last month when they showed off their infant son George, and was run in the Sydney Daily Telegraph a day after it appeared in German tabloid Bild.

Bild ran the photograph alongside pictures of US reality-television star Kim Kardashian and her sister Khloe, with the caption: "Khloe, Kim and Kate - backsides which have moved us these past few days".

It shows the Duchess of Cambridge's summer dress lifted by a gust of wind when the royal couple got out of a helicopter in the Blue Mountains, 80km west of Sydney.

This is not the first Marilyn-Monroe wardrobe malfunction the duchess has suffered, leading to suggestions that she should weigh down her hem with lead weights - something the queen does.

On the same tour, she struggled to tame her red skirt with one hand while holding Prince George in her other arm, as she arrived in windy New Zealand.

Australian paper shows Kate Middleton's bare bottom, sparks debate
PHOTO: Australian paper shows Kate Middleton's bare bottom, sparks debate
Posted by AFP Sydney on May 28, 2014, First Published: 15:29 IST(28/5/2014) | Last Updated: 15:42 IST(28/5/2014)
See more at:http://www.hindustantimes.com/entertainment/tabloid/australian-paper-shows-kate-middleton-s-bare-bottom-sparks-debate/article1-1223711.aspx#sthash.Vx6iQEV0.dpuf



The Daily Telegraph said British newspapers had refused to run the photo out of respect to the royals, but in a comment piece said this was "an antiquated code of etiquette"(outdated customary code of polite behaviour).

"It seems a bit ridiculous to expect the rest of the world's media to follow suit, particularly in a world in which flesh and commercialism go hand in hand," said Telegraph social writer Annette Sharp.

"If the Duchess can't be bothered protecting herself by having hem weights sewn into her garments, why should the media protect her?"

Diane Morel, a Blue Mountains local, took the photo and almost deleted it before realising what she had captured.

"It wasn't until I got home and I popped my camera card into the computer that I realised what I had captured," the 47-year-old told the newspaper, vowing to donate any money raised from the photo's sale to a bushfire relief fund.

During their tour, the royal couple met survivors and toured the scene of devastating Australian bushfires last year that destroyed more than 200 homes.

In 2012, French magazine Closer provoked outrage among the royals and sections of the British press when it published paparazzi photos of a topless Kate.

By mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Agencies, Published on May 29, 2014

Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, tour the Cloud Forest at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay on Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012 in Singapore during their official three day visit.
PHOTO: Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, tour the Cloud Forest at Singapore's Gardens by the Bay on Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012 in Singapore during their official three day visit.
Posted  By The Associated Press on September 14, 2012 at 8:57 AM
Photo by Wong Maye-E, Pool / AP Photo



Hilarious road safety signs spotted on Indian highway




Leh-Manali highway is a mountainous route in Northern India, and though scenic, can be considered difficult to navigate by many drivers.

Ingenious signs on the highway feature witty puns to caution drivers about road safety, and possibly to make them slow down to have a good laugh.

One of the signs says "Be gentle on my curves" while another reads "Impatient on road, patient in hospital".

Others caution drivers against drink driving and speeding.

By Stomp | Sunday, Jun 1, 2014, Internet | Saturday, May 31, 2014
Accidents are prohibited on this road
PHOTO: Peep peep, don't sleep


Surprise gesture brings smiles

My Paper, Monday, June 02, 2014, Page A5, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-06-02
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/surprise-gesture-brings-smiles-20140602
By Jacqueline Woo, mypaper, tsjwoo@sph.com.sg, Published on Jun 02, 2014

NICE TOUCH: Colourful Post-it notes were pasted over mailboxes at Ms Lo's HDB block in Woodlands Avenue 6, each with a handwritten message that thanked the residents for being good neighbours.
PHOTO: NICE TOUCH: Colourful Post-it notes were pasted over mailboxes at Ms Lo's HDB block in Woodlands Avenue 6, each with a handwritten message that thanked the residents for being good neighbours.
My Paper, Monday, June 02, 2014, Page A5, News, Top Stories

WHEN 33-year-old Vero Lo went for a morning stroll with her two-year-old son yesterday morning, she was in for a pleasant surprise.

Colourful Post-it notes were pasted over the mailboxes at her Housing Board block in Woodlands Avenue 6, each with a handwritten message that thanked the residents for being good neighbours.

One of them read: "Thank you for being a kind neighbour."

The notes were signed off only with a hashtag, #LoveOthers14.

Some mail slots were stuffed with gummy bear packets.

"Never before have I experienced such a gesture, so I was a bit wary at first," said the information technology engineer.

But she changed her mind after reading the thoughtful messages. "It made my day," she said.

Ms Lo was not the only one who was taken by surprise.

On Friday, similar handwritten notes attached to cookie packets were left on the windscreens of at least 50 parked cars in Compassvale Lane, near Block 205D, according to a report on citizen journalism website Stomp.

These "surprises" have also made their way into other residential areas, such as an HDB block in Elias Road, and educational institutions.

These were Serangoon Junior College, Nanyang Junior College, Singapore Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic.

The gifts appear to have been given out by members of Heart of God Church, going by an online search.

Speaking to My Paper yesterday, Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC Teo Ser Luck commended the movement for "promoting neighbourliness".

"It's a fun way of putting a smile on someone's face amid the hustle (push roughly) and bustle (move in an energetic and busy manner) of living these days," he said.

Zainal Sapari, a member of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Social and Family Development, said that such initiatives go a long way in building "a more gracious society".

"Such gestures should definitely be welcomed, if what is being advocated (
supported) are universal values," he said.

But the Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC MP said that the organisation in charge should seek permission from schools before carrying out such campaigns there, so as to "avoid misunderstandings", as the campaigns may carry religious connotations.

By Jacqueline Woo, mypaper, tsjwoo@sph.com.sg, Published on Jun 02, 2014


Nature reserve to close for 6 months

My Paper, Tuesday, June 3, 2014, Page A6, Top Stories 
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-06-03
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/nature-reserve-close-6-months-20140603
By Audrey Tan, The Straits Times, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Jun 03, 2014

WORKS SOON: An eroded section of a trail in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve which will be restored.PHOTO: WORKS SOON: An eroded section of a trail in Bukit Timah Nature Reserve which will be restored.
My Paper, Tuesday, June 3, 2014, Page A6, Top Stories

SINGAPORE'S most loved rainforest will, for the first time, be getting a much-needed reprieve (relieve temporarily) from the hordes (large group) of people who traipse (trek, walk or move wearily or reluctantly) through it each day.

Come Sept 15, 2014, the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve will close its doors to the public for six months.

This is the first phase of a two-year plan to repair the 22-year-old reserve, which is showing signs of damage in some areas.

Exposed tree roots, gullies pictured in currrent trails' conditions. Photo: NParks
PHOTO: Exposed tree roots, gullies pictured in currrent trails' conditions. Photo: NParks
Posted by Louisa Tang Qianrou, Published: June 2, 2:54 PM (Todays)

After this, nature enthusiasts can venture into the reserve, but access will be limited for the next 18 months or so.

It will be open only on weekends, and people will be allowed only on the Main Road stretching from the visitor centre to the summit of Bukit Timah Hill.

The National Parks Board (NParks) announced these plans yesterday, adding that the arrangements were made for the safety of visitors during ongoing works. The phased approach was also taken to "minimise inconvenience to visitors", it said.

Works are expected to be completed by the end of 2016.

The 163ha nature reserve, home to more than 40 per cent of Singapore's native flora and fauna, is one of Singapore's most popular nature spots, with over 400,000 visitors last year.

"We seek the understanding of the public for the need to limit access... so extensive enhancements can be carried out to stabilise slopes, repair trails, upgrade the visitor centre and restore the forest environment," said Dr Leong Chee Chiew, commissioner of parks and recreation and deputy chief executive of NParks.

Repair and restoration works at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve will take place from mid-September this year to end of 2016.
PHOTO: Repair and restoration works at the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve will take place from mid-September this year to end of 2016.
Photo: NParks
Posted by Louisa Tang Qianrou, Published: June 2, 2:54 PM (Todays)


The restoration comes after about five years of observations and discussions with external consultants, NParks said, and will be done in three main areas:

Three stretches of weakened slopes bordering pathways will be stabilised to prevent landslides. This will be done by piling concrete or wooden beams into the pathway. The beams form a wall that prevents soil movement.

NParks will upgrade amenities such as an exhibition hall for outreach and educational activities. More washroom facilities will also be built.

Artist's impression of the new toilet block
PHOTO: Artist's impression of the new toilet block
Photo: NParks
Posted by Louisa Tang Qianrou, Published: June 2, 2:54 P (Todays)


About 4.5km of trails damaged by constant visitor footfall will be restored. A 1.3km stretch of this will also be replaced by boardwalks - elevated platforms that prevent visitors from trampling on forest litter and top soil.

Dr Shawn Lum, president of the Nature Society (Singapore), a group that NParks consulted, said that the proposed works would not only improve public safety, but would also boost the forest ecosystem's long-term health.

By Audrey Tan, The Straits Times, mypaper, myp@sph.com.sg, Published on Jun 03, 2014

Bukit Timah Nature Reserve - South View Challenge


You've heard Malaysian Chabor sing -- now listen to S'pore Dapor's love confession for her

PHOTO: Joyce Chu in her video "Malaysian Chabor" (right), and a screenshot from Singaporean Dapor's parody (left).

With more than 2 million views on Youtube, Joyce Chu has taken the hearts of netizens with her hit song "Malaysia Chabor" -- and apparently also the heart of a "Singaporean Dapor".

YouTuber Joyce Chu, 17, from Johor Bahru, Malaysia, sang the song with real-life experiences about being mistaken for a Korean.

Joyce Chu, 四葉草 (Sì yè cǎo) - 'Malaysian Chabor'
PHOTO: Joyce Chu,四葉草 (Sì yè cǎo) - 'Malaysian Chabor'
PHOTO: Joyce Chu,四葉草 (Sì yè cǎo) - 'Malaysian Chabor'
Posted by Stomp on 04 June 2014

With ingenious elements of Korean and chords similar to her original video, he sings in his:

"I look at your Facebook and Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter) everyday

"I want to ask you when are you coming to Singapore?

"I can bring you out for shopping and 'keropok' (crackers)"

However the shy admirer ends the song singing, "I can't tell you my name".

Watch his lovestruck rendition in the video below.
Posted by Stomp on 04 June 2014  |  84,342 views  |  21 comments

(COVER) MALAYSIA CHABOR by Joyce Chu四葉草@Red Peo
Posted by Gary Chun, Published on Jun 1, 2014
Singapore Dar Por =)

MALAYSIA CHABOR by Joyce Chu四葉草@Red People
Posted by Joyce Chu, REDPEOPLE, Published on May 23, 2014

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79uuj5hXsOg

Malaysia Chabor Joyce Chu Speaks + ukulele tutorial

Posted by Joyce Chu, Published on May 30, 2014

From: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWfndGLxtFo


She's not turning red over Taylor Swift prize

My Paper, Monday, June 10, 2014, Page A6, News, Top Stories
From http://epaper.mypaper.sg/emnd/fvxen/fvxp/fvxpress.php?param=2014-06-10
Source Website: http://mypaper.sg/top-stories/shes-not-turning-red-over-taylor-swift-prize-20140610
By mypaper, The New Paper, Published on Jun 10, 2014

LUCKY COLOUR: Madam Yeo's red bra won her a Taylor Swift goodie bag during the singer's fan event on Sunday.
PHOTO: LUCKY COLOUR: Madam Yeo's red bra won her a Taylor Swift goodie bag during the singer's fan event on Sunday.

HER bra saved the day on Sunday afternoon. Yes, Maisie Yeo needed a red clothing item to win a Taylor Swift goodie bag and the only thing that fit the bill was her sports bra.

The housewife, 42, had walked past Bugis Square at Bugis Junction, when 987 FM DJs Joakim Gomez and Sonia Chew called for a Swift fan clad in red to win a goodie bag.

The hosts had jokingly asked for fans wearing red underwear.

Taylor Swift during the UK leg of her 2014 tour
Taylor Swift during the UK leg of her 2014 tour
PHOTO: Taylor Swift during the UK leg of her 2014 tour
Taylor Swift pulls the best popstar poses, like, ever.
All good popstars need to be able to use their stage costumes to their fullest potential. If Taylor Swift has an over-sized train on the back of her dress, she damn well stands there and makes the whole arena stop and notice. With elegance, of course.
Posted By Lewis Corner on Tuesday, Feb 4 2014, 10:14 GMT


Madam Yeo's friend immediately started pointing at her, and she was picked to go on stage.

The mother of two daughters, Natalie, 14, and Fernanda, 11, knew it would make her elder daughter happy if she bagged a prize at the Taylor Swift Day fan event organised by Universal Music Singapore.

But first she needed to answer a question. What is Swift's favourite TV show? Madam Yeo got on her mobile phone and called Natalie for help.

Madam Yeo got on her mobile phone and called her daughter, Natalie for help.
PHOTO: Madam Yeo got on her mobile phone and called her daughter, Natalie for help.
My Paper, Monday, June 10, 2014, Page A6, News, Top Stories

Her daughter told her that the answer was "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation".

Madam Yeo walked away with a bag containing a Taylor Swift T-shirt, an iPad cover and a sound amplifier.

When asked if she was embarrassed that her bra won her the prize, she said: "I didn't think anything of it, I just wanted to join in because the atmosphere was fun and my daughters are Swift fans."
By mypaper, The New Paper, Published on Jun 10, 2014
PHOTO: Taylor Swift 'I Knew You Were Trouble' I BRITs 2013 I OFFICIAL - HD
Published by BRITAwards on Feb 22, 2013

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